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Pojo's DBZ Card of the Day

image from |
Majin Buu's Magical Ray
Buu Saga
Card Ratings
Expanded: 2.25
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 04.08.05 |

Matthew Low |
Majin Buu's Magical Ray – Dragon
Ball Z Buu Saga Uncommon Combat - Energy Majin Buu Only. Energy
attack doing 5 life cards of damage. If successful, remove one of
your opponent's Allies in play from the game to search your Life
Deck for "Cookie!" and place it into play. Remove from the game
after use.
I’m assuming this was a joke as well as the other two cards… funny
yes. Means short review here.
Horrible card because you can’t assume allies are being played. Weak
attack. Removed from the game. Limited to one character. I remember
the only reason this was played back in the day was because it was
Buu named, and that really was a poor excuse.
Expanded: 1.0 out of 5.0 (Just no. Go run the card I hate the most
aka Human Extinction Attack. Or better yet, don’t run ally hate and
let my allies run all over the table.)
Sealed: 1.0 out of 5.0 (Even if Buu, I still don’t like it, but you
could run it with lack of anything else better.) ~matthewlow
Richard Barbee |
Majin Buu's Magical Ray
Combat, Energy
Majin Buu Only. Energy attack doing 5 life cards of damage. If
successful, remove one of your opponent's Allies in play from the
game to search your Life Deck for "Cookie!" and place it into play.
Remove from the game after use.
Okay, yesterday was the thing that makes this card worth running.
Otherwise, it s an energy for 5 (meh), if successful, remove an
opponent s ally from the game to search for Cookie! (meh), and
remove this card from the game after use (meh). As you can see, your
obvious goal should be one of two things.
1) If your opponent is an ally deck runner, kill an ally and get
2) If your opponent IS NOT an ally deck runner, get this card into
your discard pile ASAP
Trunks |
Majin Buu’s Magical Ray
Time for the last COTD. If you remember, or you didn’t read the last
COTD, this card goes along with “Cookie!”. This card is worthy of
some reconation, but it’s not as good as “Cookie!” is. It’s only for
Buu decks, but one thing I can see that you can do with this card is
get “Cookie!” out of your deck. If you do that, you can’t use “Cookie!”’s
last effect. But this card is still good; it can still do 5 life
cards of damage, and remove one of your opponent’s Allies from play
is good. But, after all that, you got to remove it from play. I’d
run it, it used to be in my old deck. Maybe you’ll have a different
idea for it.
Expanded: 4/5
Focused: 4.5/5
Sealed: 4/5
Cool-Monkey~ |
Majin Buu's Magical Ray
Combat, Energy
Majin Buu Only. Energy attack doing 5 life cards of damage. If
successful, remove one of your opponent's Allies in play from the
game to search your Life Deck for "Cookie!" and place it into play.
Remove from the game after use.
hmmm, 5 life isnt that much anymore....this card is too situationall
now....your oppent needs to have an ally to search out coockie, and
this is saying if you can actualy make it successful....idk....not
to good
2/3 in a buu deck
otherwise....its horrible