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Name: DeQuan Watson
readers have gathered a lot of information about me
through my writings. For those of you that haven't
though, this should tell you a little more.
I'm 25 years old and I own my own business. Well,
more accurately I own a game store. The Game Closet, my
store, is one of the premiere places to play in the
Texas. I play Magic on a pretty regular basis. I help
people build decks and teach the game to people multiple
times a week. Owning a store is neat, because it gives
me another perspective to write my articles from. I can
usually tell what the average player likes and can judge
some of the tendencies of the average player a little
better. Of course, owning a store means I have
knowledge of a lot of games and not just Magic. I also
find out my fair share of insider information on the
industry. But having other resources to pull from makes
for more informative writings.
However, I know a decent bit about pro level play as
well. I myself have
played on the Pro Tour. I have multiple Top 8 finishes
at Pro Tour Qualifiers. I also have made Day Two at two
Grand Prix tournaments. I have also been invited to the
Event horizons Invitational. These are not stellar
achievements, but high enough to let you know I have my
head on straight when talking about the game. I also
spend lots of time each week talking to, e-mailing, or
chatting with top level players. I get to see their
perspective on a lot of things as well. Between the
two, I think I get a good sense of balance of the game.
Most importantly, I still enjoy the game for the
sake of the game itself. I like the time, the
competition, and the general interaction of players. I
plan to be playing it until it fades away...if it ever