Crush Card Virus is Banned, and with good reason.
It's power is reckless, unwieldy, and started making
its destructive way into far too many Decks. I'm not
going to sit here and do an in-depth review of a
Banned card, regardless of how good it is...
or was. Anyway, although the effect only last for
three turns, and a very specifc type of monster
needs to be tributed (a Dark monster with 1000
attack or less) it almost seems like Crush Card
would be more difficult to play. Three turns can
seem like an eternity after being punished by Crush
Card. It's Banned for a reason friends.
Traditional: 4.25/5
Advanced: 5/5 Banned? I think we went over that.
Art: 5/5
General Zorpa
Crush Card Virus
This is THE biggest no brainer card of all time. You
tribute a DARK monster with less than 1100 ATK, and
you blast all of your opponent's monsters that have
more than 1500 ATK from their hand, and field and
their next 3 draws. It is a trap card, so Royal
Decree is it's worst enemy and Jinzo makes it sad.
Basically, since the card is banned in the advanced
format as of yesterday, I have no rating for it
except in Traditional. If it were legal in Advanced,
then it would be 5's all around, but some idiot at
Konami decided to ban it just when it was massed
released and easy to get.
I curse whoever made that decision to have 1,000,000
Rare Crush Card Virus' shoved down their throat by
the TCG players.
Jeff Lang
Today’s card up for
review is Crush Card Virus. Crush is one of the most
powerful cards ever created, and I am happy that it
finally got the axe. All competitive decks use loads
of monsters that have 1500 or more attack, so if you
play this card, it will devastate your opponent. It
is so easy to have a monster with 1000 or less
attack to use for the cost as well. Cards like
Summoner Monk/Sangan/Destiny Hero
Malicious&Monger/Neo Spacian Dark Panther etc, makes
it way to easy to play. Thank god it is gone
Trad: 5/5
Adv: 5/5(Before it got the axe obviously)
N o V a
As much as I dread
having to review this card, I'll still review it.
The card that a lot of players were unhappy about
its place on the new limited list, Crush Card Virus.
Since its release, its made quite an impact on the
game and duels it was used in. Generally most decks
tend to use more monsters with 1500 attack or
higher. Monarch decks, Gladiator Beast decks, DAD
decks, list could probably go on. They all have a
ton of monsters that have 1500 attack or higher
monsters. If hit by Crush Card it can really set you
back, since most decks today depend on synchro
monsters, Dark Armed Dragon, Jugment Dragon,
monarchs and so forth. When a deck loses these
"boss" monsters, it generally changes the game more
drastically than more people think. I was at locals
on Sunday, and my friend got hit by Crush Card two
rounds in a row, he used Pot of Avarice both times
and lost both cards he drew due to Crush Card. While
the odds of that happening aren't very high, its
just a good example of how good the card is. With a
lot of Crushable targets out there too, its not hard
to use Crush Card. Sangan, D.D. Crow, Destiny Hero -
Malicious, Summoner Monk, these are just a few of
many that people use or can use, that are targets
for Crush Card. All of which are very good cards
too. With its ability to change the outcome of a
duel alone, its probably no surprise it got banned
Traditional: 5/5
Advanced: 5/5
Crush Card Virus …
Ok, this card was good … although it’s disappearance
isn’t killing me TOO much, I guess cuz people
weren’t using it on me all THAT often, and I myself
never even owned one, so … no big loss, right?
I imagine the best use of this card would be to
tribute a Sangan or a Necro Gardna or something,
getting the best use out of them hitting the
Graveyard and in the process smiting all on your
opponent’s big monsters with the Virus for 3 turns.
Sounds easy enough? Yeah, I think so too. That will
often save ur butt if too much isn’t going in ur
favor, and give u some time to dig yourself out of
ur hole. And if u weren’t in a hole in the 1st
place, then ur probably gonna be able to finish the
game at this point with ur opponent lacking anything
that can protect them … except a Spirit Reaper or
something …
But let’s try not to worry about things like that :)