Reviewed in October (http://www.pojo.com/heroclix/COTD/2008/Oct/17.shtml),
McSpidey ('cause he looks like a Happy Meal prize)
makes the list because:
1. He's cheap.
Being 50 points cheap means he fits many a team.
2. Wildcard.
Also helps fit him on teams.
3. Leap/Climb all dial.
He's almost never pinned down, making him great at
getting close to use...
4. ...Flurry.
More attacks is more attacks, especially...
5. ...with 3 damage.
Spidey can deal a LOT of hurt in a short time.
6. Pseudo-Incap.
His SP Flurry grants the option of dumping a token
on the target instead during the 2nd hit, allowing
him to possibly deal extra damage to Impervious foes
or safely ping a Mystic again without fear.
7. Scientist keyword.
Again, this helps him fit a lot of good teams.
8. 6 range.
Though best in close, being able to damage from
range only makes him better.
Goofy sculpt belies a solid, versatile dial. And
again, at 50 points, he's just always going to be a
solid pick for almost any team, even -- and perhaps
especially -- in multiples. Beware the swarm of
McSpideypoles! Being nearly 30 points and 10-20
points less than the #10 and #9 picks respectively
wins the webhead slot #8.
Next on the list takes us off the buildings and
skies and firmly on terra firma...