Vanilla monsters? Archfiend Soldier is Level 4, and
you guessed it, a Fiend with 1900 attack, 1500
defense, both of which are excellent, and we won't
say much more here...he would be essentially the
only cost-free and genuine beatstick in an Archfiend
1500 defense is Witchable in Formats where she is
legal, and 1900 attack without a cost and Lifepoint
payment is solid. "Crack Diabolic Unit...He's famous
because he always gets the job done." Enough said.
Traditional: 2.5/5 Respectable beatstick, and Dark.
Advanced: 3/5 For reasons listed above, and Dark and
Fiend are
both good things.
Art: 5/5
General Zorpa
Archfiend Soldier
Continuing Archfiend week, we come to Archfiend
Soldier, one of the better Normal monsters with 1900
ATK as it is from the two most supported types, DARK
and Fiend. Well, actually Warrior has the most
support, but Fiend support is diabolical.
Pretty much he fulfills the same niche as
Shadowknight Archfiend. But you lose 100 ATK in
order to get no side effects. You do get the bonus
Normal Support, but that will rarely matter, as
there are 1900 ATK monsters with better DEF stats
and attributes for use with that stuff. This is one
of the footsoldiers in the Archfiend deck, allowing
you to press for damage alongside his brothers,
Shadowknight and General.
ahhhh ... Shadowkinght
... now this guy, for some odd reason I never really
REALLY loved ... I think it may have been his 900 LP
cost (the highest of the 4 star or less Archfiends)
per standby phase, coupled with only being to negate
with 1 number ...
That being said, taking a closer look at his overall
playability ... he's not too too TOO bad ... 2000
ATK is phenomenal for a 4 Star monster that requires
no special summon or stipulations to attack. And as
mentioned with yesterday's Archfiend - the deck
needs Pandemonium to work, and with it - his high
cost per turn becomes a non-issue ... So what u have
left is pure 4 star muscle that can stand next to
the King and run over a lot of monsters.
But then is that enough to warrant a spot on your
starting lineup? ... I wouldnt really say so. His
Wind attribute does nothing for the primary deck
where u should find him, (though he does get style
points for the fact that i've seen him used
effectively in a Wind deck), and most of the other
Archfiends suffer from the same lack of attribute
synergy anyway. But the fact that u then HALVE the
battle damage u inflict to your opponent should be
the last thing u need to know about him before
cutting him from the team.
U always still have Archfiend Soldier who's got a
nothing-to-scoff-at 1900 ATK, no LP cost regardless
of Pandemonium, and can dish out the full amount
that his ATK suggests. Plus the Soldier has a Dark
attribute which only helps his case ...
Yeah, i'm gonna stick with my original thoughts on
the Shadowknight ... he's not the worst, but nowhere
near integral for the Archfiend Deck. I say leave