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Tenkaichi Budoukai Saga
I've gotten stronger! Look what I can do!
Chapters 113-134, 22 chapters long, 1 2/3 books long
One Hundred and Thirteen
The start of the 22nd Tenkaichi Budoukai. Tenshinhan and Chaozu are
introduced. (3) (4)
Summary: It has been three years since the the grand fight of the young
fighter and old master; the lone warrior against the gigantic army;
and the test of the old women. It is time for the 22nd Tenkaichi Budoukai.
Yamcha, Krillin, Kamesennin, Lunch, Bulma, Oolong, Umigame, and Puar
are traveling along an airplane, to the island of the Papaya Islands,
where the fight is held. Murmers and boasts are made of Yamcha and Krillin,
telling each other how strong they have become. However, Bulma snaps
their attention, to remember Goku, as well as Oolong reminding them
of Jackie Chun. Lunch, being in her evil form, is just itching to hijack
the plane, while Kamesennin can only focus on trying to go to the bathroom.
The air flight attendent tells him that they will land shortly and cannot
do it. Krillin and Yamcha are embaressed, to be trained under someone
that cannot hold his own wastes. The group waits along the side of a
street, to get a taxi, while Kamesennin is in the bathroom. What seemed
like an eternity, a taxi came just as Kamesennin waved he was okay.
They arrive in the sign up area, getting tense of the fighters that
await them. Yamcha starts to sign up, while Kamesennin sees if Goku
has signed up yet or not. It appears Goku has not. Tense, they wait
patiently. However, Goku has five minutes! After Krillin and Yamcha
sign up and wait on the side lines for Goku, Lunch thinks about signing
up, but is reminded of no weapons. Kamesennin sneaks off, and signs
up as Jackie Chun. It startles the attendent, but has been instructed
not to say anything. They ask where did Kamesennin go, and he told them
the bathroom again. Just to embaress him, Umigame says, "Got the
craps again?" Kamesennin tells him to shut up, while a familiar,
yet not wanting to be reminded face appears. It is Tsurusennin, with
two pupils, whose names are not revealed yet. Known as the "Crane
Master," he is Kamesennin's rival. Kamesennin is surprised he's
still alive, and Trurusennin reminds him that he is still ugly. Tsurusennin
confesses that he has heard that one of his former students made it
to the finals, which means the competition isn't that strong. His students,
on the other hand, will be much harder to beat. He tells Kamesennin,
that his students, will be defeated. Kamesennin and Tsurusennin begin
an insult contest, until Tsurusennin has to go. Kamesennin tells everyone
who that is, when they find out they only have one minute. With wasting
no time, Yamcha instructs Puar to change into Goku, until... Goku comes!
He makes it just in time, wearing a leapord skin clothes. They sign
him up and are reminded of his ill-mannered skills. They also remark
that he has grown, but Krillin is still shorter than him, which upsets
him. They wonder how he got here, and he tells him he swam here, and
never used kintoun. He came all the way from Yahoi, which is apparently
to the very north west of here, since they say that is on the other
end of the world, which concludes that Papaya Islands is south east.
An announcer tells all fighters to get ready. Goku, Yamcha, and Krillin
then change into thier orange gi Kame uniforms, and get ready to fight.
They Goku is still the same strength, but have to go inside the emlimination
rounds, and see thier competition. They all see strong fighters, and
see Jackie Chun. Goku is happy to see him, and can't wait to fight him.
Finally, the moment has come. An announcer tells everyone to be welcomed
here, after three years of the previous. Total, there are 182 contestants,
competeting for eight slots in the finals. The rest, is up to you.
One Hundred and Fourteen
The elimination rounds begin.
Summary: As fighters gathered around for thier numbers, Goku and friends
waited for thier turn and talked a bit. After a while, Krillin, Yamcha,
and Goku got done. Krillin recieved #71, the first half of the second
table. Goku got the same, while Yamcha was in the first half of the
first table. Jackie revealed that he was in the fourth table, at #170.
Krillin was happy, because they would meet in the finals. Shortly after,
an announcer told everyone to line up at thier table and await the rules.
He told the same rules, as they are every year, and the gang soon parted
thier ways. Now, the first fight was to begin, for Yamcha. He was going
up against some medium built man, with a mowhawk. After receiving word
to go, Yamcha waited for his opponeant to attack, and when he did, Yamcha
flew right at him as well, and hit him with his arm. Everyone was shocked
that a first fight went by so quick. Goku congratulated him, and told
him that Krillin was going next, against a huge man. Krillin respectfully
greeted him with a bow, but the giant didn't care, and what to pick
Krillin up and throw him away. This upset Krillin, so when the giant's
finger came down, he grabbed a finger, and threw him across the ring.
Goku admitted that Krillin really did improve. Krillin told him he hasn't
seen anything yet. Suddenly, the tall student of Tsurusennin came, and
asked if they were satisfied with such easy foes. Goku asked who was
that, and Krillin explained that he was a diciple of the Crane Master,
Tsurusennin. He told them that he will eventually take them down, if
they aren't too weak for the elimination rounds. Yamcha just gave him
the finger and told him to get lost. He did so and walked his way, towards
his next fight. Krillin got enraged, since he thought he was so weak.
Goku didn't think so, becasue he thought he was strong. Krillin asked
why, but watched him fight anyway. Tsurusennin's diciple faced against
a sumo wrestler, and when the command to go was announced, Tsurusennin's
student didn't do anything, but hit air, which hit the sumo wrestler
and knocked him out. Everyone was confused on what happened, but Yamcha
told them that there were four punches, while Krillin told them he also
did two kicks, which all, were eye shots. Soon, it was Goku's turn.
As he warmed up, everyone saw his opponent, Chapa, who appeared to be
good. He seemed to look like a Mr. Satan, but Hindu. He remembered that
Goku won a match where no one touched him. He then told Goku that he
wouldn't suffer. Goku then got in his stance, and said, "How kind."
One Hundred and Fifteen
Goku and his friends advance to the finals.
Summary: As Goku prepared in a stance for his first fight of the 22nd
Tenkaichi Budoukai, Jackie Chun told Yamcha that this will be a tough
fight, but said in his head, that this will show how much Goku improved.
Chapa spit at Goku, but all Goku could do was smile and wait. After
not waiting any longer, Goku jumped up and hit Chapa in the nose. Chapa
studdered back, wondering who is this kid? He started to admit that
Goku was no run-of-the-mill kid. Jackie Chun then told Yamcha he was
going to do the Eight Hand Attack, which combines speed, strength, and
optical illusions. Chapa then started the attack, but didn't work on
Goku, because he dodged every single hit. Goku then tripped him, making
him entirely angry, and just an all out attack. Chapa swung back and
tried to hit Goku. Goku then dissapeared, and appeared in the air. Jackie
Chun then told Yamcha that that was a big mistake. Chapa agreed, because
he told Goku that he can't miss in mid-air. Goku then jumped off the
ceiling and flew at Chapa. Chapa swung back again, ready to seal Goku's
fate. Chapa swung, but hit nothing. Goku pushed himself so far back
in mid-air, that he appeared to float. Goku kicked him in mid air, and
knocked him out of bounds. Everyone, including Jackie Chun, was totally
impressed, of a new technique. Krillin told him that had better not
be his best, which Goku replied, I can take care of myself, and hope
we don't see each other in the elimination rounds. Next. Jackie Chun.
He easily beat his opponeant, by hitting him in the jaw. Goku was happy
that Jackie Chun was still as strong as last time. As the day went along,
Yamcha, Krillin, Goku, and Jackie Chun won each and every fight. Once
they found out they could go to the finals, Goku and Krillin went to
see Bulma and the rest of the gang. Goku was upset, to not see Kamesennin,
but they told him he was probably looking for girls. All of a sudden,
Kamesennin came up, saying that she was speaking poorly of him. He was
"at the ring." Goku asked if he saw them, and he admited that
one of the winners will be them. An announcer came on and told the eight
finalists to come to the arena. They ran off, but the rest that stayed
behind, couldn't see. Oolong told Lunch will get them some room. Lunch
then pulled out her gun, and fired off a couple rounds, making everyone
One Hundred and Sixteen
The final round bouts begin.
Summary: As Goku, Krillin, and Yamcha congradulated themselves as qualifiers
to the finals, Tsurusennin's diciples come by, and ask how did they
get by so easily? Yamcha tells him that they don't allow idiots to the
finals, which Tsurusennin's tall student says that he will get him for
that. Krillin then walked up to the smaller student, and asked how he
came in. He just said that Krillin is weak, which Krillin replied as
him a baldie (not much of winner there, eh?). He then took off his hat,
to reveal he had one hair. Krillin told him that a shaved head is better
than one hair. The taller student then reveals that the smaller student's
name is Chaozu and tells him to come with him. Suddenly, the main arena
announcer comes by, and tells everyone to come to him, to draw numbers.
Goku says hi to him, and asks him to please not destroy the arena this
time. First up, Jackie Chun to draw a number. The taller student tells
Chaozu to pair Chun up with a worthy opponeant. To the right of the
tall Tsurusennin student, there was a wolf man, who growled when he
saw Jackie Chun. The tall student them told Chaozu to pair Jackie Chun
up with him, which Chaozu replied as done, and got #4. After doing that,
up next was Yamcha. The tall student then told Chaozu to pair that idiot
with him. Chaozu lifted his finger, and the drawing was done so. Yamcha
got #1. Next, was Panputt, who got #7. After that, the announcer tells
that the tall student's name is Tenshinhan. Tenshinhan reached in, and
pulled out, noneother than, #2, which scared Yamcha a bit. The two exchanged
insults, and went there way. The first match was already decided. After
that, was Krillin, who got #6. After that was Werewolf, whom he corrects
the announcer as Wereman. He tells him that a werewolf is a man who
transforms into a wolf at the sight of the moon. He's the opposite.
When he sees the moon, he turns into a man. He reaches in, and pulls
out #3, which greatly pleases Wereman. After that, was Chazoo, which
was corrected by his actual name as Chaozu. Chaozu recieves #5, which
relieves Krillin, because he doesn't have to fight Goku yet. The only
one left was Goku, who will recieve #8. Goku was skeptical, and reached
in to make sure. Sure enough! He pulled out #8! This surprised Goku
and asked if he was a magician? Chaozu, with absolutly no smile on his
face, replied that that was amusing. The announcer then told them, that
they know the rules, and thier places, so now they can begin. Goku wanted
to eat though, which the announcer asked if Goku always eats? "More
often than not." Tenshinhan made a remark at Yamcha, which upset
him a bit, and told Chaozu that he did good with matching up people.
Meanwhile, the group outside became restless and started to want the
fighting begin. Bulma kept asking where Kamesennin was, but they couldn't
find him. The announcer then came out, and told everyone the Budoukai
will begin, and the winner will recieve 500,000 zeni. They have matched
up the eight finalists, and will start with, Yamcha vs. Tenshinhan.
Bulma was happy Yamcha was first, as was Yamcha, so he could shut up
Tenshinhan. As they walked out, thier pasts were unvailed, as Yamcha
was one of the three students of Muton Roshi and Tenshinhan was a student
of Tsurusennin. Jackie Chun then said aloud, "...comparing me to
that idiot." Bulma and group kept yelling for Yamcha to win, but
Tenshinhan had other plans. They exchanged insults and were about to
start again.
Comic One Hundred and Seventeen
First Final Fight - Yamcha vs. Tenshinhan
Summary: Slowly,
the tension builds up. The fight between a great fighter and a mysterious
warrior. The two stand off, until the count to go has begun. Without
hesitating, Yamcha goes into a stance, and gives Tenshinhan one last
chance to give up. Tenshinhan refuses and goes into a stance. Krillin
knows Yamcha can do it, but Goku is having doubt. Yamcha then does a
flying kick straight for Tenshinhan's face, but is blocked and counter
attacked by a two finger jab into the stomach. Amazingly, while still
in the air Yamcha was able to block it barley. Tenshinhan then jumped
up and knocked Yamcha backwards, to where he had to do back flips to
get away. Without wasting time, Tenshinhan followed afterwards. Right
before Yamcha gets hit with a punch, he jumps in the air, letting Tenshinhan
eat his dust, literally. This angers Tenshinhan, so he follows afterwards,
in the air. This makes Yamcha scared and have to attack back with all
his might. Luckily, he lands a two hand blow to Tenshinhan's face. They
both then go on the ground, and stare each other down. Everyone is amazed,
that these two fighters are so equally matched. Yamcha then confesses
this is harder than he thought it was. Tenshinhan also admits that he
has the strength he claimed to have. Yamcha then got in his signature
move stance and performed a brand new Rougafufuken. Tenshinhan smiled
evily and awaited the attack. Both then jumped straight for each other,
and met in mid-air, exchanging blow after blow. It seemed that none
would be able to hit each other hard enough for the other to fall, until
Tenshinhan gave Yamcha a blow to the stomach, and made him fall backwards.
Krillin and Goku started to have an even greater doubt, except for Tsurusennin,
who just smiled evily. Yamcha told Tenshinhan that he would go all out
now. He then squated and started to chant a familar attack. Krillin
asked Goku what was he going to do, so Goku told Krillin he is going
to do the Kamehameha. Jackie Chun also saw that. Slowly, Yamcha performed
the attack. Krillin asked how he learned that, as well as Tsurusennin,
with the expression on his face. After peforming the chant, the blast
emerged from Yamcha's fists, flying at Tenshinhan. Tenshinhan then waved
his fists and arms around, until broght his hands together, making the
index fingers stand up. The blast went faster towards Tenshinhan, while
he still stood there, fists up, with his own ki charging.
Comic One Hundred and Eightteen
Yamcha loses. (5)
Summary: As Yamcha blows his Kamehameha at Tenshinhan, the three eyed
warrior blocks back with a ki blast from both fists, ready to counter
attack. With an amazing yell, Tenshinhan lets his energy loose and reflects
the Kamehameha. Yamcha, still in a Kamehameha stance, looks in terror.
Krillin, Goku, and Jackie Chun all stood there, dumbfounded that that
has actually happened. Luckily, Yamcha jumped away just in time, but
was still amazed at the reflected blast. However, Tenshinhan was ready
to attack again. Goku made Yamcha snap to attention, but it was too
late. Without any defense, Tenshinhan kicked Yamcha as hard as he could,
across his stomach area. Yamcha fell to the ground, in complete pain.
Tenshinhan then went down as fast as he could and slamed his knee into
his knee cap, breaking it. Yamcha's left leg completely twisted the
other way, which made everyone surprised and upset. Goku then jumped
out of the waiting area, trying to wake up Yamcha. Tenshinhan then asked
if he won or not, which the announcer replied, in the microphone, that
Yamcha cannot move, and therefore, Tenshinhan wins. The announcer then
told the emergency crew that he needed a strechter, but Puar was already
on the job. She changed into a flying carpet and carried Yamcha off.
Bulma and Lunch went after Yamcha as well. Goku then angerly stared
at Tenshinhan, calling him a coward. Goku told him that he was unconcious
already, when he hit him. Tenshinhan told him that he was alive, and
that still isn't enough? Goku then announced that he would get him,
but Tenshinhan told him, he will, if he ever makes it to the finals.
Tsurusennin smiled evily, wishing he could have gotten Kamesennin's
expresion. The announcer then announced, that the next match would be
Jackie Chun vs. Wereman. Tenshinhan gave advice to Chaozu to not let
Kamesennin's students off easy. Tenshinhan concluded that Yamcha would
probably be the strongest of the three, so that means he'll win, and
Chaozu will be in second. Wereman stepped out, with Kamesennin close
behind, telling Goku that he has finally controled his temper, which
was good.
Comic One Hundred and Nineteen
Second Final Fight - Jackie Chun vs. Wereman
Summary: The next two contestants were called out, Jackie Chun, the
previous champion, and Wereman, the wolf that turns into a man at the
full moon. Wereman kept telling Jackie Chun that he was going to pound
Jackie right into the ground. All Jackie could ask is, "Do we know
each other?" Wereman then told him that he destroyed the moon,
and therefore, couldn't turn into a man and get girls. Jackie suggested
finding a female wolf, but Wereman told him he hated fur. The announcer
then told them were going to start and gave the "Go!" to fight.
Wereman then jumped at Jackie Chun, trying to swipe him, but Jackie
dodged. He tried again, but Jackie jumped in the air, behind him, and
kicked him in the head, making him fall on the ground. Jackie told him
that they aren't on the same level, but Wereman told him that he had
a 30th degree blackbelt. Jackie just shrugged, while Tenshinhan and
Chaozu, floating, watched Jackie Chun. Tenshinhan told Chaozu that he
would face the old fart, but he still looks good. Tenshinhan then smiled,
as the excitment built up in him. Goku and Krillin then looked over
and saw them both floating. They knew now that they wouldn't fall out
of the ring then. Wereman then yelled that he would tear Jackie Chun
to pieces now. While Wereman ran at Jackie Chun, all Jackie could do
was stare at the girls. Just as Wereman was about to grab Jackie, he
backflipped, and then hit Wereman in the head. While Wereman was still
on the ground, all Jackie still did was stare at women. Wereman then
attacked, with a fury of punches. Getting annoyed, Jackie then kicked
Wereman to the side of the ring. Wereman almost lost, from one to ten,
going on to seven, but he got up just in time. Wereman then pulled out
a pocket knife, when then announcer then told him that weapons aren't
allowed. Jackie just dodged Wereman's swipes, telling him not to get
disqualified for so little. Jackie Chun then held on to the knife, picked
up Wereman, still holding the knife, and threw him away. He then threw
the knife, right next to Wereman's head, where he sat at the wall. Jackie
then told him, he would turn into a human. Jackie then told him that
he wasn't kidding and would end this. Wereman asked if it was the fight
he was talking about, but Jackie told him he already lost. Wereman didin't
believe him, but Jackie told him he was just being nice. He then asked
to shake, which Wereman did. Wereman then yelled at him for him to do
that to him. But then Jackie told him to beg, which he obeyed again.
Wereman, eyes buldging out, told him to shut up. Wereman told him that
he was treating him like a dog, so Jackie told him he was sorry. He
then got out a bone and told him to fetch, which he obeyed, yet again.
The bone fell out of the ring, which Wereman followed. He then realized,
that he lost. The announcer told everyone that Jackie Chun had won,
but Wereman didn't care. He ran at Jackie, but Jackie then performed
a move, which paralyzed him, by touching his forehead. Krillin then
asked if he could really change him, when Jackie asked if he could come
down. Jackie told him to turn around, behind Wereman, and just stand
there. Krillin asked if he was going to use his head as the moon, which
Jackie told him he was right. Krillin told him that it wouldn't work,
but Jackie told him that he would hypnotize him. Jackie Chun the performed
a hypnotizing technique, that made Wereman think of the moon. He then
looked at Krillin's head, saw darkness and a moon was on top of his
body. Wereman told him he saw it and changed into a man. Wereman (?)
was so happy, for mis-judging him and went to find some girls. Jackie
Chun and Krillin both agreed, with the face he had, he was better off
a wolf. Then, the announcer told the world, that next up is Chaozu vs.
"Full Moon" Krillin!
Comic One Hundred and Twenty
Third Final Fight - Krillin vs. Chaozu (6)
Summary: As Krillin and Chaozu both stood together, staring each other
down, the announcer told each thier names, and even told them that they
are rivals from different schools. Krillin looked at Chaozu and realized
he hasn't seen him fight. Then, the announcer announced the fight will
start. Once the get-go was announced, Krillin stood in a stance and
realized Chaozu wasn't moving. Krillin asked if he was gonna do anything,
when Chaozu seemed to glide to him, without moving any part of his body.
Chaozu then kicked him in the air and went up after him. Krillin, realizing
he was attacking, did a back flip and dodged two attacks. Krillin hit
the ground and then jumped yet, trying to make a hit to the face, but
Chaozu floated away. Krillin realized he jumped too high, so he descended
back down, on the opposite of Chaozu. He then pushed off the ground,
toward his opponeant, and tried to make a hit. Krillin then vanished,
which surprised Chaozu. He asked where he was, when Tenshinhan yelled
that he was to his left. Chaozu then looked at his hands, trying to
figure out which was was which. He then looked, and got hit in the face.
They started to exchange blows, when Chaozu was at the corner of the
ring, and floated off. Krillin looked up and realized this was gonna
be hard. Jackie Chun then knew that that was the air dance, a Tsurusennin
technique. Tenshinhan asked how did he know it, when Jackie Chun told
him to mind his own buisenss. The announcer then told everyone that
Chaozu is floating in the air now, while Krillin was thinking that if
he tried to make a move, he would risk getting hit out of the ring.
Chaozu then told Krillin to stay right there, because it was his turn.
He put up his right index finger and started to charge ki in it. Chaozu
then put his finger towards Krillin, and yelled out, "Dodonpa!"
Krillin saw it just in time and jumped away. However, Chaozu kept blasting
like crazy, all around the ring. Krillin asked what that was, when Goku
realized, that was an attack, from Tao Pai Pai. That seemed to catch
Tenshinhan's attention and went over to Goku. He asked how he knew that,
when Goku told him that Tao Pai Pai was the assissan he sent to hell.
Tenshinhan called him a liar, but Goku told him he did it, and shouldn't
provoke him. Tenshinhan muttered Tao Pai Pai's name, gritted his teeth
in disgust and then walked out. Goku told Jackie, that he would have
to deal with him soon. Jackie Chun asked if he really did do it, when
Goku told him not to call him a liar. Jackie Chun realized that Goku
had really built himself up, big time. He then told Goku that Tao Pai
Pai, was Tsurusennin's younger brother. Goku didn't know it and got
surprised. Meanwhile, Krillin was still jumping around, trying to dodge
the Dodonpa's, when he said he wasn't gonna get pushed around. Chaozu
declared himself the victor, while Tenshinhan went to Tsurusennin in
the crowd. Krillin then said that if Yamcha could do the Kamehameha,
then he could have a chance as well. He got away to do a small fire
test and performed a real small Kamehameha. Krillin, still jumping around,
knew he had a chance. Elsewhere, Tsurusennin just found out his brother
had died. And from Goku, Kamesennin's pupil to boot. Tenshinhan told
him he must have back stabbed him. Tsurusennin told him that that was
obvious. He then yelled at Chaozu to hurry up and kill the small fry.
Jackie Chun found out about Krillin being put to death, but was it because
of him. Chaozu then exclaimed his next attack, the Dodonpa. Chaozu started
to charge up and Krillin started to chant a Kamehameha. Jackie Chun
realized that Krillin was going for the Kamehameha too. Goku told him
he was gonna do it, but Jackie Chun told him it was usuless against
a Kamehameha. Both Chaozu and Krillin had one more syllable left. Chaozu
muttered, "Dodon..." Krillin exclaimed, "...ha...me..."
The two stared each other down, seeing who would be the victor.
(3) Diciple of Tsurusennin, Tenshinhan fights like no man has ever faught
before, making Goku a run for his money.
(4) Tenshinhan's friend, he is also a student of Tsurusennin, and tries
to win against Krillin, but looses, due to a lack of math.
(5) A reverse Kamehameha, which blew Yamcha away, made it possible for
him to lose his chance to make it to the finals against Tenshinhan.
(6) Chaozu faced Krillin the Budoukai, and Chaozu even performed one
of Tao Pai Pai's moves, the Dodonpa!
Book 10
The 22nd Tenkaichi Budoukai
After finding Pilaf, Goku tried his best to face him off. Luckily, it
took not very much trouble, since all it was was really weak robots.
Goku took the Dragon Ball, went to find Upa, came back to Bora's grave,
and wished him to come back. Like a zombie emerging from the Earth,
Bora breathed in air again. Bora was forever in Goku's debt. After returning
to Urani Ba Ba's palace, Kamesennin told Goku to run off from here and
go into the wild, gaining experience that way. Goku agreed to do so,
while Kamesennin also told him to not use his cloud. Goku agreed to
that as well and ran off. Three years later, the group came back for
a reuinion. While Goku came back again, a familiar, and not wanting
to remember, face came to Kamesennin. Tsurusennin, the Crane Master,
and his two students, Tenshinhan and Chaozu. Yamcha, Goku, and Krillin
all went to the elimination rounds, as well as Jackie Chun, which made
Goku really happy. Without a doubt, Goku, Krillin, Yamcha, and Jackie
Chun went to the finals, as well as Tenshinhan and Chaozu, plus two
newcomers, Wereman and Panputt. First was Yamcha and Tenshinhan, which
wasn't really much of a fight. Yamcha showed he could do the Kamehameha
here, but didn't really seem much, becuase Tenshinhan knocked it back.
Yamcha and Tenshinhan seemed to have equal power, but when Tenshinhan
started to try, he won easily. He smashed Yamcha to the ground, making
him unconcious, and broke his leg as well. After getting medication,
up next was Wereman and Jackie Chun. Wereman wanted to get revenge on
Jackie Chun, for destroying the moon, and not being able to turn into
a man again, to get girls. Jackie Chun easily defeated him, by just
hitting him around a bit and then making him shake, beg, and fetch a
bone, making him jump out of the ring. After he lost, Wereman still
wanted revenge, so Jackie Chun made Krillin come out and stand in front
of Wereman, after paralyzing him. He then hypnotized Wereman, into seeing
the full moon on Krillin's head. He turned into a man and ran off. Jackie
Chun didn't really think he could girls, but it was time for the next
match. Krillin vs. Chaozu. Since Krillin never saw him fight, it wasn't
really much of a chance here. Krillin tried to fight around with him
a bit, but didn't seem to get much hits. Trying to play around, Chaozu
charged up Dodonpa's and shot them at Krillin. Goku saw that that was
Tao Pai Pai's move, which made Tenshinhan suspicious. Goku told him
he killed Tao Pai Pai, which let to Goku to find out that Tao Pai Pai
was Tsurusennin's younger brother. Tenshinhan went to tell his master,
in which he told Chaozu to kill the small fry. Chaozu told him okay
and fired up a huge Dodonpa. Krillin, figuring out he could sorta do
a Kamehameha, tried his luck at it. He charged his up and looked at
Chaozu. The two squared off, trying to find out the victor.
Comic One Hundred and Twenty One
Krillin wins his round. (1)
Summary: As Krillin got ready to fire his Kamehameha and Chaozu his
Dodonpa, Jackie Chun pleaded to Krillin to stop, for he was only wishing
for death! Chaozu then let his Dodonpa fire towards Krillin, making
Tenshinhan and Tsurusennin happy, but Jackie Chun upset. Thinking ahead,
Krillin then yelled out, "Now!" Krillin jumped above the blast,
came eye level to Chaozu, and let his Kamehameha blast him away. Chaozu
seemed to be falling out, but he quickly caught himself, and floated
back in. Jackie Chun murmured that if he wanted to actually learn the
full Kamehameha, he could have won. Once again, the midgets stared each
other down. Tenshinhan confessed that the little guy was no ordianary
figher. Dodging a fire blast and then counter attacking with his own.
Krillin then flew towards Chaozu and gave him a big smack in the face,
with a kick. While Chaozu floated back, he put his hands in front of
him, and gave Krillin instant laxitive. All Krillin could do was bend
over in pain, while Goku looked on, wondering what was going on. Jackie
Chun realized that Chaozu used his power, once again. Tsurusennin then
commanded Chaozu to not push him out of the ring, but slowly drive pain
into him. Krillin could only just insult, but that wasn't good enough,
for the small powerhouse kicked Krillin away. Krillin landed near the
inside of the waiting arena, but still was in pain. Chaozu then told
him he was just gonna kick him around now. As Krillin looked on, he
discovered that the only way this power will work, is if the guy has
his hands in front of him. Only one thing to do now! Punch? Kick? No,
math! Krillin yelled at Chaozu, "What's 3+4?" Chaozu just
looked at him stupidly and began to count on his fingers. Krillin stood
proudly once again and gave Chaozu a blow to the stomach. Krillin tried
to hit again, but was stopped with another instant laxitive. Tsurusennin
called Chaozu an idiot, falling for a stupid trick. Chaozu then told
him, he was gonna die. He then yelled out, "16+27?" Krillin
answered back instantly with, "43!" Chaozu only stared at
him, while Krilin said, "9-1?" Once again, Chaozu had to count
on his fingers, giving him no power. Krillin then punched him so hard,
he fell out of the ring. The announcer declared Krillin the winner.
Krillin then told Chaozu, that 9-1, is 8. Jackie Chun stared on, knowing
that Krillin dramastically improved. Tsurusennin just stared in disbelief,
wishing he taught Chaozu math.
Comic One Hundred and Twenty Two
Fourth Final Fight - Goku vs. Panputt
Summary: As Panputt started coming out of the waiting arena, the announcer
yelled for him to come out, as well as Goku. Panputt then did a flip
into the fighting arena and awaited Goku.
The announcer told everyone that Panputt has already won two major tournaments
and is going on for this third. Goku noticed he looked very confident.
Krillin said that he didn't look that strong though. Jackie Chun told
him that he has been named the "Unstoppable Fighter." Tenshinhan
just called him cocky. Krillin told Goku to not give up, but Goku that
he would be fine. The announcer then told Goku to come out now and then
told everyone of his previous time here. He was a student under Muton
Roshi and lost in the finals of the second Budoukai. The announcer then
yelled that it would be a great skill between two awesome fighters.
Panputt then gave Goku a punch to the face, but Goku didn't move. The
punch came close to his face, but didn't connect. Panputt asked if he
was afraid to react to his punch, but Goku told him that he was weak.
Panputt told him that he didn't know who he was fighting and decided
to give a demonstration. Panputt then did a fury of punches and kicks
all around him. He then did several back flips and elbowed the Budoukai
wall, making it crack. The announcer told him that they just built that,
but Panputt didn't care. Jackie Chun and Krillin did have a clear view,
because the wall suddenly fell. Krillin told him that he didn't look
at all that strong. Panputt then told Goku that he would only need thirty
seconds, then the fight would be over. The announcer asked who would
win? We'll find out. He gave the go, and Panputt didn't waste any time.
He gave one long punch, but Goku caught it, and elbowed him in the stomach,
making Panputt faint. Goku got a K.O. and was the winner. The announcer
told everyone that Goku is a spectacular fighter, with only one elbow
to the stomach. Tenshinhan told himself, "...not just one blow.
Three hits to the ribs as well." He knew he was dangerous and Tsurusennin
told him that he also killed Tao Pai Pai. Goku and Krillin congratulated
each other on making to the semi-finals, and Krillin told him, it may
have gotten much worse. Jackie Chun him that that was a lie. He told
them that they were both incredibly good fighters, beyond what they
think. Krillin told him that Yamcha lost though and he barely won. Jackie
Chun told him that was understandable, since his opponeant was excellent.
The announcer told everyone the semi-finals would begin, Tenshinhan
vs. Jackie Chun. Tenshinhan told himself to not be fooled by the old
man, while Krillin and Goku questioned if they were really at all that
Comic One Hundred and Twenty Three
The Fifth Fight for the Semi-finals - Jackie Chun vs. Tenshinhan
Summary: The announcer tells everyone that Jackie Chun, the previous
champion, goes against the youthful Tenshinhan. Tenshinhan just stares,
wondering how good he is. The announcer then gives them the okay to
go. Krillin yells for Jackie to avenge Yamcha, but Goku doesn't know
if he can. The two break into a fighting stance, while Goku gives a
hunch that Jackie may lose, because Tenshinhan seems as if he is much
stronger than what he appears to be. Tenshinhan gives a punch, but is
blocked. Jackie tries a kick; blocked. Tenshinhan tries a kick as well;
dodged. Jackie Chun, who dodged below the kick, reaches up and throws
Tenshinhan away. Tenshinhan gains balance and jumps towards Jackie again.
He then flies towards Jackie, hoping just to hit him with his whole
body. Jackie leaps up in time, making Tenshinhan break with his hands.
Jackie then pushes off the ground with his hands and Tenshinhan jumps
the way Jackie is jumping. They both go towards each other, giving punch
after punch. They both land opposite each other and Jackie starts to
do a circle of Zanzouken around Tenshinhan. Tenshinhan remembers this
move and looks closely. He then finds him and kicks him in the head.
Jackie hits the wall, while Tenshinhan reminds him that he has three
eyes. Jackie then suggests that he is better than he though and has
to go all out now. He takes off his jacket, exposing his chest, and
warms up with a variety of hand punches once more. He then awaits Tenshinhan.
Tenshinhan then yells that he is through and starts to punch and wave
his hands. He yells if he can see his hands, because he appears to have
two extra hands. Jackie sees it though. He grabs his arms and kness
Tenshinhan in the stomach. Jackie then went back a bit and then flew
at Tenshinhan, kicking him in the air. Krillin then yelled that Jackie
was the winner, but Tenshinhan came back in the ring, and insulted Jackie.
Tenshinhan then flew towards Jackie and repeatedly kicked him in the
chest. Tenshinhan then punched Jackie and he flew backwards, threw his
feet up, got back up on his feet, and then punched Tenshinhan's face.
Tenshinhan then flew backwards, making everyone gasping at him. Tenshinhan
then realized, that Jackie is stronger than his master. Jackie then
complimented Tenshinhan in his head, that he is way stronger than him,
but is still up for the challange.
Comic One Hundred and Twenty Four
Jackie Chun gives up. (2)
Summary: The announcer told everyone that they were witnessing a very
close semi-finals match. Jackie told Tenshinhan that he had great power
and was wondering why he was with the Crane Master? Tenshinhan told
him to shut up or he will make him shut up. Jackie then got in a stance
and asked if that was supposed to scare him? Tenshinhan then told him
that he would go all out now. Jackie got suprised and asked that he
wasn't tired at all yet? Krillin told him that all he does is talk.
Tenshinhan then brought his hands to his eyes and exclaimed the attack,
"Taiyoken!" A bright light filled the skies, making everyone
blind. Jackie yelled out that it was very blinding and then was struck
in the back of the neck from a knee. Jackie then fell down and Tenshinhan
told everyone that he isn't dead; that would make him disqualified.
He told him that he was just in a coma. The announcer told everyone
that Jackie is knocked out. He started the count, while Goku and Krillin
told him to get up. After the count of five, Jackie grabbed his neck
and started to get up. Goku told Krillin that he was starting to see
again, as well as Krillin. Tenshinhan asked how did he get up, while
the announcer told everyone that Jackie Chun got up after being blinded
and hit in the neck. Tsurusennin told everyone that he hated this guy,
while Tenshinhan agreed with him. Jackie Chun told Tenshinhan that his
fighting techniques is superb. Why doesn't he leave his master and escape
evil? Jackie then told him that he will never fail, if he is on the
side of good. Tenshinhan the flew at him, telling him that he does not
care for such desires. Tenshinhan then tried to hit as much as he could
in a fury, but couldn't connect. Jackie asked what was the matter, because
he seemed angry. Jackie told him that the didn't tell him much, just
that being honost is just as good as lying. Goku and Krillin wondered
how Jackie survived the blinding light. The announcer questioned that
as well, because maybe he has sunglasses. Jackie then told him that
it is a complete shame, because he follows the steps of his masters.
Tsurusennin then yelled as loud as he can, that he figured out who Jackie
is. He is noneother than Kamesennin himself! Tenshinhan saw him for
what he was now, but Kamesennin told him that he doesn't want to do
anything, but set him on the right path. The path of good. Tenshinhan
tells him that he'll see, but now he has to show him something. "Nude
photos of your girl?" asks Kamesennin. Tenshinhan gets big eyed
and tells him, "No!" Tenshinhan then says something that no
one ever expected. "Ka...me...ha..." Goku exclaimed that he
was going to do the Kamehameha. Kamesennin couldn't believe it himself.
"...me...HA!" were the final words of Tenshinhan before he
let the blast loose. Kamesennin told him that he was crazy; it was going
to hit the crowd.
Kamesennin put his hands in front of him and diverted the blast upwards.
The announcer then told everyone that Tenshinhan unleashed a Kamehameha
worthy of Muton Roshi. Tenshinhan told him he was a fast learner. He
just needs to see the attack, perform it, and double its power. Kamesennin
told him that his way of learning attacks is amazing. He really should
be on the side of good. Kamesennin told him that the one who wil defeat
him is coming soon. Kamesennin told Tenshinhan, while jumping off the
edge, that his turn was over. Everyone looked at Kamesennin, while he
got up to the waiting arena, and the announcer told Tenshinhan won.
Tsurusennin told him that he couldn't bare to lose! He's a coward! Tenshinhan
questioned his ability, if he really tried his strongest. Kamesennin
then told Krillin and Goku, that they were next.
Comic One Hundred and Twenty Five
The Sixth Fight for the Semi-finals - Goku vs. Krillin. Tenshinhan confronts
Summary: Next up, was the battle of the two students of Kamesennin,
Krillin and Goku. Krillin gasped in fright, for he would not only fight
his best friend, but someone very strong. Goku just looked at him, telling
him they would have thier first real match now. He tells Krillin that
they finally can test thier skills. The announcer then tells them both
to come out to the fighting arena. Krillin then looks at Goku and tells
him to not hold back, or he'll get real pissed. Goku tells him not to
worry. He'll do it. They give each other a pat on fist-to-fist. They
both emerged, with Krillin hoping he would win, because he put three
long years of his life for this. Goku asked if he was ready or not,
which Krillin answered, "Yeah. And you?" Meanwhile, Kamesennin
got ready to go, while Tenshinhan came to visit him. Tenshinhan asked
why such a master of himself, disguise himself in the tournament. Kamesennin
explained that he needed to disguise himself for his students. If he
gone on and beat his own master, he would have felt as if they don't
need more training. So, fighting a stranger would make them go twice
as hard and when they lost, they train three times as hard as that.
Tenshinhan smilied and understood. Tenshinhan told him that he thought
his students were strong enough to beat him, which he why he jumped
away. However, Tenshinhan cotinued, he will win it all in the end. Kamesennin
then called him an idiot. Suddenly, the match start, with Krillin and
Goku starring each other down. Kamesennin continued that he knows his
students aren't dumb. They know that the just don't assume they'll win.
They try and earn it. "Therefore, I'm not worried." Kamesennin
continued once again, that Tenshinhan is smart. He'll go on the right
path. Tenshinhan questioned him, but Kamesennin told him he would have
to, otherwise, why is he here? Tenshinhan then told him that he wanted
to be the successor of Tao Pai Pai. Kamesennin told him one last thing,
"You were right. If we continued, I would have lost." Kamesennin
then told him good bye and to think of what he said. Tenshinhan told
him that he has no dignity, which is his weakness. Krillin then did
a kick to Goku, but he blocked it. Krillin then tried a punch then,
but was blocked. Goku tried to do a kick, but Krillin jumped away, and
tried to do a kick, but was dodged, so he had nowhere to go, which left
him open. Goku then ran after Krillin, giving him an elbow to the face.
Krillin then did several back flips, but was surprised that Goku was
already flying at him with a kick. Luckily, he dodged it. Goku stopped
and did a fury of kicks and punches at Krillin. Krillin then tried to
hit Goku with his hands, but Goku dodged just in time. Krillin jumps
back and compliments Goku's quickness. Goku tells him that he has gotten
quicker too. The audience starred at them, wondering how they can do
it. Krillin then jumped towards Goku, but he didn't see it coming, and
Goku got hit in the face. While still in the air, Krillin kicked him
away. Krilln then flew towards Goku, telling him that he will win now.
Goku then jumped and told him to dream on. Krillin got mad and jumped
up after him. Goku awaited Krillin in the air, but Krillin had an ace
up his sleeve. He used his bald head as a sun glare to Goku's eye, making
him blind. Krillin then did a back flip over Goku, kicking him towards
the Earth. Krillin rejoiced, because Goku was gonna hit the ground.
Goku landed on both feet, enraged. Krillin then just stared at Goku,
wondering how he did it.
Comic One Hundred and Twenty Six
The fight of two students.
Summary: The announcer yelled that Krillin didn't get what he wanted.
Goku managed to get back on his feet and gain balance. He has gained
much strength and it appears Krillin is done for. Goku then crouched
and announced his victory. He then jumped in the air, but Krillin had
a plan. As Goku planted his foot towards Krillin body, Krillin suddenly
sucked in a full breath of air and somehow turned that oxygen into hydrogen.
He started to float. Goku missed him completely and jumped off the stadium,
towards Krillin's landing point. They both laughed that Krillin did
such a funny technique. Goku then told him that he has really improved.
Krillin told him that of course he has. Goku told him that this is the
funniest fight he's ever had and is having a great time. Krillin told
him he looks calm. His heart, on the other hand, was going a million
miles a minute. Goku then told him that he wanted to show him a secret
technique he had. Krillin told him to bring it on. Kamsennin, who now
was in the audience, balanced himself on his cane stick, and knew this
was the moment of truth. Goku then started to run as fast as he could
at Krillin and then then started to command the Kamehameha to appear
out of him. Right before Goku touched Krillin's face, he jumped up,
turned around, and threw the Kamehameha at the sky, forcing his whole
body towards Krillin. Krillin only stood there, not knowing what to
do, until he got puched really hard in the face by Goku. Then, Goku
landed a knee drop on his stomach and crawled off. Krillin only laid
there, not moving. Kamesennin just starred, knowing that he was incredible.
Tenshinhan then confessed that he was pretty good. The counting began,
until three, when Krillin got up, rubbed his stomach, and told him that
that hurt a lot. The announcer yelled that that was incredible! Krillin
has gotten up! Goku could only smile and tell him that was awesome.
Krillin told him that that attack was nice, but it lacked lots of power.
Krillin then told him that it was his turn. He started to run at Goku,
but Goku kicked him away just in time. Krillin then got up from the
ground and ran away, realizing that he wasn't that strong anymore. Kamesennin
admitted that Goku was really great today. Krillin then announced he
would do only what he could. He then told Goku to get ready, for this
would win the match. Krillin then made the Kamehameha come. Goku told
him to stop, because it was useless against him. Krillin didn't care.
He similed and then let the blast fly. Goku just put his hand in front
of him and told Krillin that he told him it was uselss. However, Krillin
wasn't there. Krillin, all of a sudden, appeared behind him, and grabbed
his tail. Krillin announced that he knew his weak spot. Tenshinhan was
amazed, that that was his weak spot. Kamesennin laughed with glee. He
admitted that that really was clever. All Krillin did, was squeeze tightly,
waiting for Goku to fall.
Comic One Hundred and Twenty Seven
Krillin loses. (3)
Summary: As Krillin held on tightly, Goku began to gasp for air. Kamesennin
just called it bad luck, but Goku called it a concusion. Tenshinhan
just laughed, as he found out the "amazing" Goku's weakness
is his tail. He would fight Krillin and it would be no problem. As the
count went on, all the way to number nine, Goku suddenly smiled, and
jumped up. Goku jumped over Krillin and then fliped him over his head.
Krillin just stared into space, while Tenshinhan and Kamesennin just
starred at Goku. Krillin asked how it got so strong, so Goku admitted
that he followed Kamesennin's orders closely. Such as, train my tail.
Krillin just mutted gibberish, while Goku told him it was a good try.
Kamesennin did remember that he did give him strict orders to follow
by. If he followed them and did just as more... he'd be indestrucable.
Krillin then asked what was over "there," but Goku looked
anyway. Krillin then gave Goku a mean punch, while Goku called him a
cheater and a coward. Kamesennin then confessed for Goku, that his one
weakness is he is to naive and pure. Goku told Krillin if that't the
game they're playing, then he'll just play along. Goku the disapeared,
leaving no trace. Krilllin looked around him, then up, but couldn't
find anything. The announcer just told everyone that Goku just suddenly
vanished. Tsurusennin couldn't believe either, but in a very faint noise,
Krillin could hear fast pitter-patters. Kamesennin told himself that
he could feel him, just not see him. Tenshinhan, with three eyes, saw
that Goku was moving incredibly fast, leaving a soft pat of his feet.
All of a sudden, Goku appeared in front of Krillin, gave him a face,
and then knocked Krillin out of the ring. The announcer suddenly gasped,
but told everyone Goku would advance, leaving Krillin the loser. Goku
threw his fist in the air, while letting the announcer tell everyone
of the sudden finish. Everyone just called that a quick fight and wasn't
good. Tenshinhan gasped inside of him, telling them silently that they
were totally wrong. Goku hit Krillin eight times, to push him out. Tsurusennin
both had the same idea. Goku had become amazingly strong. Enough to
kill Tao Pai Pai and get enough and more. Goku told Krillin that he
won, but Krillin wanted to learn that technique. Goku told him that
he would teach it to him some time. The announcer asked Goku if he would
like to rest, but Goku refused. The announcer then told everyone that
that finals would begin very shortly. For half a million zeni, the young
Goku and the strong fight Tenshinhan would face off. Krillin told Goku
to go out and kick butt, which Goku hearly agreed. Tenshinhan just cracked
his knuckles, saying that he can finally have fun.
Comic One Hundred and Twenty Eight
The Finals - Goku vs. Tenshinhan
Summary: The announcer told everyone that 182 partipants came today
for the title of champion. Now, only two have remained: Tenshinhan and
Goku. Goku and Tenshinhan just smile, while the announcer concludes
that this will be a great match. Tenshinhan steps out, while Kamesennin
goes and gets a better view. Kamesennin then told Krillin he was here,
but Krillin told him he wasn't supposed to be here. Kamesennin told
him it was okay. The announcer then told Tenshinhan and Goku that he
would give the signal to start the match. Kamesennin told Krillin to
pay attention as closely as possible, for it may provide of some use.
Goku and Tenshinhan starred at each other, wondering who would win.
Chaozu asked Tsurusennin if Tenshinhan would win, which he said of course.
Then he though, Muton Roshi's student is at the top level as he would
think he is. He will lose easily. The two fighters then got in a stance,
waiting for the go. Suddenly... "GO!" Goku wasted no time.
He tried to do a hit to the face, but Tenshinhan dodged and blocked
at the same time. Tenshinhan and Goku were in the air, while Tenshinhan
tried to do a kick, but Goku dodged, and wrapped his tail around Tenshinhan's
leg. Goku then flipped under his leg, still in the air, and upper cutted
Tenshinhan's face. Tenshinhan flew backwards, with Goku follwing behind.
Tenshinhan then pushed off the ground with his leg and Goku jumped up
in the air after him, with his leg extended, awaiting his target. Tenshinhan
the fired up his finger and yelled out, "Dodonpa!" The blast
went towards Goku and connected. Goku flew backwards and smashed through
the arena. Tenshinhan then tapped the ground, as he landed, smiling.
Gku then flew up in the air, did a couple flips, landed, and then flew
towards Tenshinhan, making him nervous. All of a sudden, Goku dissapeared
again. The announcer saw it as well, but not Tenshinhan. Tenshinhan
just stood there, listening to the foot steps, wondering when to attack.
Tenshinhan the yelled out that he found him and slammed Goku's face
away. Kamesennin gasped in anguish, while Tenshinhan told Goku that
his antics won't work on him. As Goku flew back, Tenshinhan then pressed
on his body, to have a harder force on the wall. Tenshinhan then put
his fist back and then suddenly, moved his fists back and forth on Goku's
stomach, appearing to have several hands. Tsurusennin smiled, while
Kamesennin and Krillin both exclaimed that he was like a machine gun.
Tenshinhan then got both of his hands in a ball and slammed Goku to
the ground. Tenshinhan then held the brat up by his hands, telling him,
"Whadda want? Heaven... or Hell?
Comic One Hundred and Twenty Nine
Tenshinhan starts to gain the upper hand. (4)
Summary: Tenshinhan held up Goku, telling him that he will finish him
off quickly. Tsurusennin giggled evily, knowing Tenshinhan was gonna
finish him off. Kamesennin just starred, knowing Goku wouldn't make
it. Tenshinhan then threw him in the air, towards the outer ring. Suddenly,
while in the air, Goku gained control and pushed himself the other way.
Tenshinhan then yelled, "Haikyuken!" He seemed to bring some
psycic power on Goku, which threw him to the ground. Before he could
land, Tenshinhan then hit him upwards and started counting, "One."
Before Goku got to far away, Tenshinhan hit him harder upwards and said,
"Two." While Goku was flying up in the air, Tenshinhan going
faster above, and then yelled, "DIE!" He then smacked Goku
down to the ground. Goku landed on the ground, hard, big eyed, and half
dead. Kamesennin and Krillin, once again, could only stare. Tsurusennin
announced that Tenshinhan has won. Tenshinhan landed on the arena and
smiled at his victory. Goku then jumped up, surprising Tenshinhan, Chaozu,
Tsurusennin, Kamesennin, Krillin, and the whole audience. Goku then
told him that he was strong, for his own way. But, he isn't at all surprised.
Tenshinhan told him that he isn't bad either, for a small fry. Goku
told him that he has forced him to get tough with him now. Tenshinhan
told him that he should stop bluffing, because he knows he is trying
his hardest. Goku told him that that was what he thought, but he knew
the truth. Kamesennin and Krillin got confused, but Goku told Tenshinhan
that he shouldn't have tried to kill him. That wasn't very fun. Goku
then told him to get ready, because he would was gonna get tough. Tenshinhan
told him to bring it on. Goku wasted no time and flew towards him. He
tried to make a hit, but Tenshinhan dodged in surprisement. Then, he
got a fist full of stomach hits and then got hit so hard, he started
flying backwards. As Tenshinhan flew backwards, Goku chased after him.
Tenshinhan was high enough, just for Goku to get below him. Goku then
stopped himself and kicked Tenshinhan in the air. As Tenshinhan flew
up, Goku prepared a Kamehameha. However, he didn't finish it, telling
everyone that what he did was good enough. Tenshinhan landed and Goku
asked if that calmed him down? Tenshinhan then muttered that he barely
hurt him. His ignorance has really pissed him off and now he will kill
him. Tenshinhan told him that he will crush him, but Goku begged to
differ. Krillin asked why Goku didn't finish the Kamehameha, so Kamesennin
told him that it woud have been a waste. Tenshinhan would have reflected
it and would have been a waste of energy. Meanwhile, Tenshinhan gave
a jab to Goku's stomach, but Goku blocked easily, both enraged in flames
at each other.
Comic One Hundred and Thirty
Goku is hit by the Taiyoken.
Summary: Tenshinhan and Goku made punch after kick to each other, flying
all around the ring. The announcer told everyone that this was truely
a great match for the Tenkaichi Budoukai indeed. Goku and Tenshinhan
couldn't hear, for they still just jumped around hitting each other.
Finally, Goku back flipped away and Zanzoukened all around Tenshinhan.
Tenshinhan told him that wouldn't work, because he looked up, and found
him. Tenshinhan kicked, but hit nothing, and Goku appeared from behind.
Goku tried to hit, but he hit an after image as well. Tenshinhan appeared
behind Goku, telling him he's won. Tenshinhan hit nothing, again. While
Tenshinhan was falling down, Goku kicked him in the head. Tenshinhan
lied on the ground, while Goku told him it was time to end this. Tenshinhan
slowly got up, trying to insult Goku. Goku asked if he was still up
or not. Tenshinhan told him that he's tried to humiliate him and try
to hurt him. But now, was time to get serious. Tenshinhan put his hands
up to his eyes and said something everyone knew what he would say. "Taiyoken!"
Light went everywhere, blinding everyone. Tenshinhan then jumped to
Goku, telling him he couldn't see. He tried to punch, but another hand
grabbed it, and he got punched in the stomach instead. Tenshinhan bent
over, in complete pain, while Goku showed that he took Kamesennin's
glasses. Tenshinhan asked how he got those, but Goku didn't say. The
announcer then told everyone that Tenshinhan was down. Meanwhile, Kamesennin
looked on blankly, wondering where his glasses went. The counting started,
while Goku returned Kamesennin's glasses. Kamesennin asked when did
he take these, but didn't have anyt time to explain, because Tenshinhan
got up, and kicked Goku in the back. He told him he had a small relapse,
but everything was okay. Goku told him that he would not escape him
now. Krillln then told Kamesennin that this was the first time he's
seen him without his glasses. They looked familiar to him, but Kamesennin
looked away, telling him his eyes were ordinary. He then yelled at Krllin
that now was the time to watch the fight and not discuss this. Goku
and Tenshinhan then screamed loudly and ran at each other. Goku jumped
up, but then suddenly froze. Tenshinhan reacted quickly and hit him
away. Goku got up and called him a coward. Tenshinhan just stared at
him, but Tsurusennin smilied evily.
One Hundred and Thirty One
Chaozu puts Goku under his power. Tenshinhan's master, Tsurusennin,
is blown away.
Summary: Goku then called Tenshinhan scum and had no honor. Tenshinhan
told him this was a fighting arena, not a playground. Krillin asked
what was going on, but Kamesennin told himself that this was the Crane
Master. Tenshinhan then yelled and ran at Goku, while Goku told him
he wasn't going to fall for more tricks and ran after him as well. They
both leaped in the air, in hoping to connect and fight. Tsurusennin
then said, "Do it again, Chaozu." Chaozu did as he commanded
and stopped Goku in the air, making Tenshinhan hit him. Goku flew back
and was about to fall out of the ring, when he did a quick Kamehameha
and got himself back on his feet. Tenshinhan insulted Goku and then
went after him, as did Goku. Tsurusennin then told Chaozu to do it again.
Chaozu let his psycic powers overflow Goku, making him stop again. Tenshinhan,
once again, got a free shot. The announcer yelled out that it seemed
Goku was knocked out, but Tenshinhan thought of other things. Why was
Goku going for him, stopping, and getting hit without blocking? The
counting started, whlie Tsurusennin told Tenshinhan to kill him. Tenshinhan
nodded and did as he obeyed. Tenshinhan then asked Chaozu if he was
doing this, which Chaozu answered yes. Tenshinhan told him to stop now,
which surprised Chaozu. Tenshinhan told him that he did not need his
magic to win. Chaozu then tried to plead to Tsurusennin, but he didnt'
care. He wanted Goku dead and he wanted him dead now. He then yelled
again to kill him, and that's an order! Chaozu then tried to plead to
Tenshinhan, but then he yelled out, "I SAID STOP IT!" The
announcer blankly starred at him and Goku quickly got up. Tenshinhan
then told himself that Goku is up. Good for him. Goku then attacked
Tenshinhan, but Tenshinhan did not move. Kamesennin then told Goku to
stop, right now! He did so, while Tsurusennin started to insult Tenshinhan,
while reminding him that his master told him an order. Tenshinhan then
told him, slowly, that he wanted to win the match, in a fair way. He
didn't need help, but it went through one ear and out the other for
Tsurusennin. He wanted Goku dead. Tenshinhan told him he didn't want
to and didn't want to be disqualified. Plus, he wasn't a killer. Tsurusennin
told him that he has been brainwashed by that idiot, Muton Roshi. He
then yelled at him that he owed him anything and everything. He then
declared he would kill him. Tsurusennin then told Chaozu to freeze him,
but it seemed Chaozu froze himself. Tsurursennin called out Chaozu's
name once more, in case he didn't hear. Chaozu told him that he respected
his best friend and wanted him to do his own bidding. Tsurusennin then
picked Chaozu up by the collar, telling him he would go against him
too? Tsurusennin told him that he would kill him, just for being like
Tenshinhan. Tenshinhan told him to stop, but then Kamesennin told him
to move. He blasted a Kamehameha right past Tenshinhan and straight
for Tsurusennin. He flew away, while Kamesennin told everyone not to
worry anymore. He then told them to not worry about him, but thier fight.
One Hundred and Thirty Two
Tenshinhan uses his strongest attack, Kikouhou. (5)
Summary: Goku then apoligized for thinking Tenshinhan was still with
his master. The announcer stood there, wondering what was going on.
Tenshinhan told Goku he has forsaken his master and will win the tournament
now! Tenshinhan then yelled that he will end the fight here and now!
Chaozu starred at Tenshinhan, knowing he would do "that" attack.
Goku stood there, waiting. Tenshinhan told him that he has lost his
master, but now he felt free. He then told him that there is no more
to fight for our schools, but for ourselves. Goku then asked him if
he was so sure about that, but Tenshinhan told him he wouldn't lose
this match to anything. Chaozu gasped, that Tenshinhan was going to
use his trump card. Tenshinhan then threw his hands out and started
gathering ki. Kamesennin, a legendary in attacks, didn't even know what
he was doing. The announcer realized that Tenshinhan was getting ready
to do something, but what? Tenshinhan then started to buldge the back
of him. Chaozu stared on, wondering if he was doing the Kikouhou. But
no, he was doing the Shiyoken, the Four Hand Attack. Tenshinhan's back
buldged completely, until two extra arms appeared. Goku got really scared,
as well as Kamesennin and Krillin, wondering how he has two extra arms.
Tenshinhan smiled with glee, while Goku realized, he's going up against
four arms. Plus, four fists, which Tenshinhan added. The announcer then
yelled that Tenshinhan has four arms! Unblieveable! Tenshinhan then
made his way to attack. He used his frontal arms for an attack, which
Goku dodged, but then was hit in the head by the other two arms and
smashed to the ground. Goku then jumped back and awaited Tenshinhan
again. Tenshinhan tried to do two times his attacks and finally got
a hold of all of Goku's arms and legs. He then smashed Goku's stomach
on his head, telling him he was helpless. Goku then swatted his tail
in Tenshinhan's face, making him let go and hold on to his pain crazy
head. Goku jumped back, telling him that he should have a tail, to bail
him out. Tenshinhan forgot about his tail, so Goku told him he has four
arms? He's got eight now! He started waving his hands so fast, he appeared
to have eight arms. Tenshinhan, Chaozu, and Krillin all wondered how
Goku did it, but Kamesennin saw through it. It was just an optical illusion
to appear as if he has eight arms. He's just moving them real fast.
Goku then attack and seemed to have four times as hitting attack, compared
to Tenshinhan's two times. Goku finally got a hit on the face, so he
kicked Tenshinhan away. Tenshinhan couldn't believe it. He then realized
he couldn't attack head on, since he was too quick. He put his extra
arms away and reverted to his trump card. Goku asked if he got extra
tired from his arms, but Tenshinhan didn't care about that. He told
Goku that if he wanted, he could kill Goku with this next attack. He
then told him that he doesn't want to kill him, so he has to move quick.
Goku just starred on, while Krillin asked why would he move. Kamesennin
realized what was going on, as well as Chaozu. Chaozu yelled out to
Tenshinhan to not use the Kikouhou, as well as Kamesennin. Goku, still
confused, didn't know what was going on. Krillin asked what it was,
so Kamesennin explained. It has great power in it, deadly not only to
the person recieving the attack, but to the person giving it. The Kamehameha
is nothing compared to it. Kamesennin then cursed the Tsurusennin, telling
him that that technique is foribiddeon to teach. Chaozu begged Tenshinhan
to stop, but Tenshinhan told him he wasn't at risk. Tenshinhan then
started to fly up, telling Goku he had better move. Kamesennin told
Tenshinhan to stop, since it wasn't too late. The announcer assumed
there was a problem, so they just had to wait. The announcer continued
with, that Tenshinhan is flying, thanks to the air dance. Goku told
him that he wasn't going to move. Kamesennin told him to move as quickly
as he could, for mhe may die. Tenshinhan asked, "Are you ready?"
Goku just stood there, his body totally tensed up.
(1) After tricking Chaozu into thinking he was going to fire a Kamehameha
at him, Krillin jumped up and blasted Chaozu in the air.
2) Jackie Chun and Kamesennin leave, after Tenshinhan figues out who
Kamesennin really is.
(3) After a long fight, Krillin loses to Goku.
(4) Facing off in the finals, Goku was hit by the Taiyoken and Kikouhou
from Tenshinhan.
(5) Would Tenshinhan be able to defeat the great Goku!?
Book 11
Super Battle of the World's Best!!
To start off the next fight, it was between Krillin and Chaozu. Chaozu
seemed to be a real strong fighter, but Krillin gained the upper hand.
After tricking Chaozu with a Kamehameha, a math contest insued. Krillin
confused Chaozu, by asking him math questions, and then attacking. It
seemed to work, because he knocked Chaozu off the arena. After that,
it was Goku and Panputt. Panputt seemed to be strong, but nowhere near
Goku. Goku easily disposed of him and went back to wait the next fight.
It was Jackie Chun vs. Tenshinhan. The two seemed to have equal power,
but Jackie Chun knew the truth. He would easily lose. After learning
the Kamehameha, Tenshinhan used it on Jackie Chun, which surprised him.
Jackie knew he had absolutly no chance. So, he jumped off the ring,
and gave up. Next up, was Krillin and Goku. The two had been waiting
for this for such a long time. Goku seemed as though he was getting
beat, up until Krillin grabbed his tail, which was total defeat. Goku
just gave up entirely, but got up after the count of nine. He fooled
everyone, into thinking that was his weakness. He then faught Krillin
a bit more, but performed a move, which he couldn't be seen. He then
appeared before Krillin and pushed him away. Goku would go to the finals.
Tenshinhan was excited for this one. Goku and Tenshinhan both faught
to thier hearts content, that is, until Tsurusennin interfered. He told
Chaozu to use his mind powers to stop Goku, which he did. That stopped,
when Kamesennin blew him away with a Kamehameha. The fight resumed and
Tenshinhan was finally free. He then used his four arm attack, but was
easily beaten over that. He then moved to his trump card, the Kikouhou;
a move in which it is an intense blast that could kill just about anyone
and the person doing it. Tenshinhan ascened in the air and told Goku
to move. After realizing he wouldn't, Tenshinhan decided to do it anyway.
The most intense blast ever was coming.
Comic One Hundred and Thirty Three
Tenshinhan blows the entire arena away. (1)
Summary: Tenshinhan told Goku he had to move, unless he wanted death.
Goku still didn't move. Kamesennin told Goku to move now, for Tenshinhan's
life is in danger of what is going to happen now. Chaozu starred on,
hoping Tenshinhan would be alright. Oolong exclaimed that something
bad will happen. Krillin asked Kamesennin, why is he telling Goku to
move, when his own life is at risk. Kamesennin tells Krillin that he
just wants to move Goku off the ring. Tenshinhan then gave his ready
to go. He put his hands together, index fingers raised, and charging
intense ki. He started to pull it apart, letting the ki spark off his
hands. Krillin told Kamesennin that he sees light, which Kamesennin
replies that he is just concentrating all his energy onto his his hands.
Goku couldn't believe it himself. Then, Tenshinhan moved his hands into
a triangle, making a clear view of the ring, his target. Tenshinhan
reminded himself to not use all the energy he has, because Goku might
come back at him. Goku starred once again, but the blast was let loose.
"KIKOUHOU!" The blast went straight down, as if a tidel wave
ws coming on top of the beach. Goku continued to stare, while Kamesennin
told him to move, and Chaozu sitting there, praying. The blast connected,
making the audience even fly backwards. When they looked at the damage,
the entire ring was gone. Tenshinhan still standing there, noticed that
he blew away the whole ring. Kamesennin just stood there, knowing that
that was the power of Tenshinhan. Krillin didn't care, he just looked
around for Goku. Krillin then yelled out that he killed Goku. Kamesennin
told him he was wrong, because he felt Goku's ki. Krillin questioned
him, but Chaozu was the first to see him. Way above Tenshinhan, floated
Goku. Tenshinhan asked how he got up here so fast, but Goku told him
he was right. If he didn't move, he'd die. The annoucner looked up,
seeing both of them. Tenshinhan told him he would win now. Tenshinhan
told him that there was no more ring, so whoever touched the ground
first, would lose. And since he can fly, the fight is settled. Kamesennin
and Krillin starred on, while Goku told him he has one last chance.
Tenshinhan wondered what he was talking about, but would soon find out.
Goku told him that his ultimate attack would let him win. Tenshinhan
told him to stop being stupid, because he didn't have any more power
to do what he wanted. Goku told him that he didn't have much either.
Goku then started up a Kamehameha. Tenshinhan gasped at Goku, for doing
that. The announcer then yelled out, that Goku was going for the Kamehameha
again. Tenshinhan laughed, that THAT was his ultimate attack? He has
to do more than that. Goku still continued on, while Kamesennin knew
that the Kamehameha was useless against Tenshinhan. Krillin told him
that maybe he has an improved version. Kamesennin doubted that, but
they had to wait and see. Krillin stood there, scared, that Goku may
lose. Goku still continued on his Kamehameha, while Tenshinhan laughed,
telling him he would just lose all his energy. Goku then turned around,
surprising Tenshinhan, as well as Kamesennin and Krillin. Goku then
fired off his Kamehameha, so he could fly straight towards Tenshinhan.
Kamesennin and Krillin stared on, while Tenshinhan realized what Goku
was doing.
Comic One Hundred and Thirty Four
Tenshinhan wins. Krillin is put to death. (2) (3)
Summary: Goku, left with one option, does his desperation move. The
Kamehameha. After fireing it off, he flies towards Tenshinhan. Goku
tells him that he's not fast enough for him. Kamesennin figures it out,
while Tenshinhan just stares, not even murmuring a sound. Goku headbutts
him, as hard as he can, making Tenshinhan get the wind knocked out of
him. They both start to fall. Kamesennin yells out that Goku did it.
The announcer yells it out as well, figuring out that Goku used the
Kamehameha to hit Tenshinhan with his body. They both plumeted at high
speeds, while Chaozu starred, hoping Tenshinhan wouldn't get hurt. Krillin
yelled that Tenshinhan has been knocked out and Goku will win, but Kamesennin
had doubts. The announcer told everyone that Goku doesn't seem to have
control of falling now, so they have to wait and see who falls first.
Goku cursed himself that he didn't have enough energy in his body to
do anything. The announcer then threw a capsule out, telling everyone
he would get closer. He got on an air bike and flew off. He tells everyone
that they seem to be neck and neck. Goku tried once more to make a Kamehameha,
which he succeded, but it was only small. However, it was enough to
boost him back a little. It appeared that Goku would win. Krillin sighed
relief, until a truck started to come by. Not knowing what to do, Goku
just let himself hit it. Unfortuanatly, Goku hit it and hit the ground
first, with Tenshinhan coming very closely behind. The announcer told
everyone that Goku had bad luck, because he hit the ground first. Therefore,
Tenshinhan is the new champion of the Tenkaichi Budoukai. Everyone hooted
and hollared, while Krillin seemed to almost cry. Afterwards, everyone
met together, agreeing to meet again at the next Budoukai. Krillin gave
Goku his gi, since Goku's was all torn up. Krillin then got in his suit.
Krillin told him it was a shame, but Goku didn't look at it like that.
Tenshinhan asked if he wanted half the money, but Goku refused, since
he didn't care for money. Tenshinhan told him that he won it, but he
just got lucky. Kamesennin told him that a martial artist must have
luck as well. Goku learned all too much from meeting him. Goku agreed,
when Kamesennin invited everyone to dinner, but Bulma refused. Tenshinhan
told everyone that he would pay, if they wanted to go. Krillin then
told him, he has no clue what he's getting into with Goku and food.
Then, Goku remembered, his Dragon Ball and Nyoibo. He didn't know where
they were. Krillin told him that he would get them for him real quick.
Tenshinhan then apoligized to Yamcha for the injuries he gave him. Yamcha
told him it was no problem, since he was still alive. Kamesennin asked
him if he had any plans? If he didn't, he could stay with them. Lunch,
in evil form, told him to come, since she thought he was really sexy.
Tenshinhan seemed as though he wanted to, but they were students of
Tsurusennin, and couldn't. He told them thanks anyway, so Kamesennin
let him do as he wished. Lunch, however, told him he just wanted to
torture her. All of a sudden, a huge scream came from the waiting arena.
Goku recognized it instantly. Something happened to Krillin. They all
ran in and found Krillin on the ground. Goku demanded that Krillin speak
to him now, while the announcer, crawling to Goku, told him that it
was a monster. He took the ball, a bag, and a list of all the previous
entries to the finals of the Tenkaichi Budoukai. Kamesennin questioned
about the ball. Goku then came to a conclusion. Krillin had died. Kamesennin
asked what, but Goku just stared in his lifeless eyes, that someone,
the monster, had killed him.
(1) Using the Kikouhou, Tenshinhan blew up the entire fighting arena!
(2) After hitting a truck, Goku fell to the ground out of the ring first,
making him lose.
(3) After the tournament ended, Krillin was found dead in the waiting
Book 12 is in the Piccolo Daimaou