Level 3
ATK/1400 DEF/1200
When this card is destroyed by battle and is sent to
the Graveyard, you can add 1 Level 2 or lower LIGHT
monster from your Deck to your hand.
Card Ratings
Traditional: 1.40
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.
3 is average.
5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 02.19.09
Rai-Mei, another Super Rare that is fairly different
from yesterdays card, being Light and Thunder, and
Level 3 with 1400 attack and 1200 defense.
This is short and sweet folks. When destroyed by
Battle, you can add one Level 2 or lower Light
monster from your Deck to your Hand. If only
Magician of Faith weren't Banned, hmm? Anyway, take
a Psychic monster or a Tuner, pull of a Synchro
Summon, and that's all she wrote folks.
Rai-Mei at least has some potential, but the trick
is, it has to be destroyed by Battle, and depending
on what's on the Field, it could just be destroyed.
Play with caution. If you don't have it destroyed
that way, this is just another useless card.
Traditional: 2/5
Advanced: 3/5
Art: 4.5/5
General Zorpa
Rai Mei
Now Rai Mei is SOOOOO much better than her brother.
A solid 1400 ATK and 1200 DEF are pretty good on a
level 3 monster of the LIGHT Thunder type. You won't
be killing all that much with this card, but her
stats allow her to combo with some of the Battery
stuff as well as Honest.
When she dies in battle, you get a level 2 or lower
LIGHT monster from your deck to your hand. There
aren't that many monsters to choose from, as the
Batterymen are really the only choice that you have,
and then you can only get Batteryman D and Micro
Cell. The lack of monsters to get with her effect is
more of a fault with the game state thatn the fault
of Rai Mei though.
If there were ever a lot of really good level 2 or
lower LIGHT monsters then she could really pull them
all together. But as it is, she is a little akward
right now. However, her card art is my favorite in
the entire game, so I am never disappointed when I
pull one.
Mr. Random
Level 3
ATK/1400 DEF/1200
When this card is destroyed by battle and is sent to
the Graveyard, you can
add 1 Level 2 or lower LIGHT monster from your Deck
to your hand.
Super Rare
Just like Rai-Jin, Rai-Mei isn't a great choice for
Light decks. When this monster is destroyed by
battle and sent to the grave, add a Level 2 or lower
Light monster to you hand. Why add it to your hand
when you can special summon it to the field with
Shining Angel? The one thing Rai-Mei can get where
Shining Angel can't get is The Calculator, but
overall Shining Angel is the better choice.
Traditional: 1/5
Advanced: 1/5
Rai-Mei is a simple recruiter monster, but her
options on what to pull are quite limited. a Level-2
or lower Light monster from your Deck to your hand
doesn't sound like much, but this card can really
pump up a Light-weenie build, especially with Rai-Jin,
the card we reviewed yesterday. But I really don't
see this card doing a whole lot for the Light build
at the moment, especially with a lack of good Tuner
support (Mind Master is the only one that really
comes to mind). With more support from later sets,
we could see this card become a powerhouse, but
right now it's somewhat limited.
Traditional: 2/5
Advanced: 2.5/5
Level 3
ATK/1400 DEF/1200
When this card is destroyed by battle and is sent to
the Graveyard, you can add 1 Level 2 or lower LIGHT
monster from your Deck to your hand.
Super Rare
Rai-Mei … (Rai-Jin’s sister?)
Well, this card is a LITTLE better than yesterday.
1400 ATK isn’t a heck’uv’alot but its not the worst
either, especially when sitting on a 3 Star Monster.
Light type is good. Thunder isn’t. Although I
suppose if u are putting together a Battery Deck or
something, u can make an argument for these Rai-siblings
… but I still wouldn’t mess with Rai-jin... Ok.
Enough about him.
Rai-Mei’s effect? – not the worst. Any card that
replaces itself, as far as resources, when it is
destroyed, isn’t too too bad. Its small enough that
there’s a good chance that it WILL get killed in
battle, so you’re gonna make use of the effect … the
only question is then – how many viable targets will
u then HAVE when Rai-Mei’s effect kicks in?
Bateryman D? Micro Cell? – neither of these things
will be doing much for u. Calculator would be among
your best choices, but even THAT? … meh …
If she could grab a few more targets, like Level 4
or lower, she’d be significantly better and might be
ok in other Light themed decks … but she can’t, so
she’s not.