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Pojo's DBZ Card of the Day

image from |
Orange Amazement
Card Ratings
Average Score: 4.75
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 12.09.05 |

Matthew Low |
Orange Amazement - Dragon Ball Z
Re-Z Showdown
Rare - #106
Support - Constant
3: CONSTANT - While your MP's power rating is 1,000 or less attacks
performed by your MP gain "Unstoppable."
This card is just crazy. Using a weak MP with Dinner and Amazement
and you'll go to town, pulling out all the random Drills you want
and completely controlling the board. You can tack on damage with
Stance, Lookout attacks, and just... ruin everyone. Goodbye blocks.
Orange will no doubt center on this amazing card. It made Orange a
huge step better than it already was.
But of course, that's not where it shines the most. Unstoppable
attacks eh? Black anyone? Or maybe... nonTW... try comboing this
card with cards with great if successfuls and special Unstoppable
effects... and you've got a great start to a powerful deck.
4.8 out of 5, only because it is restricted to certain MPs
Orange Amazement
If you have an MP with a highest power rating of 1000 or less, this
card just rocks. Even though Orange doesn't have many high damage
attacks, the card still makes Orange decks even better, especially
if you have Orange Dinner in play. Run at least two copies in an
Orange deck, or make a colorless deck with all of the Black cards
that benefit from being Unstoppable and add three of these in.
4.7/5 |
Orange Amazement
Rare - 106 - Showdown
3: CONSTANT - While your MP's power rating is 1,000 or less, attacks
performed by your MP gain "Unstoppable."
At first glance, this card is really nice. Well, in actuality, it
However, it does need some support. The ability to have "constant"
unstoppable attacks is quite helpful, but orange is not exactly the
"strongest" style, at least not in raw damaging power. Don't get me
wrong, orange is great, it just requires a little more finess and
"support" (pun
intended) to work as well as other styles. So, let's take a look at
this support for Orange. Basically it is like this: if you are
playing as one of the weakest power-level characters in the game you
get unstoppable attacks.
So there goes any AT attacks. Unfortunately, most of oranges attacks
are within the 2-4 range, not that strong. So if we are making these
weak attacks unstoppable, while we will hit with them, it won't do
us much good if we are trying to do damage because our opponent
could just prevent the damage if they wanted to. Now then, all that
being said, this card can still work really awesomely. With some
help from other supports, like Orange Stance(First Orange attack is
+1 for each Constant Support in play), so in that case it would be
nice to have the attack be unstoppable, plus whatever other effects
you are getting from the other constant supports. However, in order
for this effect to even apply you need your MP to be pretty weak, at
least in power stages. So, this prevents you from using pretty much
all the saiyans, aliens, and some humans. You could use this quite
easily with people like first level Krillin, Picollo, Chiaotzu, and
even Raditz or Saibaiman. When you are using guys with lower
power-levels like that then you do not get much out of AT attacks,
but I suppose that is no loss as you do get to use allies. However,
with this card you do not really want to use allies because this
card's effects only apply to your MP's attacks. I suppose I could go
on and stuff, but I think you are starting to get the idea. This
card is really nice, with the proper MP and support, otherwise it is
mediocre at best.
Orange Deck: 3.0/5.0 - It depends on the type of Orange deck you are
building. If you are building a deck that focuses on boosting your
attacks power, not exactly sure if that works with Orange yet, then
this is nice. If you are just using the effects of your attacks then
you are not as worried about your attacks connecting and then this
card would just be used as filler.
Any other deck: 4.0/5.0 - I actually think this card would work
better in a mixed deck. Imagine using a lower power-level MP with
this card and some high power attacks from other styles like Black.
Especially with black because you could get all those "If
unstoppable" effects, which can sometimes help out quite a bit.
Overall: 3.5/5.0 - Amazingly this card had a higher score from being
in other decks than its own styled deck. Interesting. |