Matthew Low
* Top 4 2003 SD
* Top 8 2003 World
* Top 16 2003 Grand
Kai Invitational Tourney

Do you play the Trading Card Game? Or Want to learn how? Then grab our new
DBZ Book!
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Ask Matthew Low about Score's
Dragon Ball TCG
Matthew Low is one of
the most popular players of the Dragon Ball Z and DBGT
Trading Card Games. He's been helping people for
about 2 years now. You can reach Matthew Low
below all these tips and articles.
6.6.03 -
What do I play I reveal my
A question about which personality I
should use
Best Archetype?
September 22, 2004 To All the Many Local Pojo DBGT Gamers that Email Me:
As many of you well know, the 2004 Dragon Ball GT
Premier Events are coming to an end. The final
tournament, Grand Kai Invitational, is being held at
Archon in Collinsville, IL, on October 1st to 3rd. Once
that is over, the start of the 2005 season will occur.
We don’t know what will be in store for us, but I’m
certain that it will be grand.
However, this time also means something else. The birth
of yet another school year. I have started school as of
September 19th, and once classes start I’m sure I will
be bogged down with a ton of work to do. I’ve also
learned that time is scarce when trying to balance out
the other things I do in life as well. Therefore, I
don’t think I will be able to answer every single one of
your deck tech requests. I will try to do my best to
answer one or two a week along with the COTDs, but no
guarantee. As you know, studies do come before cards. At
the bare minimum, I will get the COTDs done, I hope.
In 2005, right now I do not think I will be able to
attend as many events for DBZ as I did in 2004, mainly
because of lack of funds. That and right now I plan to
branch off and play the InuYasha TCG as well (and yes
that means you will be able to ask me for help in that
game too, but more on that a couple months after it
releases). DBZ will always be around me until the game
disappears, so don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.
Thanks to everyone who supports me in this; your support
is appreciated. I hope you all understand that the life
of a college student isn’t exactly the easiest thing in
the world. Remember I do play this game just like you
guys do, so keep that in mind too.
Don’t forget that deck techs do often take anywhere from
half an hour to an hour, so make sure it is the best
deck you can make using ANY cards (not just ones you
own) because I don’t want to recommend cards you already
knew should be in there. I will try my best to respond,
and feel free to remind me if I don’t respond in a month
just in case it got weeded out into the SPAM filter.
Thanks, and may the 2005 Premier Event season be even
grander than ever! Once the Premier Event schedule is
released, expect a list of events that I will be
attending be up quite soon. Or you can email and ask me,
that works too.
~matthewlow, Pojo Guy
Matthew Low
Hello and welcome to my niche on the internet! For those
that don’t know me, my name is Matthew Low. I figured a
little background on me couldn’t hurt.
I’m just an ordinary college student, contrary to
popular belief. I’m 18 years old and attend University
of California, Santa Cruz, or UCSC for short. As a
Computer Science major, I don’t have a ton of free time,
but what I can scrape up I transform into time on the
internet whe'I talk strategy, read strategy, and write
to help you all out, on the great game of Dragon Ball Z
I’m known on Fanatics Network as well as Score’s board
as matthewlow. You might see me all over the internet at
various sites under the same similar screen name.
Without local gamers anymo'after I moved to college, I
now ventu'even mo'into the real tournament
environment. Premier events a'the biggest key to the
real competition and top tier decks. I often chat with
some of the best players in the game about strategy, and
this is often whe'I get the background to base my
knowledge of the game off of. I firmly believe that the
local environment is a good place to test your deck, but
it is normally not the best way to judge if your skills
a'good compared to the whole world. You can easily
tech against a bias environment, but in reality, the'is a big variety of decks you can encounter at a big
event. The only way you can really survive is to have a
well balanced deck that’s able to take on most or all
the popular archetypes.
While it might not seem that significant, in 2003 I
placed in the top 4 at San Diego, top 8 at San
Francisco, Los Angeles, and Worlds, and top 16 at Las
Vegas and the Grand Kai Invitational. This year I plan
to attend Portland, San Francisco, both Worlds, and
hopefully GKI. Hope to see you all there. Say hi and let
me know that you know me from Pojo.
College is very demanding, and often I just let deck
tech emails stack and stack in a private mailbox in my
email. I try to keep up with the Card of the Days and
answer as many emails as I can. I do not work for Pojo
salary wise, I write these articles he'on a volunteer
basis. Keep this in mind; I am using my own time to help
you. I welcome any questions and if you need advice, I'm
here. I often answer those emails faster as they seem to
be quicker to do.
But then the'a'deck techs that I've been getting.
While I don't mind doing them, I spend on the upwards of
half an hour to an hour analyzing the cards in decks and
what would work better. I try to type up something I am
pleased with, and that takes a while. I am not the best
DBZ gamer in the world. My work is not something that
will win Worlds. It might win mini sto'tournaments,
and place high in Regionals, but that's about it. Keep
in mind that I do tech for the big environment because I
do not know your local one. You can easily change that
on your own.
And a minor request... if you send me a deck, please
organize the deck whe'the MP, Mastery, Sensei, Allies,
DBs, Non-Combats, Drills, Physical Combat (attacks),
Physical Combat (defense), Energy Combat (attack),
Energy Combat (defense), Combat, and
Battleground/Location. And don't double space, it hurts
my eyes. Put quantities next to cards as well. I am very
familiar with about 95% of cards out the'(many useless
cards don't ring bells), so you don't need to put the
Saga next to it. But it is much easier to review that
way... and often that will lead to a faster review.
I also cannot review every deck that comes my way, at
least for now. If a deck that I get can't really get
teched without a massive facelift, I will tell you that
and mention what you should be trying to do. Don't get
mad at the messenger, but I have to tell you honestly if
that's the case. If I'm in a hurry, I might just type a
quick note instead of an essay because something is
better than nothing.
Please let me know if you have updated your deck if you
have not received it back. I keep nearly every deck, and
there’s no use in teching a deck that is ultimately
changed already.
After all, the main reason why I do this is because I
love the game. I love to help people, I love to teach, I
love to write, but I of course love to play. DBZ is an
awesome game. The'a'so many avenues you can go
after. Even if you just play locally, the game is still
a lot of fun. Competing in premier events a'something
to never forget. The friendships in this game have
spanned amazing bridges. Hopefully you’ll be able to
bask in the aura from this game and get as much out of
it as I have.
Have fun and game on!