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Pojo's DBZ Card of the Day

image from |
Orange Volcano
Lost Episodes
Card Ratings
Expanded: 3.75
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 02.09.05 |

Matthew Low |
Orange Volcano – Dragon Ball GT
Lost Episodes Saga Rare - 133 Non-Combat - Setup
Power: Energy Attack doing 9 life cards of damage. 3: Discard a
Non-Combat card in play. Empower 4. Put a Dragon Ball your opponent
controls at the bottom of its owner's Life Deck.
Endurance 1
PUR: 2
Just plain awesome card. It’s also a backer, which boosts archtypes
like Orange Pinpoint. The reason being it shoves a Dragon Ball back
into your opponent’s deck. This gets around Goku’s Capturing Drill,
among other things. Sure your opponent gets another use out of the
Dragon Ball, but regardless, Orange has a much better time dealing
with Ball decks with this thing around.
As a backer, you can get multiple uses out of this card. Having it
stick around throughout the game often means that Ball decks will
need to play more than one ball a turn to consider pulling off Ball
victory, and at the same time, make sure one of them doesn’t get
removed via True Face of Evil or the like.
It can also be played as a powerful non-combat card. It can sit
there until needed, and often you’ll want that extra attack, not to
mention the right time to rid yourself of a Ball on the table.
And of course, we can’t forget that it nukes a non-combat card in
play. That can be a good thing and a bad thing, as you notice that
it can discard your own. Watch though; it most likely will be a
blessing in disguise. Discarding a non-combat and chasing away a
Dragon Ball is already good. Energy attack for 9 isn’t anything to
shake a stick at either.
Expanded: 4.7 out of 5.0 (this card along with Pinpoint Mastery
gives Ball decks a run for their money)
Focused: 4.7 out of 5.0 (ditto, not to mention this is one of the
best cards to choose from)
Sealed: 4.7 out of 5.0 (not very many reasons not to run this)
Richard Barbee |
Orange Volcano - Dragon Ball GT
Lost Episodes Saga
Orange Volcano
Non-Combat - Setup
Power: Energy Attack doing 9 life cards of damage. 3: Discard a
Non-Combat card in play. Empower 4. Put a Dragon Ball your opponent
controls at the bottom of its owner's Life Deck.
Endurance 1
PUR: 2
This is a nice card. Let's break it down. It's a setup. That's a
plus, because it's an attack and doesn't take up space in your hand.
Decent damage, 9 is nothing to scoff at, 13 if you use the empower
on it. The effects are really nice though. The first is discarding a
non. That's ALWAYS a plus, unless your opponent isn't running any
nons. Then you get screwed if you have other nons (and in Orange,
you most likely will be). There's also the nice little Dragonball
Bounce. This is great against Dball decks. You can potently run this
against your opponent and destroy their 1-6 Dballs so they have to
waste their last searcher on either the one you just sent back or
the one that was left. Not to mention you might manage to deal
enough damage to gain a Dball as a bonus. My only complaint is that
you HAVE to discard a non in play. That's right folks, it can be
yours, it can be your opponents, you just have to discard one in
play. Overall, my rating is going to be simple:
Expanded: 3/5 (It's an attack that's a setup. How kewl is that.)
Focused: 3/5 (See above)
Sealed: 4/5 (It's useful here too, as you still get an attack and
you can disrupt your opponent's random non)