Gladiator Beast War Chariot
[Counter Trap Card]
Activate only if you control a "Gladiator Beast"
monster. Negate the activation of an Effect
Monster's effect, and destroy it
Card Ratings
Traditional: 3.00
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.
3 is average.
5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 10.22.08
Gladiator Beast War Chariot is an incredibly simple
Super Rare Trap Card that has gotten a lot of hype
lately, and rightly so. This will be short, because
there isn't much to say. It's a Counter Trap that
negates the effect of an effect monster for NO cost.
You have to control a Gladiator Beast monster, but
you probably do anyway.
Traditional: 3/5 Good protection, but better options
Advanced: 5/5 You play Gladiator Beasts, you play
this. It's that
Art: 4/5
General Zorpa
Gladiator Beast War
If my reviews so far this week have depressed you,
welcome to the ray of shining hope that is today's
review. Gladiator Beast War Chariot is broken. There
I said it. It feels good now. Negating and
destroying monsters is a good thing, and all you
have to do to activate it is have a Gladiator on the
field? In a Gladiator Beast deck that is easier than
having a CCV target.
The fact that it is a counter trap that will really
only get stopped by Solemn Judgment is amazing. You
can also negate 90% of what would kill itself
anyway. So your Judgment Dragon, Celestia, Stardust
Dragon, D.D. Crow, Honest, Dark Armed Dragon and
such are completely useless. Now this is what I call
a good card. Oh and did I mention that it is
reusable and abusable with a certain winged centaur
named Equeste that everyone should be drooling over?
I didn't? Oh, well Gladiator Beast Equeste can get
it back with it's effect. BOMBBZORZZ!
Anyway the card is useless outside of Gladiator
Beasts and I think is one of the best themed support
that we have ever gotten. Seriously, Dark Grepher
was a toy compared to this beast of a trap card. It
just kills opposing decks, so you WILL use this in
Gladiator Beasts or you WILL lose far more often.
Jeff Lang
Gladiator Beast War Chariot
[Counter Trap Card]
Activate only if you control a "Gladiator Beast"
monster. Negate the
activation of an Effect Monster's effect, and
destroy it
Super Rare
Today’s card up for review is Gladiator Beast
War Chariot. This card is obviously a must for the
deck type. So instead of having to pitch a card for
divine wrath, why not have a Glad on the field and
do the same thing? The list is so long on what all
this card stops and devastates. I see no reason not
to use at least three of this card if you are a
Gladiator Beast player. Remember how dominating the
deck was before all of this tele-dad crap? I
honestly believe this card is the big piece to help
Glads compete
Trad: 5/5
Adv: 5/5
GB war chariot isn't
all that great. Yes, it stops DAD and almost
everything else in the game but...okay I take that
back. This is pretty ok for GB seeing as almost
every monster nowadays is effect, it has a pretty
good chance of getting set off. Very nice.
3.75/5 all.
Mr. Random
Gladiator Beast War Chariot
[Counter Trap Card]
Activate only if you control a "Gladiator Beast"
monster. Negate the
activation of an Effect Monster's effect, and
destroy it
Super Rare
Gladiator Beasts get their card that negates effects
now. Just as long as you have one Gladiator Beast on
the field, any monster effect can be negated. No
discard or life point cost makes the War Chariot a
great card for one of the three top decks in the
game right now. Everybody will play this card, but
with the popularity of Dark Armed Dragon Decks,
Gladiator Beasts are a thing of the past.