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Pojo's DBZ Card of the Day

image from |
Black Maniacle Laughter
Card Ratings
Expanded: 4.25
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 02.11.05 |

Matthew Low |
Black Maniacal Laughter - Dragon
Ball GT Lost Episodes Saga Rare -108 Combat – Event
Power: Discard the top X cards of your opponent's Life Deck. X = the
number of cards in your hand. If you control a Black Science
Mastery, X = the number of cards in your and your opponent's hands.
Endurance: 1
Infinite chaining of Maniacal Laughter to mill, oh say, 10+ cards,
all removed. Real fair.
The key to this card is the fact that it isn’t removed from the
game. This allows Black Science decks to regen this card over and
over and continue to mill a big chunk of their opponent’s deck. I
wouldn’t be surprised if one was able to pull off a couple of these
during each turn if someone could manipulate the discard.
Consider the thought that most decks will have 5 card hands, more if
you play major hand advantage. It will punish decks like Saiyan CS,
so you never know what you will be able to do with this. Just the
sheer ability to kill a chunk of an opponent’s deck over and over is
If you’re Science Mastery, use this card. Other than that, there’s
no reason to run this.
Expanded: 4.5 out of 5.0 (if this wasn’t limited to one deck it
would be rated higher)
Focused: 4.5 out of 5.0 (ditto)
Sealed: 4.7 out of 5.0 (it gets around Endurance, which might help)
Richard Barbee |
Black Manaical Laughter - Dragon
Ball GT Lost Episodes Saga
Black Maniacal Laughter
Combat - Event
Power: Discard the top X cards of your opponent's Life Deck. X = the
number of cards in your hand. If you control a Black Science
Mastery, X = the number of cards in your and your opponent's hands.
Endurance: 1
Another good card for this week. You can get a sick hand advantage
and then proceed to mill your opponent for a good 6-7 life. Or, if
you are using Black Scientific Mastery, then you can remove the top
10-15 cards in their life deck with no problem. =/ I smell Myuu for
some reason. At anyrate, it's mill, not much to say here. It's a
combat, so it can of course be TES/Clone'd and it is mill, so Vouge
Drill mocks it. Other than that, can't say too much about it.
Expanded: 3/5 (Dball decks survive it, TES and it's clones run
rampart in multiples of 6-7 and your opponent can just mock you with
Vouge Drill)
Focused: 4/5 (better here, only the clones are allowed in this
format and the Dball decks still present a challenge)
Sealed: 4/5 (Run it. Why not?)