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Training Saga
Get faster! Get stronger!
25-32, 8 chapters long, 2/3 of a book
Twenty Five
Krillin comes.
Summary: Goku tries once more to get a girl to flash her panties to
Kamesennin. This time, he brings back a mermaid, but Kamesennin doesn't
know, until Goku says, "She doesn't have panties." Kamesennin
figures it out, and asks if he can get a peek at her boobs, but get's
a smack in the face. After
trying another attempt to get Kamesennin a girl to flash her panties,
Krillin comes. The young warrior flies through the air, doing flips
as he makes his way to the island. However, he messes up, and gets his
whole head stuck in sand. Kamesennin tells Goku to get him out, and
he does. Krillin introduces himself, and tells Goku to just go away.
Kamesennin tells Krillin that he has already picked a pupil, but before
he can finish, Krillin offers Kamesennin some adult magazines. Kamesennin
browses through, as Goku studies Krillin. Goku asks why his head is
so shiny, and Krillin says he shaved it all off, because real martial
artists do it that way, like Kamesennin. Kamesennin then tells him it
just fell out. So, Kamesennin tells them both, they can become his pupils,
if they go out and find a women for him. They both agree, and go off
on kintoun. However, Krillin is bad, according to the candy cloud. So,
Krillin hangs on for dear life on Goku, while Goku is directing the
cloud around.
Comic Twenty Six
Goku rescues Lunch.
Summary: As the duo goes off to find the girl that Kamesennin wants,
Goku asks Krillin to find a women, because he can't find the difference
in a man and a women. Krillin reminds him that he is a boy. As they
go along, they here gun fire on the ground. They see a women on a one
wheel motorcycle, and a couple police cars after her. Krillin tells
him to go down, so they can save her. But, she doesn't need saving,
because she seems to be doing fine on her own. However, when she sneezes,
she is in trouble. The cops come up to her and tell her to stay calm.
She admits she did it, but it was her other self. Goku and Krillin land,
demanding that they not touch her. The police say she has commited a
crime, and must be stopped. Goku doesn't care, and beats the cops up.
Lunch thanks them, and Krillin and Goku take her back to Kamesennin.
Krillin is very happy to find such a "nice" women.
Comic Twenty Seven
Goku and Krillin bring Lunch to Kame, who seduces her. (1)
Summary: When they
bring Lunch back, Kamesennin gets over joyed. However, Lunch is still
confused on why she is here. Kamesennin tells her that she will be with
them to live with for a while. She says that she will cook for them,
because she is so nice. She then asks what are his grandchildren here
for? Kamesennin says that those are his brothers. But, later admits
to that being a lie. He says he is a martial arts master, and would
like to train her. He gives her a box to change in, and she starts to
undress right there. Krillin asks if she really is going to undress?
She says it is rude of her, and goes inside. Kamesennin gives Krillin
a big whack in the head. When she comes out, she is wearing skimpy lingeria,
and says the boxes were probably mixed up. Kamesennin, Krillin, and
Goku are all wearing the same thing, while Kamesennin says, "Don't
insult the turtle hermit's training clothes." A bee comes by, and
makes Lunch sneeze. She then, in her evil form, demands where she is,
or she'll blow them away. She does so anyway and then sneezes again.
She says she's sorry for what they did, while Kamesennin figures out,
this is going to be a problem.
Comic Twenty Eight
Kamesennin is impressed, but he impresses his pupils.
Summary: So, they gather there things up, put the Kame House into a
capsule, and start their way on to a bigger island. They travel along
the sea, and arrive in an about 100 person populated island. Goku is
amazed at the size that it is, and wants to start training. As soon
as they are on thier way, Lunch begins to sneeze. The boys immeditaly
run away, behind a rock, and then Lunch just yawns and walks into the
house. They all sigh a relief, and begin the training. Kamesennin wants
to know how fast they can run, so they set up a 100 meter long run.
Krillin is up first, and makes it in 10.4 seconds. Goku comes up next
and makes it in 11 seconds flat. Krillin says that he is the fastest
and Kamesennin agrees, until Goku says he needs better shoes. Krillin
says it doesn't make the shoes that makes your run faster, but Goku
says his are broken, because they open up at the end of the shoe. Kamesennin
gives him brand new shoes, and Goku starts again. He makes it in 8.5
seconds that time. Kamesennin says he'll be next. He makes it in 5.6
seconds. Kamesennin says he is tired, and tells Krillin to get him a
beer. Krillin does so, but when he touches it, Lunch chases him out
of the house with a butcher knife, demanding he doesn't touch her beer.
Kamesennin skips the drink.
Comic Twenty Nine
Goku and Krillin begin thier training. (2)
Summary: As soon as the running race is over, the pair have a new
task. Search for the rock with the Kame kanji on it. The deal is, find
the rock before sun down. If you one of you gets the rock before sun
down, you get dinner, and the other doesn't. If you both don't make
it before sun down, no dinner at all. So, Kamesennin throws the rock
over the cliff, and the great search begins. Goku leaps over the edge,
and Krillin tries to go the other way down, but gets an idea. He picks
up a rock, similar to Kamesennin's, and goes to a nieghbor, asking for
a permanent marker. He writes Kame on it, and runs back to the hermit.
He pants for air as he hands over the stone, when Kamesennin looks at
it, and, hurls it back at Krillin. He says that that isn't his handwriting
and cheating isn't allowed. Krillin then goes his way down, and looks
for the stone. Later, the sun is setting and Krillin is still searching.
After getting attacked by a sabor tooth tiger and knocking it out, he
hears Goku yell with glee. Goku has finally found the rock with the
stone on it. Krillin asks if it is really it, and Goku lets him see.
But, Krillin tricked him, and ran off with the rock. As soon as Krillin
got over a bridge, he cut it all down, so Goku couldn't cross. But,
that didn't stop Goku. He kept on running and running behind him. So,
Krillin stops, and wants to fight. Goku says okay, and they begin. Goku
beats him up, and Krillin is so upset, he throws the rock the other
way of home. Goku is outraged and runs after it. Krillin threw a different
rock though, and Krillin still had the original. When he gives it to
Kamesennin, they have dinner, with Goku in the corner, starving to death.
Comie Thirty
Goku becomes developed to fight at the Tenkaichi Budouakai.
Summary: As 4:30 a.m. kicks in, Kamesennin is up with the birds. At
first, he tries to wake Krillin up, but he refuses and wants to sleep
a bit. He goes to wake Goku up, when he finds her in bed with Lunch.
Geting very jealous, he tries sneak a peak of her panties, when he sees
her in her evil form. He tries to wake up Goku very gently with a broom
stick, when he accidentally wakes up Lunch too. Lunch is enraged that
a boy she doesn't like, decided to sleep with her. She pulls out her
gun, and fires a couple rounds at Goku, but Goku leaps in the air and
knocks her out. Kamesennin gets out of the dresser, and tries to sneak
another peak at her panties, by telling Goku he'll be down in a second.
When the pupils are awake, the begin listening to thier master. Kamesennin
explains that they will training to become stronger and smarter for
good, and not evil intentions. So, they being thier training. First,
run to the millk store, and get some milk to deliever for others. He
tells them to not use the helicopter, but to skip to the houses. On
thier way, they will go around trees, boulders, and other large objects.
Thier last stop would be in a high top temple on the top of a mountain.
The man asks Kamesennin if they are going to participate in the Tenkaichi
Budoukai. Kamesennin confesses and tells his students that they are
training for that. Krillin is as excited as ever, while Goku is still
hungry and confused. Next, they would travel across log bridges, quick
sand, water, and dinosaur infested areas, until all the milk is brought.
Comic Thirty One
Continuing intense development.
Summary: As soon as they are done with the milk delivery, they will
go and plow fields. As soon as they pick up thier plows, Kamesennin
tells them to let them go, and dig with thier hands. They are shocked
by that, but do it anyway. Kamesennin tells them, around noon, they
are done, and can go eat lunch. After lunch, will be study time, because
a fighter has to be smart too. Soon afterwards, it's nap time. For about
an hour, they sleep, wake up, and go work in a construction site, helping
people building things, twice as fast they do. At the end of the day,
the complain and tell him they can't do it anymore. Kamesennin spits
at that and tells them, once they are strong enough, they can move the
boulder that is next to him. Goku says it's too easy, and pushes it.
Kamesennin is amazed at his strength and picks a boulder three times
it's weight and size. Goku can't move this one, and is dissapointed
in it. Soon, Kamesennin tells them, thier training isn't done, becuase
they have to swim laps in a lake. He forgets to tell them, there's a
shark in it. Afterwards, they are tied to a tree, with bees in it. Kamesennin
hits the tree, and the bees swarm out. This is to make them more fast
and nimble. At the end of the day, he tells them that they did a good
job for a first time. They thank him happily, and then says, "Here's
a 20 kg shell." They ask why he gave it to them, and he said, "You'll
be wearing it tomorrow, and for the rest of your training." Both,
are dissapointed.
Comic Thirty Two
The 21st Tenkaichi Budoukai beigns being held.
Summary: So, the
months go by, delivering milk, getting chased by monters, swimming,
dodgeing bees, and working on construction, until one day, Goku comes
in with great news. It is one month before the Tenakichi Budoukai, and
Goku can finally move the boulder, as well as Krillin. Kamesennin is
very excited, happy, and impressed that they have improved so much in
such a short time. He is proud of what they did, and gives them as a
reward, 40 kg shells for one more month. So, they do the same training
over and over again for one month, until the day has come. They can
finally remove thier shells, for the tournament. Kamesennin wants them
to jump as high as they can in the air. They do so, and go about 100
feet up. When they land, they are over joyed at thier skill. Kamesennin
gives them suits for them to change in, so they can look decent. They
say good bye to Lunch, get on the plane, and head towards the arena
in thier taxi. And then, it came. They finally stepped up, and reigistered
to fight. The fight Tenkaichi Budoukai begins shortly.
(1) Since
Lunch changes personalities when she sneezes, you can imagine her enraged
when she is caught in lingeria in front of boys. She prompltley fills
thier heads with bullets.
(2) On the
second day of thier training, Goku and Krillin understand, the hard
way, about thier training with the invincible martial artists.
Book 3 is on 21st Tenkaichi
Budouaki Saga