Well ... its not the worst thing ever, but u would
be hard pressed to make good use out of it. It's a
Machine. Nice. It's a Tuner. Also nice. Its Wind ...meh.
It's level 2 ... ok ... and it has 0 ATK & DEF.
Crap. Does its effect make up for it? - No. It cant
be destroyed in battle when it attacks. Nice. But
what about when IT is attacked? There are multiple
Tuners that protect themselves better than this guy
does. His burn damage is ok, but u have to launch a
successful attack on an opponent's monster to get
it, and chances are u'll be taking more damage than
they will.
The only thing good about this is that it makes
Turbo Cannon, which is ok ... but not a card u
should be investing in either.
Traditional: 1/5
Advanced: 2/5
- Freeza
N o V a
We end this week with Turbo Rocket, another of
Yusei's cards he uses to summon Turbo Cannon on the
Dark Signer that uses the Spider Earthbound
Immortal, to destroy the Immortal. Turbo Rocket has
an interesting ability but you would have to build
an entire deck around it since thats all its effect
is good for. You'd probably have to toss in Machine
Duplications, Tuningwares, Spirit Barrier and other
various cards to prevent it from being destroyed in
battle, or at all really. However Dupeing it and
attacking 3 times can inflict a lot of damage
depending on the attack target for each. But again
with 0 attack you'll be taking more damage than your
opponent unless you have cards to prevent you from
taking damage, which basically means the deck has to
be based on combos. Combo decks tend to be easily
taken apart and I dont need to go any further into
that. Its a cool card but nothing that'll affect our
meta at all.