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DBZ CCG Card of the Day

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Energy Surfing Drill

Focused Worlds
Top 32 Card Uber Rare
Non-Combat: Drill

Reviewed 8.18.2004

Avg. Expanded Rating: 1.5
Avg. Focused Rating: 1.7


Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  5 is the highest rating.

Matthew Low
Energy Surfing Drill – Focused Worlds Top 32 Card Uber Rare – OP29
Non-Combat: Drill

Power: Once per Combat when you stop one of your opponent's energy attacks, you may perform the exact same attack during your next Attack Phase.

Whatever happened to Farewell Drill brokenness? This card is nothing compared to Farewell Drill.

Let’s see… in Expanded, this card is basically Orange Special Beam Cannon Drill. We all know how much that card is played… next to none at all. With Orange being the main Drill style, I don’t think this would see much of any play at all in Expanded. Your opponent should be smart enough to see this in play and not throw an energy attack he doesn’t want thrown back at him, not to mention he’ll just remove this drill if that situation ever rises up. There are much better options to ward off energy attacks, and Android 20 Absorbing Drill is one of them.

In Focused, you could try this out to scare your opponent from playing that huge Black Broly Blast or Uber Blast or something, but realistically, your opponent should know that Focused has a ton of blocks. Still, you’re better off trying something else. Block the attack; throw your own. Your opponent could be a DB or physical beatdown or stall deck and then this card is really pointless.

Expanded: 1.5 out of 5.0 (barely any use here)
Focused: 1.7 out of 5.0 (only works on select few decks/cards)
Sealed: N/A

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