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DBZ CCG Card of the Day

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Zangya's Leaping Rush Down

Kid Buu Saga Promo/Insert

Reviewed 3.01.2004

Avg. Standard Rating: 2.93
Avg. TE: Rating: 3.2


Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  5 is the highest rating.

Matthew Low
Zangya's Leaping Rush Down - Bojack Unbound Subset - Kid Buu Saga Promo/Insert - #22 Physical Combat

Power: Focused physical attack doing +4 power stages of damage. If used by Zangya, for the remainder of Combat, your opponent's Allies cannot take control of Combat and cannot have damage redirected to them. If successful, search your Life Deck for an Ally and place it into play at 4 power stages above 0.

Interesting card. One of the weaker Bojack Subset cards, but still very powerful and I would recommend running 2 or 3.

It is a decent sized physical attack that's focused, so that's ok. The big key is the secondary effect, which makes it worth playing. If you get Zangya into play and use this with her, you can shut down your opponent's allies for a turn. Sure, Zangya kills off allies normally, and thus this card will do most of its work against decks with massive ally control.

Not everyone plays allies, but ones that do love to redirect damage to take the smallest amount of damage. This allows Bojack decks to go on the offensive with physical attacks and completely destroy the Main Personality without worrying about allies that get in the way. This also can work against a Bojack ally deck, so keep that in mind. Not allowing allies to take over combat for a turn can easily turn an ally deck inside out.

Also add on top of it all the searching for an ally if it hits, and you've got a made. Self searching allows the army to come out quickly and deal a more painful blow. This of course chains into another attack, which can't be a bad thing.

Standard: 3.4 out of 5.0 (stops ally decks for a combat)
Tuff Enuff: 3.6 out of 5.0 (ditto)
Sealed: 2.3 out of 5.0 (ends up being a physical +4 that gets an ally, not terribly bad)


Zanya's Leaping Rush Down

Again, something decent for Bojack decks. A nicely sized physical, and if Bojack has one of his minions in play (Zanya), and she peforms it, it kills the ally mirror match. Oh, and if it hits, it gets another ally out.

In Bojack, you run it, no question. It kills any ally decks you might face, so long as you've managed to get Zanya out, and it gets another minion should it hit, something Bojack never minds. In normal ally, it's less powerful, as that deck lacks Bojack's ability to switch control whenever, but it is still a good card.

Limited, meh. Unless you have pulled several allies, it is not that useful, save as a large physical.

Constructed 4.0 out of 5.0, in Bojack, 4.5 out of 5.0 (as he can have Zanya do the physical much easier.)

TuffEnuff same as constructed (no more or less ally hate here, so it is equally as good)

Limited 1.5 out of 5.0 (unless you pull Zanya, it isn't that useful)


Da Krillin
Power: Focused physical attack doing +4 power stages of damage. If used by
Zangya, for the remainder of Combat, your opponent's Allies cannot take
control of Combat and cannot have damage redirected to them. If successful,
search your Life Deck for an Ally and place it into play at 4 power stages
above 0.

Good card. If you're running a deck that takes advantage of Zangya, which
isn't that common since Zangya is already sort of difficult to find, and
really isn't that good. But, if you are, this is a really good
ally-grabber, and on top of that, it keeps your opponen'ts annoying allies
from taking over. But again, you have to have Zangya in control of combat,
at least it isn't also 'if succesful.."

Standard: 1.4
Tuff Enuff: 1.5

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