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Pojo's DBZ Card of the Day

image from |
Tien's Help
Card Ratings
Average Score: 4.9
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 10.01.05 |

Matthew Low |
Tien's Help - Dragon Ball Z Re-Z
Common - #92
1: All your Humans gain 2 stages.
Welcome to the best card in the set. This card by itself makes Tien
one of
the choice characters to play as in the game. Playing with three
gives you the best 1 for 6 stage payoff, which is the best you can
get in a card. A Human group is amazing to play, especially because
of this
Watch people waiting for this card, dropping it, entering, and then
instantly taking the advantage. It's just that great of a card.
5.0 out of 5.0
Joshua Kehe |
Tien's Help
1: All of your Humans gain 2 stages.
Woah! What's up with that? We spend most of the week on Saiyan
style, and
then suddenly switch to a named card? Weird.
Anyways, this is a very nice card. Basically you are using this in
an all
human three-ally deck, with Tien in it, obviously. This is very nice
as it
will give you, ideally, a one-for-six deal. An awesome pay off to be
Just use it as your first action in combat to be sure to get the
effect. It
would be even nicer if it were a combat event, but hey, nothing is
Human Deck: 5.0/5.0 - Everybody needs stages, and a card that will
give them
to you in such a nice quantity is definitely a good card.
Any Other Deck: 1.0/5.0 - If you don't have Tien, it doesn't work,
and you
would not want to use this in a deck that has a bunch of Saiyans or
Overall: 3.0/5.0 - Only because it is absolutely useless in any deck
from a human one.
The Box |
Tiens Help
Another card that I like. This card makes Tien
playable as an MP and as an ally. But the big
thing about this card is that you get a net
gain of 5 stages for only 1 stage cost if ran
in an all human deck, which it should be. This
card can also get Tien the stages to perform
his finisher first turn, with the help of
Baz |
Tien's Help (wasn't this reviewed
just recently)
Common - Arrival - #92
1: All of your Humans gain 2 stages.
Meet the card that makes Humans a ridiculous choice in Re-Z. With
the optimal setup of Yamcha Ally, Tien MP and Chiaotzu Ally, you can
get a crazy amount of stages out of this card, I seriously doubt
you'll ever have stage problems again if you are running these.
Although, they are seriously hard to get for a common card (I
believe that there are only say 20 or so running around Melbourne
even though we've opened a large amount of boxes) they are worth it
if you get them. 6 stages whenever you want, at the simple cost of 1
stage is a really good investment. Just make sure your opponent
can't kill it before you can use it. I could go on for hours and
hours about this card but its been done before and I'm sure the
other writers would be saying the same thing.
Constructed: You have to have Tien but even so as an MP and an Ally
he rocks - 5/5
Sealed: If you have Tien in some form and a way to play him, and you
get this and another few spicy cards (like finishers and the
corresponding MP) then play this - 5/5 if you can play this, 2/5 if
you can't get full use out of it. |