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Pojo's DBZ Card of the Day

image from dbzcardgame.com

Saiyan Rest




Card Ratings
Average Score: 4.1

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

Date Reviewed - 08.31.05


Matthew Low
Saiyan Rest - Dragon Ball Z Re-Z Arrival
Rare - 237

(Limit 1 per deck.) 3: CONSTANT - The first physical attack you perform each
turn gains "Unpreventable" and "Unstoppable."

Interesting card to say the least. It can be a great finisher as it works
regardless, and Saiyan works on physicals mostly so why not. The three cost
might be a pain, but with a lot of things able to search it out, you can
consider it if you run out of Happiness.

That said, Happiness is still superior. Definitely consider this in
Colorless even just of the fact you can instant Ball capture. Run this if
you see you have use for another Support, because the effect isn't shabby.

3.9 out of 5.0

Saiyan Rest
Card Number: 237
Card Type: Support
Rarity: Rare
Expansion: Arrival
Card Text:
(Limit 1 per deck.) 3: CONSTANT - The first physical attack you perform each turn gains "Unpreventable" and "Unstoppable."

Today’s card is one of the more broken Saiyan style cards out there: Saiyan Rest. Basically, this card reads “Turn your first Physical Attack into a KHSB each turn”. Not bad for 3 stages. This thing just laughs at refocusing and ensures that that first physical will hit. Plus with Saiyan having the +2 mod, you should get some good damage. This card could be great for draining your opponent’s stages should he choose to take stages, or draining his deck should he choose to take life. However, there are times when you don’t have a physical or can’t afford to pay for it. In these times this card just becomes a dead paperweight taking up space. Also, 3 stages is the average PUR, meaning that if you play it normally, you probably won’t be playing much else. All in all, it’s powerful and even potentially game breaking.

Rating: 4.4/5
meb9000 Saiyan Rest
Card Number: 237
Card Type: Support
Rarity: Rare
Expansion: Arrival
Card Text:
(Limit 1 per deck.) 3: CONSTANT - The first physical attack you perform each turn gains "Unpreventable" and "Unstoppable".

Sorry for not doing a review in about a week, but I'm back ;)

Today's card is a definite powerhouse in the Saiyan decks that lurk throughout the environment, for pretty obvious reasons. Giving your first physical attack the ability to smack the opponent where it hurts can help to sway games in your favor without having to draw that finisher. There has to be a downside to everything in a card game, so this one is limit one per deck, as well as having a steep cost (Support
wise) of 3. While sometimes tricky to play, especially early game, the fact that you will only be playing it once, and the fact that Saiyan likes to gain stages, means Saiyan Rest doesn't hurt as much to play. Limit one is definitely appropriate, as massive smackdowns would be far too prevalent if three were allowed. This card is definitely high on the list of cards to include in your Saiyan deck, and I daresay you shouldn't run the deck without one.


4/5: Capable of enabling game-turning moves, plus can be searched for by the good 'ole Personal Ki Ball.
Only thing holding it back is the cost.


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