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Pojo's DBZ Card of the Day

image from |
Blue Stalemate
Card Ratings
Average Score: 2.97
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 07.29.05 |

Matthew Low |
Blue Stalemate – Arrival
Common - #23
Event Combat
1: Your opponent's MP loses 1 stage, and you may put up to 2 cards
from your discards at the bottom of your Life Deck.
If you’re playing Blue, there’s no reason not to play this. You
trade a stage for one from your opponent, so no real stage loss.
This can easily deny your opponent from using his finisher or a
block later down the line. But the key is the regeneration of two
cards. Regeneration isn’t all that plentiful in Re-Z, so you should
take advantage of what you can. Not to mention this isn’t removed
from the game, so you can theoretically infinitely regenerate
Stalemates and continue to stall your opponent until you build up
the hand size to Blue Strength your opponent (did I forget to
mention that regenerating Blue Strength is a good thing?).
4.9 out of 5.0

Zeller |
Blue Stalemate
When I chose this card, I thought Blue Stalemate was free to use. I
was wrong. It costs 1 stage to use and your opponent loses 1 stage.
So it's just a trade off. I see this as a "limbo" card. Meaning that
it would intially go into a player's deck, but once they start
tweaking and removing the excess fat, this card is gone.
Although, this card is almost a staple in any Freestyle Dragon Ball

Richard Barbee |
Blue Stalemate
Card Number: 23
Card Type: Combat - Event
Rarity: Common
Expansion: Arrival
Card Text:
1: Your opponent's MP loses 1 stage, and you may put up to 2 cards
from your discards at the bottom of your Life Deck.
And today, we close out the first week of Re-Z with Blue Stalemate.
Now, this card isn't too bad for a common. Most people see this and
go "EW 1 cost to do 1 damage". But you get advantage of 2 cards
returning to your life deck. Sure, that's not a whole lot, but it's
not bad in a blue deck either. All in all though, I think there are
better cards. And since decks HAVE to be 60 cards, unless you just
need the filler, I wouldn't recomend running it. It's not really
worth it to get bad hand advantage just to deal 1 damage to both
players and regen 2 cards. But that's just me...
Rating: 3/5
Fashbinder |
Blue Stalemate
An interesting card that feels like it should be Namekian, Blue
Stalemate is a good card in the right Blue build, or even in a
colorless beat-lock build. Regen is hard to come by in this game,
especially cheap Regen, so this card gains a lot of value in both
its dimensions. The -1 stage to your opponent is okay, but if Blue
is waiting for its one big turn, your opponent might have a number
of stages to spare.
Rating - 2/5 : Interesting in beatdown/lockdown colorless hybrids,
but it doesn't really do anything to make normal Blue decks
accomplish their goal.