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Pojo's DBZ Card of the Day

image from |
Namekian Intimidation
Card Ratings
Average: 3.95
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 07.25.05 |

Matthew Low |
Namekian Intimidation - Arrival
Rare - #209
Event Combat
(Limit 1 per deck. Remove from game after use.) 5, Mastery: Your
cannot attack this turn.
First off, glad to be back. With so many talented people on the COTD
here now, you can't go wrong.
Ahh. the reborn Chiaotzu's Psychic Halt. At least now it isn't
You've got to play Namekian and have 5 stages, which is a pain, but
the best
way to look at this is as a defensive card. You could use this when
you want
to go all out on your opponent, but you're going to need a good way
to gain
stages since this should take out about half of what you have.
You'll only
be able to sneak in a couple attacks, but note that your opponent
will not
be able to refocus. This card could work both ways.
It is best used in combination with Namekian Force Push for stages
as the
attacker, or right after your opponent uses Black Dragon Support,
Force Push, Red Left Kick, Blue Strength, or Orange Rapture. Turning
your opponent's power card should give you the upper hand since many
need the power card to win consistently. With Namekian's ability to
stages, the playing field can be leveled with your free turn.
The downside is that it costs a whole lot, so you'll need to keep 5
in reserve while holding it, not to mention a few more if you want
to abuse
its power that turn.
4.8 out of 5.0
Valdez |
Namekian Intimidation
Well the new game is out, and I've had the pleasure of playtesting
this game for the last week, which is more than enough time for such
a small card pool. Our first card is none other than Namekian
When I see this card, I think CPH (Halt) from the old game. Although
not quite as strong as Halt once was, in the current game, this is
easily one of the top 5 card effects and further backs up the fact
that Namekian IS the most annoying style to play against right now.
This card can either save you from an otherwise fatal combat, or
give you just enough time to set up your own game finisher. However,
there are cons, its limit 1 per deck, you need a mastery, and has a
hefty cost of 5 powerstages.
meb9000 |
Namekian Intimidation
Event Combat
(Limit 1 per deck, RFGAU)
5: Mastery. Your opponent cannot attack this turn.
Hey guys, this is a real exciting time in the DBZ world, as Re-Z has
just hit the streets, so that means review time for the COTD staff
once again!
Our very first review is for a card from the revived Namekian style,
which is predicted to do very well in upcoming playtests for its
regeneration, stage gaining, and card effects that make your
opponent lose stages. As for this card, it has a very strong effect
indeed, stopping your opponent dead in his tracks for a combat.
However, the price is very steep at a whopping 5 stages, making this
a "Use-me-or-you-die"
card, as you won't be doing much attacking after this.
Being removed after use means no regen for this, which is something
that will have to be worked around. I'd say if you are doing well on
the stage gain portion of your deck, there's no reason to not in
include the one allowed copy of this, as it could help in a tight
spot. One tip tho, if you have a bunch of stages and enough to use a
good finisher, definitely go ith the latter, rather then going
defensive, those finishers are downright nasty, trust me ;)
3.5/5-A good card to save your butt, but the steep cost and
inability to regenerate makes it a tricky include for your namekian
Until next time!-meb9000
Fashbinder |
For all of my styled cards, I
am rating them as they function within the style. If a style is
weaker than another style, I will not rate its cards worse than
another style's.
Namekian Intimidation
A powerful but expensive card, Namekian Intimidation is best used on
deciding turns when you want to go about your plans uninterrupted.
It can also be used to get yourself out of sticky situations through
the rest of the game, but you will come out of that turn with a sore
disadvantage thanks to paying 5 stages to use this card's effect.
It's Limit 1 per deck without any tutors, but the fact that you
probably don't want this card until very late in the game makes that
fact almost irrelevant. With Namekian Mastery, you're looking at a
net loss of 3 stages in order to use this card to its most
effective, so it's really not that big of a trade off.
Rating - 3.5/5 : this card is powerful, but since it's not a card
you want all the time -- especially not until late game, its
usefullness is diminished.
Trunks |
Namekian Intimidation
Wow… so our CoTD is finally back.
But I’m sure you know that, so lets get on with the review.
This card CAN save you, but
not all the time. It’s limited to “one per deck,” and you have to
remove it after use. BUT! Stop and think about this: Your opponent
has a BIG attack ready for you, aha! This little number comes out.
It can and WILL save you for one turn. When I duel in YuGiOh, and I
need one turn, I usually get it. Sometimes, little things can come
in small packages. The cool thing about this card is, even though it
says “Namekian”, it’s not only for them. You can use it with your
Saiyans, and The Androids (when they come out). The ONLY thing is
that it’s limited to “one per deck” and you got to remove it after
use. Man … so close to using more and more times. Oh well, one times
the best I guess. I really do like this card, and I will use it when
I get one for myself. I suggest you give this guy a shot too.

Trunks |
Namekian Intimidation
[Limit 1 per deck. Remove from the game after use.] 5, Mastery: Your
opponent cannot attack this turn.Yay, we're back with more COTDs.
On to business. Namekian Intimidation looks like crap to those of
us who haven't played the new game nor seen the new rules. But in
all honesty, it is a fair card. 5 cost is not bad and I can live
with having to declare tokui-waza to use it. But the fun thing is
your opponent can't attack this turn. That's liek SSE on steroids
for namekian style only and costing 5 stages. I can live with
that. That means no finishing moves, no moves that force you to
waste more precious stages, etc. All at half your stages. Plus,
with the power up cards, well... Let's just say you're likely in
for a long combat if your opponent pulls this on you. Of course,
looking at the cost, this could be one of the worst cards to draw
because of the cost. Most of the PURs in this game stay fairly low,
so... But the odds of having a horrible topdeck with this card and
having to toss it because you're outside of the 6 card limit is
extremely slim. Rating: 4.5/5

Zeller |
Monday July 25th - Namekian
Ahhhhhh it's good to be back here. So the new game is out. It's much
more strategic than the last game, and the first card we look at is
a remake of the most broken card in all of DBZCCG--Chiaotzu's
Psychic Halt.
Of course, there are a few differences. This one costs 5 stages
However late game, Namekian seems to have a lot of stages to work
with, and as always most players like to go off late game, trying to
destroy their opponent in one turn.
Is it a staple in Namekian? Definately, you will never not see a
Namekian deck without this sucker in it.
4/5 |