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Pojo's DBZ Card of the Day

image from |
Ball Z Buu Saga
Card Ratings
Expanded: 4
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 04.07.05 |

Matthew Low |
Cookie! – Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
Non-Combat - Setup
Power: Majin Buu only. Raise Majin Buu to his highest power stage.
Shuffle 5 cards from your discard pile into your life deck. Raise
your anger 1 level. You may remove a "Majin Buu's Magical Ray" from
your discard pile from the game to shuffle this card back into your
life deck after use.
Yum. This card was also great back in the day, mainly because you
could prevent most damage with the defensive Buu HT and then shuffle
what did hit back in with infinite Dabura cookies that regenerated
each other. Physical beatdown decks got extremely frustrated with
the powering to full, and energy decks needed to hit at least
another energy for 7 to reverse the effect.
Back in Z days, that wasn’t easy. Nowadays, it is extremely easy to
do that. Buu has taken a step back, so this card has as well. It is
still quite useful in Buu decks, so don’t count it out.
Expanded: 3.0 out of 5.0 (limited to 1 character again)
Sealed: 1.0 out of 5.0 (again, if Buu, 5.0)
Richard Barbee |
Non-Combat, Setup
Majin Buu only. Raise Majin Buu to his highest power stage. Shuffle
5 cards from your discard pile into your life deck. Raise your anger
1 level. You may remove a "Majin Buu's Magical Ray" from your
discard pile from the game to shuffle this card back into your life
deck after use.
Okay, this IS my most favorite card that Buu has. Lets see, you get
a Metal Mending on steroids that is Buu only instead of power up to
full/5 card regen for Rilldo. Of course, you get anger, which is
great for Buu anger decks and you can remove Magical Ray to shuffle
this back. BROKE 5 card regen is nothing to scoff at. Powering up to
full only helps. But then you can shuffle this card back into your
life deck. =/ Uh yeah, you about killed me. Wait, I ll just use all
the amazing regen Buu has + this card in multiples of three to regen
my entire discard pile at the cost of 1 Magical Ray. =/ gg sir.
Expanded: 4/5 (If you are Buu, run it, no matter what your excuse
Sealed: 1/5 (5/5 if you pull Majin Buu in your stater)
Trunks |
You have no idea how much I like this card. It’s great. Beautiful.
Other good stuff I can’t think of right now. This card has latterly
saved me in games with my old Majin Buu deck. It’s a Non-Combat,
Setup card with some good effects. It may only be for Majin Buu, but
you BETTER play it if you play Buu. Raise Buu to its higher power
stage. Shuffle 5 cards from your discard pile to your life deck.
Raise your anger one level. And you even do it all again if you
discard “Majin Buu’s Magical Ray” then you get it to put this card
back into your life deck. You gotta love this card. It’s for Majin
Buu only, so you can’t cheat to get it’s other effects. ;-).
Expanded: 5/5
Focused: 4.5/5
Sealed: 4.5/5
Cool-Monkey~ |
Non-Combat, Setup
Majin Buu only. Raise Majin Buu to his highest power stage. Shuffle
5 cards from your discard pile into your life deck. Raise your anger
1 level. You may remove a "Majin Buu's Magical Ray" from your
discard pile from the game to shuffle this card back into your life
deck after use.
I ran this in my deck too....for awile but it eventualy left....ITs
basicly a General Rildo's metalization....(im pretty sure) rejvue 5
cards, raise ur anger, and power to full...not that bad for a non
combat in a buu deck...ehh...i dont think i would run it tho, unless
you are going free Style buu saga....and just rejuve and rejuve....but
the fact that you can put this back into the deck is not too shabby
3/5 for a buu deck
otherwise a 0