
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Card Text: Shadowmage
Infiltrator can't be blocked except by artifact
creatures and/or black creatures. Whenever
Shadowmage Infiltrator deals combat damage to a
player, you may draw a card.
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 4.71
Limited: 4.71
Reviewed Dec. 10, 2001
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating.

I personally feel
that this card is not as good as it is hyped up to
be. Don't get me wrong. I know it is a
good card. Just not THAT good. In
constructed, it doesn't seem o be able to dodge a
lot of the removal. When some of the various
removal cards rotate out, he might be a decent bit
better. In Odysey limited, both Blue and
Black are highly playable, with both and removal.
This again makes him slightly limited.
On the plus side though, if he gets rolling,
or you are matched with something that can't stop
it, he can be a great card drawing tool. Another
thing to think about, is that if two people have a
Shadowmage Infiltrator out, they just stare at
each other.
Constructed: 3.75
Limited: 3.75 |

be very surprised if someone gives
Shadowmage Infiltrator less than a 5. I'm
going to give it a 5 in both Limited and
Constructed. The power of this card is one
of the fundamental concepts of magic. Card
drawing power. Adding in evasion and it
easily defines itself as a superior card.
And, it only costs 3 mana. There is
nothing wrong with this card.

For a mere 1UB you
get a 1/3 creature, Evasion, and Card Drawing all
in one! This card is WAAY undercosted. Dealing
with this Bomb immediately is imperative otherwise
the card drawing will bury ANY decktype. It has
already had a huge impact in Standard and will all
but rule Odyssey Block.

John B

Infiltrator received a lot of early hype simply
because it was the card that Finkel made. Is the
card worth all the hype? In my opinion, pretty
much. With the cost of the card exceeding $20 a
pop, I think that's a bit excessive, but it's
crazy that people are willing to pay over $20 for
an in-print card to being with.
In the environment,
there are a few things that can handle
infiltrator, but most can be dealt with themselves
by a good old counterspell, possibly a Divert, or
other good tricks blue likes to play. The ability
to virtually unimpeededly draw cards and deal
damage is extremely nice. Even against weenie
decks, it's slight large posterior makes for a
good blocker when the situation calls for it
(which is seldom).
In extended, it's
just about as good. Provided you can get to the
Black. playing it with Opidian and other good blue
acceleration can put a whole lot of cards in your
hand fast. Not as good in an environment that
deals with creatures better, like incinerate and
Swords, but good none-the-less
In limited, it's a
first pick. the card will win you games. If you
get 2-to-1 card advantage on your opponent for
much more than 2-3 turns, they might as well
Limted Rating: 5
New Constructed Rating: 4.5
Old Constructed Rating: 4.0
Constructed Potential Rating: 4.5
Overall Constructed Rating: 4.33
P.S. If anyone
wants to know what to play in extended, I'll give
you 800 reasons why Three Deuce is good. :)
Hornberg |
with Constructed play, we all know how I feel
about this card. It is awesome when it hits the
board, but I hate it as well as John Finkel for
creating it, because I saw absolutely no problem
with Thieving Magpie. Infiltrator's evasion is
good, his ability is superior due to the word
"may" draw a card, and the fact that
he cost three mana over Magpie's 4 makes him a
need in any deck that is heavy blue. Still, the
fact that he's both black and blue makes him
hard to play in a mono blue deck, if one should
arise in the coming months. I believe his
popularity, as well as his play value will wane
by the time Judgement is released. So, for
constructed, I give him a 4.5.
In limited,
though, he's a bombshell. He's a first pick
almost every time, because he's much needed card
advantage in a set that just doesn't have a lot
of that. His key problem is that he virtually
restricts what you're going to play if he's
opened on the first pack, and he's not quite a
game ender, or even a game changer at that. So,
in limited, it's a hands down 4. Good, but the
down sides in both draft and sealed deck are noticeable

card is a definite five. I played at states
against two blue mages who each had four of these
in their deck, and while they weren't "game
over" cards, they were certainly difficult to
deal with in the early game. I was lucky enough to
pull one in a Tournament Pack I opened the other
day, and I can't wait to build my own deck with