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Pojo's DBZ Card of the Day

image from |
Orange Lunge
Card Ratings
Average Score: 3.75
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 08.18.05 |

Matthew Low |
Orange Lunge - Dragon Ball Z Re-Z
Uncommon - #144
Event Combat
Power: 4: All your Allies gain 2 stages. Your opponent cannot use
for this turn and the next.
This card is great anti-Saiyan Happiness, Blue, and Orange for sure.
costs a lot though, but the fact that you pretty much get all the
back if you have two allies makes it an obvious choice. Not to
mention Paid
Off can give you more stages than you started with.
If you've got 2 allies in Orange, definitely consider this.
Otherwise, it
depends on your metagame and what you expect to see.
By the way. GenCon Indy starts today. Won't be back until Monday
though. But
if anything, I anticipate a lot of good stuff going on with the
first DBZ
event and the invitational. Hope to see you there!
3.7 out of 5.0
meb9000 |
Orange Lunge
4: All your Allies gain 2 stages. Your opponent cannot use Supports
for this turn and the next.
Hey there, sorry for not being around to review, it has been a
pretty crazy week for various reasons XD Anyway, here we have a card
that has a very interesting effect for orange decks, one that is
cool to see on one card, rather than 2 separate ones.
First, we have the Allies gaining 2 stages. If you run two allies,
then this is a sort of pseudo-way of getting the 4 stages you just
paid back. Also, it can make it so you won't have to worry about
giving your precious PUR to your allies for a couple turns, provided
they aren't something like Saibamen, aka stage hungry ;)
The second effect of this card is undoubtedly the better one. This
effect has only been seen on Namekian Concentration, and any good
Namek player will know that it is a near staple when it comes to
getting the edge over Supports. The stuff that was said in the
Namekian Concentration review pretty much applies here, so go see
that if you need any extra thoughts on this effect.
To wrap things up, I'd say that while Orange already has pretty
strong support hate with Orange Shocks in play, this one can still
do well, especially if your meta has a ton of orange/saiyan decks,
as well as if you have allies that need the stage gain.
3.8/5-This is a real nice effect to have, except the steep cost is a
detriment that must be worked around cautiously...
Until next time! |