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Ba Ba Saga
Bull shit fortune teller? What does that mean?
Chapters 97-112, 16 chapters long, 1 2/3 books long
Ninety Seven
Goku meets up with Kamesennin and friends.
Summary: After totally wiping the entire Red Ribbon Army, Goku rests
and finds out where the next Dragon Ball is. However, something is wrong.
Meanwhile, Yamcha and the others land a ways back of the Red Ribbon
HQ, in case of them being spotted. While walking along to the HQ, they
try to make a plan. Oolong tries to get out, while Bulma demands that
he come anyway. Lunch is just packed to the gills with guns, really
wanting to kill everyone. While trying to make a plan, they spot a flying
aircraft in the air. They all race back to thier flier and put it back
in its capsule and hide. However, it was really Goku, concerned because
the Dragon Radar was broken. They all yelled for him to come down, which
took him a while to find. They all assumed that he gave up attacking
the Red Ribbon. They all told him he was actually smart to run away
from this fight, but Goku was confused. He told him he did it; by beating
them up and gathering six new Dragon Balls. They were all very skeptical
on it, so they sent Puar to go and see if it was true. She came back,
telling them that it is true, the base is totally deserted. He told
them all he got really strong, and asked Kamesennin if he climbed up
Korin Tower. Kamesennin confessed it was true, while Goku explained
that he did climb it and drank the holy water. Kamesennin figured out
now that that was how he became so strong, but it took him three years,
while this boy did it much faster. Goku asked Bulma to see if she could
repair the Dragon Radar, while she asked if he found his grandpa's ball
yet. He told her he found it, he just wants to revive Upa's father,
since he was killed by the Red Ribbon. Whie flying back, Kamesennin,
Yamcha, and Krillin all discussed on how strong Goku has become. They
decided they want to go with him to become stronger, except for Kamesennin.
They find out nothing is wrong, something must have swallowed it though.
They ask how and why, while Bulma explains the radiation from the balls
that they emit, that cannot be seen if an organism has swallowed them
up. Goku's upset that he came so close, and now they can't find it.
Kamesennin tells him to go to Urani Ba Ba's place, and you can find
out. They all gather up, and go off, except for Oolong, Bulma, Lunch,
and Kamesennin. Kamesennin tells Lunch that Goku is strong enough for
Urani Ba Ba now.
Ninety Eight
Bull Shit Fortune Teller, Urani Ba Ba.
Summary: While flying off, the group tells Goku he really needs a change
of clothes, since they smell and are all torn up. Goku announces that
he's okay, but they tell him Urani Ba Ba may not tell his fortune like
that. They try and get him new clothes, but Goku hates it and wants
a remake of his old clothes. The tailor asks if he wants the Kame logo,
which Goku replies yes, and wants it in the front where the hole is,
and a place for his tail. The tailor tells them it won't take long,
maybe an hour. Yamcha and the gang then head outside, and decide to
go to a cafe. Goku tells them that he will get Upa then, and be back
soon. Goku lands at the base of Korin Tower, and yells for Upa to see
if he is still there. Goku tells him that he beat up the Red Ribbon,
and has a person that will get the last Dragon Ball for them. They hop
on the candy cloud, and fly back. When they come back, Goku introduces
everyone to Upa, and gives Goku his new clothes. Since he feels no embaressment,
he changes in the street, and decides that it's cool to scratch a guy's
place, in front of everyone. Goku thanks Yamcha for them, and exclaims
he got new shoes too. They fly off, and search for Urani Ba Ba's place.
They find nothing but desert, but after a while, a lake appears, and
they find the home of Urani Ba Ba. They land, and get in line for thier
fortune to be told. Goku asks if this is Ureni Ba Ba's house, or Unpopular
Bull Shit's house. The ghost reminds him it is Urani, not Ureni. Yamcha
is confused, becasue all he sees are really strong guys. After a rich
couple leaves, the strong fighers up front move on, and seem really
excited. After a while, they hear fighting, and the fighters come out
all bruised and broken. The ghost tells them to come again, and tells
Goku and the gang to follow him. They follow the ghost to a dead end,
where they see the old women herself, Urani Ba Ba. They ask to see if
they can get thier fortune told, which Urani Ba Ba replies that it will
cost ten million zeni. They tell her there is no way they have that
kind of money. She then, tells them to follow her. She explains that
now, they have to fight her five fighters. If they beat all five, one
on one, they will get thier fortune for free. Krillin tells her that
they did good at the Tenkaichi Budoukai. Urani Ba Ba starts to get excited
upon hearing this.
Ninety Nine
Goku has to begin fighting Urani Ba Ba's fighters. (1) (2)
Summary: They all agree that they will fight, except for Upa and Puar.
Urani Ba Ba tells them that they are very confident, to fight her five
fighters, with only three opponents. Urani Ba Ba then asks who will
be going first? Krillin confidently exclaims himself. He warms up, telling
Goku he may not have to fight all five fighers. Urani Ba Ba then tells
Dracula Man to come on out. A bat flies out, with Krillin asking if
she wants him to fight that? The bat then truns into a short, pale,
Dracula looking man. Dracule Man warms up, and then Urani Ba Ba tells
him he has had enough time, and wants the fight to begin. Krillin wants
to know how good he is, and takes a kick at him. Dracula Man jumps up,
turns into a bat, and flies all around Krillin. They all are surprised
that Dracula Man is so fast. After flying around so fast, Dracula Man
appears behind Krillin, becomes human, and starts to suck his blood.
Krillin tries to shake him off, but doesn't work. He tries to jump backwards,
trying to hit Dracula Man's head. At the last second, the blood sucker
jumps off, and Krillin hits his own head. Krillin tries to shake off
the attack, but blood starts to come out. Yamcha tells him to keep his
cool, but Krillin can't shake it off. He staggers around, losing blood
to his head, and Dracula Man coming in for the attack. He kicks Krillin,
straight into the lake, making him the loser. Urani Ba Ba asks who will
fight now? They try to make a plan, and ask if Puar and Upa can fight,
since they are small. Urani Ba Ba asks Dracula Man if he wants to, which
he replies with a huge smile. Dracula Man tries to attack, but Upa goes
back with garlic breath, making him retreat. Dracula Man tells him that
he will now go after him and take his blood. Puar then truns into a
porcupine, making Dracula Man's mouth hurt. Then, Upa makes his arms
horizontal to his body, looking like a cross. Dracula Man asks what
is he doing, with Upa telling him his strategy. Dracula Man then turns
into a bat and flies away. Puar then changes into a hand, and slaps
him down into the lake. Krillin remarks that they were okay.
One Hundred
Krillin reveals the Invisible Man, who Yamcha beats.
Summary: After the celebration of defeating Dracula Man, Urani Ba Ba
cackles at them, because she is just warming up. She asks who will fight
now, who Yamcha replies as himself. She tries to tell him to reconsider
and let the other two in, so they have a better chance. Yamcha tells
her that he can beat them all, since he's very strong. He then tells
her to bring out the next fighter. However, she tells him he's already
out. Yamcha and gang get confused, because they see nothing. She tells
him that is normal, since he is invislbe; Suke-san, the Invisible Man!
She tells them both to let the fight begin. Yamcha gets scared, because
he sees nothing, but he hears a man telling him he's ready to fight.
Suddenly, Yamcha falls back from a punch, then another, and another.
All everyone can do is watch in terror. Yamcha demands that he come
out and fight like a normal person. Yamcha tries to kick blindly, but
hits nothing. Goku just stares and tries to figure out why Yamcha acts
like he's getting hit and hits nothing. Krillin tells Goku to hurry
up and get Bulma and Kamesennin. Goku gets confused, so Krillin tells
him he'll explain when he gets back. Goku rides off, to begin and end
his quest for the young women and the old pervert. Uarni Ba Ba is amazed
that a young boy can ride that, while Yamcha tries to listen for his
movements now, trying to get a hit. He does an attemp, but grazes by,
almost hitting him. He exclaims that he can finally win, since he can
hear him. Uarni Ba Ba then starts her awful singing, distracting Yamcha,
and making Invisible Man attack. Yamcha bends over, in disgust and pain,
that he is going to lose. Finally, Goku gets back, and lets Krillin
put his plan into action. He puts Kamesennin in front of the ring, and
Bulma to her back of it. He tells them he wants them to watch, in a
special way. Krillin tells him to look up just a little. Bulma is upset
for not seeing the fight, but Krillin tells him then he's gonna do something,
now! He pulls down Bulma's shirt, exposing her breasts, making Kamesennin
bleed severly out his nose, causeing Invisible Man to be exposed. Yamcha
is overjoyed, and does his Rougafufuken. He kicks Inivisible Man once,
casuing him to fall down. Afterwards, the Invisible Man gives up. Bulma
is upset that she had to show the old perv her boobs, but Kamesennin
is overjoyed to see such beautiful things, as he says. Urani Ba Ba cackles,
as she confesses that her next fighters are not this weak.
One Hundred and One
Yamcha fights Miirakun, the Mummy.
Summary: After defeating the Invisible Man, everyone congratualted Yamcha
and told him he could beat the next monster. Krillin explained to Bulma
why they are fighting and not getting the location of the Dragon Balls.
Kamesennin tells everyone that she is just as greedy as ever, sis...
Everyone is shocked to hear him say that, and he confesses that Urani
Ba Ba is indeed his older sister. She tells him he's still a perv, which
Kamesennin tries to hide himself. They tell Kamesennin to get his sister
to get the fortune, but Yamcha wants to fight to train. They then follow
Urani Ba Ba to a different part of the fighting arena, in an in-doors
stadium. Bulma asks who the little boy is, and Upa introduces himself.
They go inside the chamber, while Urani Ba Ba tells the contestant to
enter in the first door, and everyone else come up the stairs, to a
better view. They go upstairs, and ask where are they. "The Devil's
Toilet," Urani Ba Ba explains. She tells him that he will fight
on the Devil's tongues, and if he falls off, well, he will die in a
pit of acid. She tells him to back off, but Yamcha is excited to fight
some more. She then tells the next fighter to emerge from the other
side. Out emerges Miirakun, the Mummy. Yamcha looks a little intimitated,
but is still ready. The fight begins and Yamcha puts his speed to work.
However, the Mummy is much faster, and jumps away. Miirakun does a kick,
Yamcha does a punch, but they both miss and Miirakun goes into a punching
frenzy. He finally hits Yamcha, as he almost falls over, into the pit.
Yamcha hangs on the tongue, while Miirakun tells him to get up, since
he needs some excercise.
One Hundred and Two
Yamcha looses to Miirakun.
Summary: Yamcha finally gets up, while Miirakun smiles evily at his
soon-to-be win. Yamcha is very scared at what he is facing, but goes
along with his specaters plee's to fight more. He then performs his
Rougafufuken, but doens't work. Miirakun dodged every attack. Miirakun
then tripped him, and jumped in the air, ready to smash him to his death.
But, he holds back, and just knocks the wind out of Yamcha, letting
him lie there, in complete pain. Yamcha then tripped Miirakun, over
the edge, towards the acid. Everyone rejoices that Yamcha did it! The
mummy falls, and Yamcha tells him to just rest in peace. But wait! Miirakun
puts his hand up, and lets a piece of toilet paper carry him back up.
Miirakun gets back on the edges, and tells Yamcha that this victory
is his. Miirakun then kicks and punches Yamcha, to where he is almost
unconcious. Miirakun holds Yamcha by the throat and tells him that he
needs to give up, or he'll throw him in the acid. Yamcha then gives
up, and Miirakun lets him live. He walks back up, dissapointed on his
loss. He tells Goku that he underestimated him. Urani Ba Ba asks if
any more fighters will come, which Goku responds that he is next! He
then runs down, and gets ready to begin. Miirakun is shocked that this
is the last fighter. However, Goku stands, ready for his attack, which
surprises Miirakun that he has all kinds of openings to attack from.
One Hundred and Three
Goku beats up Miirakun. (3)
Summary: Miirakun stands, dumbfounded, because Goku looks so strong.
Urani Ba Ba is outraged that Miirakun hasn't finished, and wants him
to do that now! Miirakun tells her alright, and does a hard punch to
the stomach, then a slamming uppercut, and to top it off, a hard kick
to the head. Goku slams to the wall, looking totally beaten. Miirakun
tells them that it wasn't that hard. Urani Ba Ba tells Goku that if
you are unconcious, you lose as well. If he is awake, he must speak
now. Goku gets up, and tells them that it's his turn, while warming
up his car. Miirakun tells him that if he really wants to die, he can
do it. Miirakun does a punch, but misses and Goku does a hard punch
to the gut, making Miirakun totally pass out. Goku then volunteers that,
since he won, he'll hurry up and put him in, so the next fighter can
come out. Everyone is amazed that Goku did it with one hit. Kamesennin
isn't at all that surprised, since he beat all of the Red Ribbon. Goku
then asks, "Hey grandma, if I win two more fights, I win, right?"
Meanwhile, behind the opening for the opponent, a devil-looking man
and a man wearing a rabbit mask admire that that boy did it. However,
the devil-looking guy tells the rabbit guy that he can beat him. Urani
Ba Ba then tells that Akuman needs to come out now! Kamesennin is surprised,
since he used to be the strongest fighter. Akuman the flies in the air,
and tells Goku that he can visit his home, HELL! He swoops down, but
Goku dodges and kicks him away. Everyone is shocked that Goku did that.
Goku just smiles happily.
One Hundred and Four
Goku overcomes Akuman's Akumaito Beam.
Summary: After Goku kicked Akuman a couple times, he remarks that he's
not that strong either. Urani Ba Ba gets upset and tells him to go and
get him now. Akuman smiles and then attacks. He tries to swipe at Goku
and then kick him, but misses. Goku jumps back, and then springs forward,
hitting Akuman in the jaw, making him almost fall over the edge. But,
Akuman used his wings, and told Goku that he needs to do much more to
do that. Goku agrees, since he tells him he held back his punches. Yamcha
remarks that maybe he isn't such a strong guy, but Kamesennin is dumbfounded,
becasue Akuman won two Tenkaichi Budoukais in the past. Urani Ba Ba
then yells at Akuman that he is a disgrace. Akuman then tells her that
he will do a very strong attack now, and doesn't have to worry. Akuman
explains to Goku that everyone has a little evil in them, and he's going
to make that evil grow, and explode. Kamesennin tells Goku to run, because
the Akumaito Beam will kill him. But, it's too late. Akuman charges
and fires. Even Urani Ba Ba tells him to stop. The beam hits Goku, making
him paralyzed. Akuman laughes with delight, finally killing the little
monster. Akuman then gives the command to explode. But, nothing happens.
He yells it again, but still, nothing. Goku wonders what this strange
light is going around him. Urani Ba Ba soon learns that he is as pure
hearted as a baby. The crowd on the sidelines rejoice that their hero
made it through okay. Akuman is upset that his best attack, didn't work.
He then commands at devil fork, as a weapon. Akuman then tries to stab
Goku twice, but missing, making Goku upset that he has a weapon. Goku
then gets serious and does a flying kick to Akuman's head. He hits him
so hard, that a blinding light pierces the room, and Akuman is half
embodied inside the wall on the other side of the room. Urani Ba Ba
is shocked, because no one has come this far. Kamesennin even remarks
that he couldn't see it.
One Hundred and Five
Goku fights the mysterious fifth fighter.
Summary: On the tongues, Goku is giving the usual piece sign, while
everyone cheers with glee, and Urani Ba Ba shocked to find that such
a small boy can do so much. Urani Ba Ba tells Goku that no one has come
this far. But, his time is near, for the fifth fighter is incredibly
strong. She then tells him to come out. Slowly, but surely, he comes.
Everyone is shocked to see a stout, rabbit masked fighter come out.
He asks Urani Ba Ba to see if he can go to the ring outside, since he
wants to fight to his heart's content. Urani Ba Ba grants his request,
and they all go outside. As they walk about, everyone asks Goku if he'll
win. He doesn't know, but he has a good scent on him; happy-like. When
they get to the ring, the fifth fighter then privatly talks with Urani
Ba Ba, while everyone else is discussing about him. Kamesennin remembers
his voice and this ki, but can't remember who it is. All of a sudden,
Urani Ba Ba exclaims that that is interesting, and will prove to be
a good fight. Goku demands that they start now, "'cause he's done
waitin'." Urani Ba Ba tells them that it will go until someone
is knocked out. The fifth fighter bows, while Goku gets in a stance.
The fifth fighter yells at Goku, for not bowing. Goku apologizes and
does so. Urani Ba Ba tells them to stop being polite and fight. Finally,
the stances are set, and the fighters stare each other down. The final
battle is beginning soon. The fifth fighter tells Goku to come, while
Goku is feeling some different ki from him. He puts that aside, and
goes full head on strong at the mystery man. The mysterious man tries
to do a jab, but Goku ducks, and does an upper cut, but that doesn't
work, when the fighter falls back and blocks Goku's punch. They both
then try to push each other over in strength. But, give up and jump
backwards. Then, the fighter jumps in the air, and does a twirling twist
on the opposite side of Goku, and pushes off the ground; with the target
being Goku. He makes a connection and punches Goku away. Goku then flies
backward and lands on his hands. Goku then gets angry and does a flying
kick at the fighter's neck, and connects. They both jump backwards,
while everyone on the sidelines just stares in disbelief.
One Hundred and Six
The mysterious fifth fighter fires the Kamehameha.
Summary: The two strong fighters stare each other down, while Kamesennin
remarks that he's never seen movements such as these. The mysterious
fighter then jumps at Goku, and they both fly around the arena, exchanging
blow after blow. Finally, Goku gets a good kick, but the fighter acts
quickly and grabs Goku's leg, and throws him on the ground. He then
throws Goku in the air, and crouches down to jump; and soon follows
behind. He then does a backwards kick, and slams Goku to the ground.
The fighter giggles at his victory, but then Goku jumps from the ground,
flying straight at the fighter, and kicking him away. The fighter lightly
taps the outside of the the castle and flies back at Goku, giving him
a good kick. Goku then just flexes his whole body, and awaits the blow.
The fighter hits Goku, but no affect. Goku then gets excited, telling
him he hasn't had a challenge in a while. The fifth fighter just puzzels
himself, wondering how he did that. He laughs a bit, and decides to
surprise him. He then chants the famous Kamehameha. Everyone stares
at how such a man knows this attack. When it is done, the blast fires
at Goku, but Goku does the zanzouken, and appears in the air. Everyone
is startled that a another man knows the Kamehameha and Goku dodged
it. Kamesennin the tells everyone that he may be the one. But, who?
One Hundred and Seven
Pilaf searches for the last Dragon Ball, while Goku looses his tail.
Summary: The fifth fighter is amazed, that the small boy used zanzouken
to escape hiis Kamehameha, but now he has now restricts and he could
easily be defeated. The fifth fighter charges up the Kamehameha again,
but Goku starts before him. While violently crashing towards the earth,
Goku is charging a Kamehameha. The chant is done, and the blast is fired.
It doesn't hit the fighter, but it knocks him off his feet, and makes
a big hole. Goku lands comfortably and jumps in the air. His target
is the fighter's stomach, which he prompetly places his knee on as hard
as he can. Goku then tells him to give up, or he'll end it now. Everyone
cheers for Goku, because he won! However, the fighter seems to be laughing.
He jumps up and grabs Goku's tail, causing him to lose his energy and
faint. Yamcha exclaims that Goku can't do it, since he has lost all
feeling in himself. Everyone exclaims that he is a good fighter, and
saw through it. Kamesennin and Krillin didn't even know about it. The
fighter picks up Goku by the tail and declares victory. Urani Ba Ba
laughs, because the kid is so strong, but so stupid; he forgot to train
his tail. Kamesennin then comes to a conclusion who the fighter is.
He didn't see through it, he knew it. The fighter then smashes Goku
on the ground. Meanwhile, via satalite, Pilaf and crew are watching
and just finding out that Goku's weakness is his tail. They are all
happy, once again, because Pilaf hid the Dragon Ball in a special box,
so Goku can't see it, but he knows where all the Dragon Balls are now.
He then declares himself the ruler of the world. They then drive and
head off to Goku. Elsewhere, the fighter is still smashing Goku to bits.
He tells him he's persistant, but needs to give up. Everyone is shocked
that he knew the weakness, but how? Kamsennin confesses that that fighter,
is Goku's dead grandfather, Son Gohan. The fighter gives one last attempt
to tell Goku to give up or he will die. So, he throws Goku back, and
tries to throw him down, but all he throws is a tail unattacthed.
One Hundred and Eight
The mysterious fifth figher is Goku's grandpa, Son Gohan. Afterwards,
Goku locates the last Dragon Ball. (5)
Summary: Goku jumps up and down over the arena, holding his butt, while
Gohan and Kamesennin watch as he does a crazy dance and realize he no
longer has a weakness. The group is skeptical of that being Gohan, since
he had died a long time ago. Kamesennin shows them to his halo above
his head. Goku then growls at Gohan and demands to know why he pulled
his tail so hard it came off? Gohan just stands, puzzled. Goku then
tells the world that he is pissed off like never before. Gohan chuckles
a bit and says he gives up. Everyone is startled by the remark. Goku
is confused why he did do that. Gohan then tells Goku that he has trained
very hard, but needs to work on his one weakness. He warned him about
it. This surprises Goku, because only one man warned him of his tail.
Goku then points and tells him he is, but Gohan interupts and tells
him he sees through the mask. He is his grandpa, Son Gohan. Goku slowly
brings a smile to his face, and steadily repeats "Grandpa..."
Soon, Goku is all over his grandpa hugging him as hard as he can. Everyone
remarks that the strongest boy they know, is crying now. Gohan tells
Goku that he has become stronger than him, and asks if Muton Roshi trained
him. Goku nods, while Gohan bows to Kamesennin, telling him it's been
a while. Kamesennin confesses that it took him a while to figure out
who he was. Goku asks when did he come back alive, which his grandpa
replies he hasn't. Gohan tells everyone that he has come from the anoyo,
the after world. There, he was hired from Urani Ba Ba for a high pay
salary to fight fighters. Goku asks if he will come to live with him,
but Gohan can't, because he can only come for a day. Bulma asks if it
was coinsidence they met, but Kamesennin tells her that his sister is
a fortune teller, and knew all about it. She tells Goku that Gohan asked
if a boy with a tail is coming, but she didn't know it was his grandson.
Gohan tells Kamesennin he is relieved that he has trained under the
right person, but also quietly asks if he has turned into a monkey?
Kamesennin tells him that there is no worries, since he destroyed the
moon. Goku then shows his grandpa his own Dragon Ball. Gohan remarks
that he found that a long time ago and why are there others like it.
Bulma tells Gohan that Goku's life changed over those balls. They quickly
explain everything and congradulate Upa on his father coming back. Upa
is sad, because he thinks Goku will pick his grandpa over his dad. Gohan
tells him not to worry, since there are cute girls in the other world.
Yamcha then tells Kamesennin thats the reason he was his best pupil.
Urani Ba Ba then tells them that she will grant the fortune, as promised.
Gohan then tells everyone that he needs to go now, which Goku whines
over. Gohan tells him not to worry. He bows and thanks Urani Ba Ba and
then pats Goku on the head, telling him they will meet again in the
far future. Gohan then tells everyone he'll see them in the other world
soon. The two old perverts then exchange good byes, while Goku, still
smiling, bids farewall to his beloved care taker. Gohan tells them all
good bye, while everyone watches Gohan dissapear and stare at nothing.
Goku then promises he will train harder, even with his tail, and will
meet again. Urani Ba Ba then tells Goku that she knows where the ball
is. She tells them it's in a car, coming this way. Bulma can't find
it on the radar, so Goku asks how far away are they. Urani Ba Ba tells
him about two hundred kilometers. Goku grins that he will get to do
his wish at last.
(1) The
group goes to see the fortune teller to reveal where the next Dragon
Ball is.
(2) Seeing
that they don't have enough money, Urani Ba Ba tells them they can get
thier fortune, only if they beat her fathers.
(3) After
Yamcha tried his luck, and lost, Goku went up against the Miirakun,
and wins.
(4) While
fighting the mysterious fifth fighter, Goku looses his tail, and learns
himself a lesson of weakness.
(5) After
the mysterious fifth fighter looses, he takes off his mask, revealing
that he is, indeed, Goku's grandpa, Son Gohan, still dead.
The Old Women, Bull Shit Fortune Teller
After completely destroying the Red Ribbon Army, Goku starts to head
back. Meanwhile, everyone starts heading toward the Red Ribbon Army
HQ, thinking that Goku will need help. They meet him up at the foot
of the HQ, and head back to Kamesennin's island. They find out that
the Dragon Ball radar is broken and needs one more ball. Kamesennin
makes a suggestion to go to Urani Ba Ba's, a fortune teller. They think
that's a good idea, and Yamcha, Goku, Upa, Puar, and Krillin fly there.
When they get there, they wait for a group to come out, and then it's
there turn. Krillin had to fight the Dracula Man first, which he lost
horribly. Upa and Puar decided to go next, since they were so small.
Together, they worked a system of defeating Dracula Man by hitting him
in the lake. Once they won, Yamcha wanted to go, but couldn't find his
enemy at first. He was up against the Invisible Man. Krillin told Goku
to get Bulma and Kamesennin, and after done so, Krillin put down Bulma's
shirt in front of Kamesennin, forcing blood out his nose, making Invisible
Man exposed. Yamcha made him give up, by hitting him once. When they
got done there, they had to go to the Devil's Toilette. Upon arrival,
Yamcha went on an arena where he had to fight a mummy named Miirakun,
on two long tongues of statue demons. Yamcha tried his best, but lost.
Goku was the last one up, so he decided to win fast. Goku did so fast,
that Miirakun barely had a chance. Next, was Akuman, a man who looked
like the devil. After going through an intense blast, Goku hit Akuman
so hard, he almost went through the wall. Next, was a mysterious fifth
fighter. He asked to fight Goku outside, and did so. Immediatly, a fight
began. After exchanging Kamehameha's and pulling off Goku's tail, the
fighter confessed he was Goku's grandfather, Son Gohan. He wanted to
see if he could fight Goku once more. He did, and so, Goku won. They
found the location of the Dragon Balls, and Goku started off.
One Hundred and Nine
Goku searches for the ball, while Pilaf defends it with his followers.
Summary: Once Goku finds the location of the next ball, everyone is
skeptical of him getting it. Urani Ba Ba points in the direction of
it and says it's in the desert heading this way. Goku then gets on his
cloud and flies off. Meanwhile, Pilaf listens to Goku coming due to
his satalitte. He exclaims to the world that he is thier leader now.
Shou asks what is the first thing he'll do, but Pilaf doesn't know,
but he doesn't say that. He tells him it's a secret. Goku finds the
car, and lands on it, making the group inside wondering who it is. They
are surprised that Goku is hear already and makes the jump off the road.
Pilaf is wondering how he found him so quickly, while Goku remembers
that it's the "blue guy" that tried to kill him last time.
Pilaf then tells the group that they know his weakness; his tail. Goku
demands that they come out now, which they do. Pilaf then makes an agreement
that he will give the ball up, if he loses the fight they will get into.
But, Goku will have to give him his Dragon Balls if he loses. Goku wonders
how he knows about that, but accepts. Goku then gets into a stance,
while the three others throw capsules out. Out come three giant robots,
with each one carrying one passenger. Pilaf tells him to surrender,
but Goku thinks nothing of it. Pilaf then sweats a bit, and tells Mai
to show him the awesome power of his machines. Goku doesn't listen and
immediatly heads for Pilaf's robot, kicking far back away from his starting
point. Mai and Shou come to his aid, but Pilaf just staggers about a
bit, and exclaims he's a monster.
One Hundred and Ten
Goku fights Pilaf and wins. He finds the Dragon Ball, and flies back.
Summary: After getting Pilaf up, Goku remarks that he can try and do
better. Pilaf still thinks Goku has a tail, and can try and get him
at it. Pilaf then for them to attack, and they jumped in a triangle
formation. Before they could do anything, Shou pointed out he doesn't
have a tail anymore. Pilaf paniced and told them to regroup. They huddeled
together for a few minutes, and soon came out, yelling that they were
ready, as was Goku. Pilaf and group got back in their triangle and prepared.
Immediatly, Pilaf pointed off in the distance, saying that there was
something there. Goku looked that way and Mai swooped down and picked
Goku up. Shou, behind Goku, put up a cannon and let fire loose, burning
Goku's butt. Pilaf then jumped up and tried to find his tail, in case
if it was hidden, but it wasn't there. Goku asks if there is something
wrong, which Pilaf replies with nothing. Pilaf then reports that his
tail is off now. Shou and Mai then stare in terror, that they are about
to be beaten. Goku asked why they burnt his pants off, by which the
group was talking about just going on head on. Goku told them that they
were going to pay now. The three then assembled thier robots together,
making Shou, then Mai, and finally Pilaf on the top, a full giant robot.
Goku then blasted a Kamehameha at them, asking them if they wanted more?
Mai exclaimed to Pilaf her robot no longer funtioned. Pilaf yelled for
them to leave it, and turn into ostritch mode. Goku asked what were
they doing. Pilaf told him that they were... leaving. The chase began,
with Goku quickly catching up. Pilaf then fired a missle at him, which
Goku caught and threw back. Goku told them he won, and wants to Dragon
Ball. Goku then asked for Shou's clothes, since his was burned.
One Hundred and Eleven
Bora returns from the dead. (2)
Summary: It didn't take long for Goku to go back to Urani Ba Ba's, tell
everyone he got the ball, show it off, grab Upa, and fly off. Goku told
everyone he would come right back, after wishing Shenlong. Upa and Goku
flew real fast off to the grave of Bora. While Goku and Upa are flying
off, everyone remarks on how Goku is really strong now, than he was
a year ago. Urani Ba Ba remarks that she feels that Goku will save the
world some day. Goku and Upa set down under Korin's home, and set the
Dragon Balls out near Bora's grave. Soon after, Goku yelled out "Come
forth, Shenlong!" The sky darkened, as usual, and lighting filled
the sky. The big dragon with huge wooden horns came forth, and explained
the wishing ways again, "Only one wish per summoning." Goku
then tells Upa to ask for his wish. Upa asks for his father to come
back to life. Goku asks if there is something wrong, which Shenlong
replies in nothing is wrong and it is done. Suddenly, like a zombie
rising from the groud, Bora breathed in air once again.
One Hundred and Twelve
Goku goes into the wild, to train for the 22nd Tenkaichi Budoukai.
Summary: "Chi...Chichiue...Chichiue!!!" The very words from
Upa's mouth, as he pronounced his ever loving care for his father. Dazed
and confused, Bora emerged from the sandy earth, to be welcomed by his
dear hearted son. Bora tried to explain that he had died, but Upa told
him that Goku wished him back with the magic Dragon Balls. As Shenlong
saw what he had done, he bid farewall, and shot back into the sky, letting
the balls twirl in majesty. Goku saw his grandpa's ball, and jumped
in the air to grab it, before it went away. Upa asked why he did that,
and Goku explained that when you do a wish, the balls go every which
way, and turn to stone. He was grabbing his grandpa's. Bora then thanked
Goku, for his gentle care. Upa explained the whole story of Goku climbing
the tower and then killing Tao Pai Pai. Bora confessed, that Goku, was
a good, pure friend. Goku then told them he had to go, and flew off
on his kintoun. As Goku landed, he bared good news, that Upa's father
is alive and well. Everyone got a good laugh, but then Goku exclaimed
that nature was calling. Everyone fell into disgust, that "this"
was the world's savior? Goku came back, and told them that they are
done searching. Bulma then told him he needs to get the four star ball.
Goku brought his stone out, and showed off he won't have to search now.
The search was over. Goku exclaimed that they need to train for the
next tournament. Yamcha then confessed that while he was gone, Kamesennin
agreed to take him under as a student. Goku was excited, to train with
another partner, but Kamesennin stopped him in his tracks before he
went on. Kamesennin asked Goku if he wanted to become stronger, by which
Goku agreed by nodding his head. Kamesennin explained, that if he wanted
to become stronger, he had to leave him, and travel the world, and gain
more experience. Goku didn't understand, but quickly snapped, that he
had to leave on his own. So, Kamesennin told them to meet at the Budoukai.
Krillin told him that they had to wait five years, which Kamesennin
said, "No, only three years." Goku was estatic, getting to
train his own way. He bid his goodbyes to every single person, and yelled
for kintoun to come. Kamesennin then told him to not use it for the
three years. Goku didn't seem to mind, and ran off, bidding goodbye.
Urani Ba Ba then went over to Kamesennin, and told him that Goku was
stronger than him, right? Kamesennin didn't say anything to her, but
to his students, they had to jog back home. Meanwhile, Goku is running
off, for adventure, never stopping to think, that he will meet new friends,
enemies, and lots of experience. The next Tenkaichi Budoukai is waiting
and it's time to train!
(1) After
winning Urani Ba Ba's test, Goku goes out to find the last Dragon Ball,
which Pilaf has.
(2) Undoubtly,
Goku retrieves the last Dragon Ball, and goes to Bora's grave, to revive
Book ten is in the 22nd Tenkaichi
Budoukai Saga