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Tenkaichi Budoukai Saga
Strong fighters? I can take them!
33-54, 22 chapters long, 1 3/4 of a book
Thirty Three
In advance, they have to choose opening starters.
Summary: As the boys arrive in the arena, they spy out what strong fighters
are there. Kamesennin tells them, they can't fight in suits, so he made
them Kame style gi clothes. It looks like the ones Goku always wore,
since he was little, to the end of Dragonball Z. He couldn't believe
how light they were, and how agile he could move his arms around. When
they step in the fighting ring, Krillin is upset, over the taller fighters.
His words are broken, by a man declaring that each fighter will take
a ball, with a number on it. There are 137 fighters here, so there will
be four rings for the elimination rounds. when the top eight are found,
they will go to the finals. When the drawings are over, Krillin gets
93 and Goku gets 70. Goku finds out, that he's the first in the third
ring of the elimination rounds. So, Goku steps up, and awaits his challenger.
It turns out to be a huge man, that appears to have lifted some wieghts.
Goku easily takes him out, making eveyrone think, he must have tripped.
Goku tells Krillin to take it easy on these guys, because he barley
tapped that guy and he fell out. Krilln says okay, but he is interupted
by some bullies he had lived with his whole life, at his previous temple,
the Oorinji temple. Krillin is upset that he will get beat up, but Goku
says to not hold back, and give it all he has. As soon as Krillin's
turn is up, his bully is eager to get it over with, and as soon as the
bell rings, he gives a quick punch. However, Krillin jumps in the air,
and does a flying kick, knocking his bully straight through the arena
wall. They find out he isn't dead, and Krillin is the winner. Krillin
remarks that Kamesennin's training really did work.
Comic Thirty Four
Goku and Krillin place in the finals of the Tenkaichi Budoukai. (3)
Summary: As time goes on, Goku and Krillin fight more and more, never
losing against anyone. Goku gives a soft kick to the chin of one man,
knocking him out, and Krillin gets a hard kick to the stomach and a
jab in the back, but doesn't phase him at all. This scares the man,
saying that no one has gotten up from that and he forfits. For the finals,
Goku goes up against a somewhat strong martial artist. He wants to not
fight children, and tries to knock him away. But, Goku fades away, and
appears in the air, goes to the ground, and trips the man. He then picks
him up, and tosses him out of the ring, declaring Goku going to the
finals. Krillin is overjoyed that they don't have to fight, and he has
a chance. We all know he will do it, so the action panes off, and Goku
meets an old friend. He says he has lived in the city for a while, has
gotten a haircut, but doesn't let fighting out of his life. Goku is
still confused, so the man strikes a pose, and yells, "Rokafufuken!"
Goku immiedatly knows, and names him Yamcha. Goku asks where he has
been this whole time, and says in the city with Bulma, getting a hair
cut, and adjusting to civilation. He still wants to go back to the desert,
but Bulma won't let him. As they are talking, Krillin is kicking the
fighter out of the ring, making him a finalist. Yamcha asks if that
is his training partner or something? Goku says he is, and Yamcha is
thinking third place is the place for him. As the duo are celebrating,
Yamcha says that Bulma and the others are in the stands. Goku is overjoyed,
as well as Kamesennin, spying on Bulma.
Comic Thirty Five
They start to decided who will go against who in thier fight.
Summary: As
Goku screamed his way towards Bulma, Krillin followed shortly behind,
yelling that they did it. But, Goku and Krillin were too short, so they
had to find a way to get higher and find Bulma. The only way, stand
on top of a person's head. Goku eventually found her, and made his way
to her spot. Kamesennin was having a lovely reunion too, saying she's
still as sexy as ever. Bulma asked him where has he been this whole
time. He said that he was training Goku and his new friend Krillin,
but that didn't matter now. What mattered to him, which he said, was
to see those magnificent breasts again. Bulma hit him the head with
a mallet. As soon as that was done, Goku yelled behind Oolong's back,
"Oolong!" Oolong turned around, to find his friend, Goku.
They had a mini-renunion, telling each other where they have been and
what they were doing. Soon after, Goku and Krillin told Kamesennin that
they were in the finals. Kameseninn was happy for them, and couldn't
wait to see them. Afterwards, they had to go back to the backside of
the arena round, so they could qualify. They got to talk for a bit,
when Bacterian, a man who hasn't washed himself since the day he was
born, came by. Goku almost passed out, becasue his nose was so sensitive
to smell. The announcer told them to line up for drawing numbers, to
see who would go first. After all was decided, Krillin found out he
had to go first, against none other, than Bacterian. Krillin was so
upset, because he had to go first, and against the smelliest man in
the world. Then, the announcer explained the rules, of no crying, no
hitting below the belt. If you fall out you lose, if you are down for
10 seconds, you lose, and no foriegn objects. Goku asked what it meant
for "below the belt" and the announcer said, no hitting in
the family jelewes. Goku still didn't understand, but wanted food. So,
he got to eat. The announcer came out to the arena ring, and declared
who would go against who.
1st - Krillin vs. Bacterian
2nd - Jackie Chun vs. Yamcha
3rd - Namu vs. Ran Fan
4th - Goku vs. Giran
Comic Thirty Six
The first fight - Krillin vs. Bacterian. (4)
Summary: After a short message from the announcer and his faithful "dog"
(some kind of priest), the 21st Tenkaichi Budoukai finals officialy
started. Goku wished Krillin the best of luck, while Krillin could just
stummer a "Ye-ye-yeah..." Nervously, Krillin stepped on the
ring, where his opposer awaited. Everyone held thier noses at the stench
of Bacterian, while all he could do is laugh. Goku, again, wished him
luck. The announcer explained the rules, once again. to the audience,
and, the fight began. With the clang of the bell, Bacterian crept towards
Krillin, giggling with glee. He tried a punch, but Krillin quickly dodged,
and landed on the other side. Bacterian decided to stink the air up,
so breathed out a "fresh" air of stench towards Krillin. While
Krillin was falling backwards, Bacterian creeped around his pants, to
get some crotch sweat, and rubbed it in Krillin's face. Krillin then
fainited on the ground. The announcer, with a gas mask on (as well as
the Toriyama robot in the back) exclaimed what was going on, Bacterian
farted in his face. The announcer yelled if Krillin didn't get it up,
he would surely be dis-qualified. Bacterian kept kicking him hard in
the stomach, when the counting began. Goku then got an idea. He told
Krillin he has no nose, and he can't smell it. It's all in his head.
Bacterian, confused, just stared at Krillin while he got up, and and
faced Krillin again. He then tried to spit luggies at him, but missed,
while Krillin kicked him in the face. After falling to the ground, Krillin
farted in his face, and was declared the winner.
(3) Goku is excited as ever, being a qualifier in the finals.
(4) Krillin must face up to the stinkiest man in the arena, Bacterian.
Book 3
Preperation for the Tenkaichi Budoukai
As Goku comes back from the fight against Pilaf, he returns to Kamesennin
for training. He meets his new partner, Krillin, who has to go and find
a busty women. After finding and resucing Lunch, they brought her back,
packed up the house, and all moved to a larger island. Going to the
island, they figured out how hard thier training was. On the first day,
they went through all thier exscersies that they would do every day
for eight months. For the first seven months, they would do thier training
with 20 kg turtle shells, and then the last month, 40 kg. After thier
training was done, they hitched a ride down to the Papaya Islands, where
the Tenkaichi Budoukai would be held. After going through the elimination
rounds, Goku and Krillin met Yamcha, Oolong, Puar, and Bulma once again.
They got to meet, talk a bit, but had to go to the arena waiting area
behind the arena ring. After getting numbers to see who would go first,
Krillin had to go against Bacterian, the smelliest man in the world.
Krillin kept getting grossed out, but finally fainted at the smell of
his stench. Goku then reminded him, he has no nose, and can take him
on. Before the number ten was yelled, for him to be disqualified, he
got up, and defeated Bacterian, then promptly farted in his face. Krillin
was going to the semi-finals.
Comic Thirty Seven
The second fight - Yamcha vs. Jackie Chun. (1)
Summary: As Krillin walks off with a happy smile on his face, the referee's
mark his place, to go to the semi-finals. Goku and Krillin got to talk
a bit, while the others were getting ready for the next fight. The announcer
then declares the next fight will begin shortly, and here are the fighters.
Yamcha is the first to expose himself, with the crowd cheering. The
announcer tells Jackie Chun to come out, while Bulma hopes it is some
hot guy. Oolong says that she is going out with Yamcha, but Bulma says
she can look, can't she? ^_^ Anyways, Jackie Chan comes out, and then
makes a small remark. Everyone says that old men and young kids are
in this tournament now, it's so crazy! Yamcha gets in his stance, and
the bell rings for the round to begin. Yamcha then attacks, but misses
every time. Jackie Chun then says that he is using wasteless movements,
and needs to train more. Yamcha is upset over this, and goes to his
Rokafufuken. He jumps at Jackie Chun, but misses, yet again. Jackie
Chun leaps away, but then leaps back, and blows a wave of air at Yamcha,
making Yamcha fall out of the ring. Goku and Krillin are amazed at that,
while Krillin says, "But, I have to fight him next...!"
Comic Thirty Eight
The third fight - Namu vs. Ran Fan.
Summary: When the next fight is about to being, Yamcha comes back dissapointed.
He then says that he had a good fight, and hopes to do better next time.
The announcer then says that the next match will be between Ran Fan
and Namu. Jackie Chun tells Namu it is time for him to go, but Namu
is in complete consentration on his mission. Jackie Chun then peers
into his mind, and finds out he needs to win, to gain money for water,
for his drought filled village. Jackie Chun feels his pain, and hopes
he does well. The announcer then yells for the third match to begin,
and Ran Fan makes a flying kick toward Namu. He takes the hit, and then
tries to hit back, but Ran Fan goes back in fright, and Namu barely
taps her arm. She then starts to cry, while the announcer is saying
all that is happening. She then goes back and punches him in the stomach.
She tries once more, but Namu stops it. He then sees her as his worst
enemy and will not stop to beat her. She then puts on a cute face, trying
to make him blush. Namu says her tricks will not work anymore, and goes
after her. She jumps back, and then strips to her underwear. Namu blushes
in fright, while Jackie Chun demands for her to take everything off.
Yamcha says that it couldn't be none other than Kamesennin himself.
Ran Fan makes her move against Namu, while he goes back in fright. He
then quickly says to himself that he will close his eyes to her. Ran
Fan then flies after him, whlie Namu covers his eyes, jumps in the air,
and knocks her out. The announcer declares Namu the winner, with Jacki
Chun coming out to inspect her panties.
Comic Thirty Nine
The fourth fight - Goku vs. Giran.
Summary: As the announcer tells everyone of what is going on, he also
says that this is going to be the last of the semi-semi-finals. He tells
Giran to yeer his ugly head now, and come out to show himself. He then
comes out and yells a horrible battle cry. Bulma can't believe a dino-monster
came all this way. The annoucer tells Goku to come, but he isn't coming.
Giran then says he wins by forfit. Everyone in the waiting arena is
looking wildly for the young fighter, but he is found sleeping near
the outside. They finally get Goku outside, saying that he has to fight.
He says he had a good nap and is ready to fight. He starts to warm up,
but doesn't have much time, because the bell just rang for the fight
to begin. Giran then tells Goku he has something for him in his hand,
so Goku comes to take a closer look. Giran then punches him hard in
the face, sending him back. Goku falls down, looking like he has fainted,
and they just about said Giran was the winner, when Goku gets up and
says he hurt his cheek. Goku then leaps at Giran, trying to get a hit,
but is blocked, and then Goku punches him in the stomach. He grabs his
tail, and then sends him out the ring. It seems Goku has won, becuase
of the ring outside, but Giran flies back in, with the wings on his
back. Goku says he's ready to fight again, but Giran spits a sticky
substance that wraps around Goku, making him helpless. Goku can't get
Comic Forty
Goku fights back. (2)
Summary: While Goku is stuck in the sticky wrapping attack, Giran then
haves some fun, and knocks him around a bit. After Goku satisfies his
needs, he picks him up, and gets in a stance of him throwing Goku out
of the ring. After much waiting, Giran throws Goku out of the ring.
They say Goku can't win this time, becuse he doesn't have wings. Goku
tries to come up with something, and yells for Kintoun. He remarks,
after landing on it, that he hasn't forgotten him. He lands on the ground,
and Giran says that that can't be allowed, becasue it is a foriegn object.
The judges discuss it, and say it is allowed, only for this one time.
Giran then says that he's going to punch Goku out of the ring, and winds
back for the pitch. After letting his punch fly, he hits nothing. Goku
grew his tail back, and is wrapped on Giran's arm. Goku then gets down,
and breaks out of the sticky stuff. He's surprised at his strength and
kicks a part of the wall down. He then says he's ready to fight again,
but Giran decided to give up. The announcer says that Goku is the winner,
and will go to the semi-finals!
Comic Forty One
Semi-finals - the fifth fight - Krillin vs. Jackie Chun.
Summary: As Goku happily accepts his offer into the semi-finals, the
announcer talks about how this amazing fight worked out, and wants to
get a talk with the winner himself. He comes up to Goku and asks him
how he is doing. Goku just stares at him, and asks if he talks into
the long thing (the microphone). Krillin loudly says, "Yes! You
idiot!" Then the announcer asks Goku how old he is. He then counts
on his fingers, and says he is 12. Krillin reminded him that he said
he was 14. Goku explains that the old master told him that after 11,
came 12. Everyone roared with laughter, as Bulma knew that he couldn't
be 14, becuase he wasn't attracted to her. Then, the announcer asked
why Goku had a tail, and Goku said it just grows that way, and then
moons the audience. Krillin says that he can't do that, because it is
rude. The announcer looks at them both, and says that they are training
partners, and asked who they trained under. Krillin tells him that they
trainined under Muten Roshi. The announcer immeditaly recongnizes the
name, and starts to rattle off Kamesennin's life. At the end, he says
that he is probably to old to fight now, which is why Jackie Chun falls
over, flat on his head. Yamcha walks up to Jackie Chun, and demands
to know his real name, which is Muten Roshi. Jackie Chun looks at him,
and says, "I'm Jackie Chun." The announcer then asks how hard
the training was, and Krillin remarks it was tough, but he could take
it. Yamcha is still concerned over Jackie Chun, pointing out the similarities
of his physical and mental traits between the two. The announcer then
asks would Jackie Chun please come out. He comes out, does a little
song and dance, and awaits for the bell to signal the fight. The announcer
demands then that the fifth fight begin. Krillin stares Jackie Chun
down, until he goes after him with a flying punch, which Jackie Chun
dodges. So, Krillin tries to kick, punch, and trip, but to no avail.
He tries to punch again, but Jackie Chun punches back, knocing Krillin
into the wall. Krillin remarks that he may not win.
Comic Forty Two
Krillin and Jackie Chun continue fighting.
Summary: As Krillin gets up, Goku tells him to look for the punch next
time. Krillin asks how could he see it coming. He tells him he just
can. Look hard for it. Krillin doesn't make a move then, watching for
any twitch of movement. Suddenly, he sees Jackie Chun coming at him,
and blocks away. Jackie Chun is impressed, and then starts to go for
a fast attack, as well as Krillin. Suddenly, lighting fills the arena,
and the two fighters are parallel of where they started from. Moments
after, Krillin falls over. The announcer is amazed at what happens,
as Krillin gets up, complaining his head hurts. Goku tells him to fight
harder now. "Easy for you to say," remarks Krillin. The announcer
then comes in to ask them how this was accomplished. Jackie Chun starts
offby slowly running toward Krillin, and Krillin vice versa. Jackie
Chun then does a kick, but Krillin dodges below, Then, Krillin does
an upper jab, but Jackie Chun spits at him. So, Jackie Chun decides
what he's going to do, and tries a punch. But, before he can get it
to Krillin, Krillin snorts boogers at him. So, Jackie Chun and Krillin
both stop, and think about what to do. Jackie Chun then says let's do
rock, paper, sisccors. They do it, and Jackie Chun wins, saying, look
over there, which Krillin does the opposite, and looks the other way.
Jackie Chun then asks for the announcer to pick him up, and in the air,
Jackie Chun kicks Krillin the back of the head, going forward. He then
leaps to the other side. Then, Krillin asks for the announcer to pick
him up, do a flip, and the land. Then he says, "L fell right there."
The announcer is stupified, at what has happened. He then asks for the
fight to continue, which Krillin throws a pair of Bulma's panties, out
in the ring. Jackie Chun dives for it then, and Krillin kicks him away,
out of the ring. Krillin then declares himself the winner.
Comic Forty Three
Jackie Chun fires the Kamehameha.
Summary: As Jackie Chun is flying out of the ring, he preprares the
Kamehameha. After saying the right words, he then is propelled backwards,
back onto the arena. He then gives a bow. Krillin is horrified at what
happened, while Goku asks if he did the Kamehameha, which Jackie Chun
answers yes. The announcer then goes into a fury about the rare and
never seen Kamehameha, right here in the Tenkaichi Budoukai. Yamcha
then says, it has to be him. Krillin doesn't care, and goes into a mad
fury of attacks at Jackie Chun. He runs into the wall and tries to attack,
but Jackie Chun does the zanzouken, the after image attack. He then
hits Krillin on a pressure point of his neck, and is then counted out.
The announcer declares Jackie Chun the winner, as the doctors help Krillin
out. Yamcha then walks up to Jackie Chun and says to admit he is Muten
Roshi. Goku says that that couldn't be him, because the old master had
no hair. Yamcha says it's a wig, and tries to pull it off, which he
fails at. He then tells Goku to smell him, since his nose is so good.
Goku can't find a trace on him, because Jackie Chun is wearing cologne.
Out of nowhere, Namu comes, totally physched for the next fight. Goku
happily walks after him.
Comic Forty Four
Semi-finals - the sixth fight - Goku vs. Namu. (3)
Summary: As the announcer is sayig who will fight next, Namu remembers
his objective, and will take no prisoners. Goku wants to do what the
old man did, and when the fight begins, he does the zanzouken. But,
Namu sees right through it, and tries to kick him in the air. Goku is
stunned why it didn't work, and goes back into fighting again. Each
one exchanges blows, seeing as if they are equal, until Goku hits him
into the back of the wall. Namu hits Goku in the neck, going back, which
makes Goku cry. He tries to push him off then, but Goku's tail trips
him up. Goku then decides to go into a tornado like attack, and spins
faster and faster, towards Namu. Namu knows if he touches it, he will
fly back, so he is crept closer and closer to the edge of the ring,
until, Goku stops, and becomes too dizzy to do it anymore. Namu, while
Goku is on the ground, jumps high into the air, and performs his move,
the Heavenly X Cross Attack. When he reaches him limit, he falls back
to the ground, arms crossed, as an X, and heads toward Goku.
Comic Forty Five
Goku goes on to the finals.
Summary: As Namu heads towards Goku, he starts to get up, but is immeditaly
pushed back down to the ground again, by Namu's attack. The announcer
says that Namu is the winner, while everyone is stunned by Namu's actions.
Namu tells everyone that Goku will not move for ten days, however, Goku
gets up anyway, and tells eveyrone that that really hurt. Namu is horrified
at Goku's action, that he starts back up in the air again. He indentifies
his mistake, and will not make it again. He missed the pressure point,
so he goes higher as usual, just to be safe. Goku says he can jump just
as high, and goes screaming past Namu, going higher than ever. Namu
then tries to fight in the sky, as Goku goes back down to his level,
but Goku starts to go faster down below. Goku reaches the ground first,
goes backwards, and comes in for a flying kick at Namu, just as he is
about to land, knocking him out of the ring. The announcer declares
Goku the winner, while Jackie Chun is thinking that he is going to probably
lose if he doesn't be careful.
Comic Forty Six
Finals - the seventh fight - Goku vs. Jackie Chun
Summary: Krillin comes out to congratulate Goku for his going to the
finals, while Namu, disapointed, comes out of the ring, and wishes Goku
a good fight. The announcer declares that the next fight will start
in a few mintues, for our fighters to rest up. While Namu is packing
his things up, he remembers his vow, and cannot complete it. Jackie
Chun comes over and gives him an emtpy capsule, so he could put water
in. Namu says he has no money and cannot get water. Jackie Chun says
that water is free here. Soon after, Jackie Chun confesses that he is
Muten Roshi, making Namu dumbfounded. As they talk for a bit more, Jackie
Chun asks Namu for a favor. Afterwards, the announcer says that the
finals will soon start. Yamcha is still persistant that Jackie Chun
is Muten Roshi, when Jackie Chun points out in the crowd Muten Roshi
himself. Yamcha is amazed to see him, waving to him. Soon after, Namu
says his good bye, taking off a long white beard, sunglasses, and an
old man's get up. The announcer then asks for Goku and Jackie Chun to
come out please, and they do so. Jackie Chun and Goku both admit that
they are ready, and get in thier stances. Soon, after there is total
silence, the announcer says for the match to being, which Jackie Chun
promoptly flies at Goku, with a punch ready to hit.
Comic Forty Seven
Goku fires the Kamehameha.
Summary: Jackie Chun flies toward Goku, while Goku waits for the action
to hit him. Goku jumps, and Jackie Chun follows behind him, and kicks
Goku in the back. As Goku got hit, he started flying toward the outer
edge of the arena. Jackie Chun is upset over the fight he had to face,
and was hoping for more than a careless mistake, and is awaiting the
interview. But, everyone is amazed to see Goku come back, because he
is using his tail as a helicopter. Goku jumps back in, and exclaims
he wants to do a Kamehameha with him. Jackie Chun says he couldn't do
as big as one as his, and prepares for it. They both chant the famous
words to unleash the power of the turtle wave, until, they reach the
end, and both fire in a bright light. They both connect, and knock each
other back. Goku says that they are both evenly matched. Jackie Chun
is amazed at this boys strength. The announcer exclaims that not one,
but two people today have fired the Kamehameha, which means three poeple
in the world know how. (He doesn't know Jackie Chun is Kamesennin) Jackie
Chun decides that he needs to get serious now.
Comic Forty Eight
Jackie Chun does many techniques, but Goku copies them all. (4)(5)
Summary: Goku awaits the next attack of Jackie Chun, when he finally
does the zanzouken, and appears in front of and behind Goku. Goku takes
a guess at who is the real Jackie Chun, but misses, and gets kicked
in the head toward the wall. After getting up from the rubble, Goku
says he'll do that too. Little does Jackie Chun know, Goku will improve
it. He starts fading to and fro, when Jacki Chun takes a stab at one,
but misses, and Goku attacks from the air, hitting Jackie Chun in the
head. Jackie Chun says that that was good, but the attack he is going
to do is better. He gets in a stance, but then starts to get relaxed,
and then wobbles about. Goku looks at him, and doesn't know what's going
ont. Jackie Chun starts moving closer and closer, until he hits Goku
in the head. Goku says he can't hit a drunk, and then gets kicked in
the head. Yamcha then tells Goku that that's the Suiken, the drunk attack.
Jackie Chun smiles happily at Goku, as he movies close. Goku says he
used to do this with his grandpa, and then tries to kick Jackie, but
misses, and gets hit in the head. He tries again, but misses, again,
and gets hit again. Jackie Chun says that he will win if this keeps
up. But, Goku runs away, and Jackie asks if he made him cry. Goku then
looks over at him, with a monsterous look on his face. He then attacks,
does a flip, and then kicks him from behind, into the wall. Jackie gets
up, exclaiming it was a good trick. Goku calls it the Kyoken, the mad
fury attack. Jackie Chun makes him correct, and says, you did the Kyoken,
but it is the mad dog attack. The announcer then goes on, on how the
match will be a most exciting one.
(1) Jackie Chun showed off his excellent skills, by just waving a blast
of air at Yamcha, making him fall out of the ring.
(2) Goku is not the one to give up, and shows that by going against
Giran, making him forfit eventually.
(3) Against Namu, Goku had to up his skills a bit, to face up to a more
serious fighter, fighting for the sake of his country.
(4) Little does Goku know, that Jackie Chun is really his old master,
trying to make Goku go to the limit of his strength against a total
(5) Jackie Chun does many attacks to Goku, and one includes the Suiken,
the drunk attack. Goku easily falls for the trick.
Book 4
The Great Deciding Fight
Many great fights come and go throughout here. Such as, the amazing,
yet quick fight of Yamcha and Jackie Chun, the seducing Ran Fan and
the ever bashful Namu, who easily defeats her, and the ever popular
Goku, against the monster Giran. All end with Jackie Chun against Krillin
and Goku against Namu. The fight with Jackie Chun and Krillin proved
to be interesting, as the young 13 year old could keep up with the old
master's abilities, but to no avail, as the old man was too much. Next
after, was Goku, the pure hearted warrior, against Namu, the loyal protecter
of his village. The fight seemed more comical, than serious to Goku,
as he almost died at one point, and decided to take care of that. He
knocks Namu out, making Jackie Chun and Goku go to the finals. The 21st
Tenkaichi Budoukai final would be a most interesting one, since it would
be master against pupil. The match started quickly, each exchanging
blow for blow, until the two decided to fire a Kamehameha at each other,
proving to be equal in strength. Soon after, Jackie tried to trick Goku
with some drunk attacks, but Goku fought back by confusing Jackie into
the wall. The match still goes on, with each fighter thinking of how
to defeat the other.
Comic Forty Nine
Goku does the Jan Ken and Jackie Chan does the nighty-night attack.
Summary: As Jackie Chun gets in position to do an attack, Goku starts
prancing around like a monkey. Jackie does a kick, but misses to Goku,
and he misses once more, then twice more! He tries to catch him, but
Goku just happily plays around and jumps on his head a bit. Jackie tries
to kick him off, but Goku goes back down to the ground, then he puts
his tail around his foot, and trips him. He then scratches his face
up, until it looks mauled. Jackie cannot believe that such simple attacks
got the best of him. Goku exclaimed he did the monkey attack, or the
saruken. Jackie then tells Goku that he will do an attack, where he
will not get up for quite a while. The announcer spies on Jackie, pondering
why he is doing such crazy motions with his hands, until he sees Goku
starring deeper and deeper, until, Jackie starts to sing to him, making
Goku very tired, and then falling asleep. Jackie then calls it the minminken,
or the nighty-night attack. The announcer asks how he did that, and
Jackie says for him to start counting. The announcer is still curious,
and wants to know. Jackie tells him to count, becuase it is the rule
since Goku is down. Everyone in the audience tries to wake Goku up,
but nothing works. Jackie proudly boasts with a smile that he will win,
until, Bulma calls out to Goku that dinner is ready for him. Goku gets
up and runs around the arena, searching for the meal that called for
him. He asks the announcer where it is, and the announcer told him he
will have all the food he wants after the fight. goku decides to end
it quick, with a Janken. He begins with a right punch, the two finger-put
your eye out, then the hand slap, but it didn't work. He then talks
a bit with Jackie about the attack, but tells him he left something
out. The punch! Goku hits him in the face, making him dizzily realize,
he switched up the attack, making him confused then punching him.
Comic Fifty
Goku transforms into a giant monkey. (1)
Summary: As the crowd, and even Jackie Chun himself, stare at Goku,
they can only wonder how else he will overcome this man's bag 'o tricks,
when Jackie comes up with a plan. He's going to give him an offer he
cannot refuse. He pulls back his sleeves, and begins the enchantment.
Goku is confused on why he is doing this, and just stares at him. Jackie
then starts to build up incredible energy between his body and two hands
in front of him, when he puts his hands in front of him, letting everyone
see the energy he has created for them, and utters in a loud cry the
name of the attack, Bankokubikurisho! or Bangkok Surprise Prize! Not
waiting another second, he releases his energy upon Goku, which sends
him up on the air, not of his will. Goku can only grit his teeth and
hope that he will stop himself. Everyone in the audience stares at him,
hoping he doesn't die. In fact, Jackie Chun himself, tells Goku to give
up, for his grandfather couldn't stand this. It seemed Goku was going
to say something, until he looks up, and spies the moon, high in the
sky. Not waiting any longer, he suddenly transforms, and becomes a giant
Comic Fifty One
Giant monkey Goku detroys the entire arena.
Summary: The announcer can only studder his words out, as he tells everyone
that Goku himself, is no longer Goku, but a giant monkey! Jackie Chun
stops the attack, and wonders if this was the result of his previous
attack. Goku lands to the ground, and immediatly lets the world feel
his fury. Smashing and crashing everything he sees, Goku shows he has
no consinence for anyone. Krillin tries to yell at Goku to stop, but
doesn't work. Jackie Chun dodges Goku's steps on the ground, and decides
to take off the top of his outfit, and get ready to wrestle the aligator
to the ground. He builds up enormous muscles, and begins to chant Ka...
me... ha... me... HA!!! Blue light fills the air, screams turn into
whispers, and men suddenly become scared children. But, when the light
has cleared, the voices has risen, and the men are back, there is no
more monkey, and in fact, no more Goku! Krillin and Yamcha say that
Jackie Chun is a murderer, but is he?
Comic Fifty Two
Goku is changed back.
Summary: Once again, Krillin declares his promise that Jackie Chun is
the death of Goku, when he points over to a naked, small boy with a
tail under rubble. Krillin spots him, and believes that he is alive,
as well as Yamcha. The announcer is so dumbfounded, it's unbelieveable.
He can't bleieve what is going on. Jackie Chun tells everyone all he
did was destroy the moon, so Goku couldn't transform anymore. Goku wakes
up, and wonders where he is. Everyone is happy that Goku is alright,
but Goku doesn't care, he'll fight naked or dressed, and wants to start
the fight again. The announcer says that it might be a little smarter
to put some clothes on. Krillin offers to give him his clothes, and
after changing to and fro, Goku is ready to fight once again. Jackie
Chun yells that he will see a real Kamehameha, larger than his previous
one! But, all that comes out that appears to be is a tiny cloud of ki.
Jackie Chun cannot believe how much ki he has wasted on him, so he gives
Goku the idea that it's his turn. Goku powers up and let's loose a strong
Kamehameha to make Jackie jump away. Goku jumps after him and does a
kick, and connects. It looks as though Jackie is going to fall out of
the ring, and finally touches the ground. Everyone cheers for joy as
Goku is the winner, but a voice comes up, which is Jackie's. He tells
them to look at his feet. His left foot is stuck hard into the cement
block of the ring, which means he isn't out. He climbs up, and feels
relieved that his foot is un-stuck. Goku then tells him to pull no more
punches and go on head on at each other. He agrees, and they both make
a mad break for each other.
Comic Fifty Three
The end of the finals - Jackie wins. (2)(3)
Summary: When the two start to run like mad at each, they both in unison,
make the same jump, and the same kick towards each other, and when they
both came just right, they both, at the exact same time, kicked each
other hard in the chin. They both fell back, and stayed on the ground
for ten seconds. Niether one could get up, so the only way to win now
was, to stand up, smile, and say, "I did so win!" Goku tries
with all his might to get up, and beats Jackie to getting on thier feet.
Goku smiles, then says, "I did... so..." and faints. Jackie
Chun gets up, and with all his might... smiles, gives a double peace
sign, stand on one leg, and happily say, "I did so WIN!" After
such a long match, it is finally declared the Jackie Chun is the winner,
by such a close match. Jackie exclaims that he is glad he has won, becuase
now the boy knows there are stronger people out there, and can continue
training. Goku gets up, and says he had a great fight.
Comic Fifty Four
Goku goes out to serach for the Dragonballs again.
Summary: The announcer holds up the hand of the new champoin of the
Tenkaichi Budoukai for the next three years, and gladly gives him his
50,000 zeni. Goku and Krillin go up to him and happily say they had
a great time fighting him. Jackie says the same, and tells them he must
be off now. They exchange good byes, and head on. Goku tells Krillin
if he doesn't get food soon, he may faint again. Jackie Chun goes behind
the bushes, takes off his white wig, takes off his fighting clothes,
and puts on a suit, a hat, and some sun glasses. Goku, Bulma, Oolong,
Yamcha, and Krillin all look around where the old man is. Goku then
spies him over on the other side of the stands, while Bulma asks where
he went. He tells them he's been on the toilet. Krillin then asks if
he saw Goku's final round fight. Kamesennin tells them he saw, and was
very impressed at it. But he wanted them to know that there are stronger
fighters and must not keep getting more and more training to become
the best. But, he loses all seriousness, and tells everyone that dinner
is on him. Goku cannot wait, and follows him all the way to the resteraunt.
Goku eats, and eats, and eats, until 47,000 worth of zeni for food is
gone. They all get to talk a bit in the car on the way back to the city,
when Goku tells them all the he wants to find his grandpa's Dragonball
again. Kamesennin tells him that would be a good idea for him to get
good training. He packs his supplies, his nyoibo, and the Dragon Radar
that Bulma gave him. After exchanging good byes, he yells for Kintoun
to come, and gets on for the ride ahead. He tells everyone he'll be
back soon, with his grandpa's Dragonball. He flies off, hopeing that
the journey ahead of him is a good one. However, the ones left behind
have to go home with very little gas. Very little...
(1) Using the Bangkok Surprise Prize, Jackie Chun transforms Goku into
a giant mokey, destroying all of the arena.
(2) The double kick is a memorable move of the Dragon Ball series, which
shows the compete of strength and skill against old and master to young
and energetic.
(3) After Goku falls to the ground, to his defeat, Jackie Chun gets
up, and declares that, "I did so WIN!" making him the 21st
Tenkaichi Budoukai champoin.
Book 5 is in the Red Ribbon
Army Saga