
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Remove all cards in
target player's graveyard other than basic land
cards from the game. Search that player's library
for all cards with the same name as cards removed
this way, and remove them from the game. Then that
player shuffles his or her library.
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 3.70
Limited: 1.5
Reviewed Dec. 11, 2001
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating.

This is another
great, fun card. Haunting Echoes is not
playable in al black decks. It may not even
be that great for two color decks because of its
double black mana requirement in its casting cost.
However, it can be brutal if played in
tandem with the right cards. The fact that
it is a little slow hurts the cards a little.
However, on that same note, it's not real
great if you cast it early, so for many decks it
is somewhat limiting. In limited, I have to
say the card has almost no potential at all.
The best thing you could do is look at a
opponents deck and keep them from reaching
threshold. With only one copy of most good
spells (in most cases) you won't get anything
great in limited.
Constructed: 3
Limited: 1.5 |

Echoes has the potential to be a very
savage card, but just rarely is. Its like
Lobotomy on crack, except that it doesn't
remove a card from the players hand. In
limited, its only going to clear the
graveyard, which can sometimes be VERY
good. In constructed, depending on when
its cast, can win the game completely, or
just take out a few bothersome cards.
Constructed it might be slightly slow so I
think its a 3. In Limited, its only a 1.

Rating: ***
Don't let my 3 star rating
fool you, this is a great card. Fit for both a fun
or serious deck, this single card can cause decks
fits as it can void the opponents draw pile of any
decent cards at all!
Having said that, it is
situational. It reminds me of Jester's Cap as it
can deal with plenty of POTENTIAL threats, but it
does zip against the threat(s) the opponent is
already beating you with. This will more than
likely end up as a "1-of" in control
decks running Black, much like Yawgmoth's Agenda.
Hornberg |
This card is the
reason why no one should ever say that Shadowmage
Infiltrator is the best card in the Odyssey. This
card is Lobotomy for EVERY card in the graveyard,
with the exception of basic land, for 3BB. That is
just insane! It has the potential to destroy
counter decks, make a tasty snack of Stompy is
played right. It also can be coupled with such
cards as Traumatize and/or Mortivore (Only
Mortivore, it’s the only one worth playing out
of the five useless Llurgoyrfs). I give this card
a 5, because it is, in my opinion, the BEST card
in constructed right now. In limited, though, it’s
an entirely different story. You aren’t going to
have a lot of multiples in draft and sealed deck,
when you have the full block of course. This makes
this card next to worthless in Limited, thus
getting a rating of 2 here. It just has no uses

When I first saw
this card on the spoiler, I immediately thought it
was the most broken card in Odyssey. I might not
have been completely right, but let me tell you,
the card is still unbelievable, and it has it's
place. Everyone is talking about the combo with
Traumatize, which in my opinion, is not the way to
go. A soild control deck, running a quantity of
discard and board control, backed up by this
monster of a spell, can mean the utter demise of
most other control decks. It works against aggro
decks as well, but I've found not as well since
you usually don't have enough board control to
deal with the creatures before they kill
I believe this card will
shine the brightest in block, where al the
flashback stuff exists. Beward this card's ability
to virtually end your opponent's chances in a
single shot. In limited, though, the card is
terrible. If you're drafting it based on it's
strength and not it's dollar value, I would not
take this card before 10th pick, and never play it
in sealed. There are just not enough duplicates in
sealed, and you'll, at best, MAYBE nail 2
Flashback cards.
Old Constructed Rating: 4.0
New Constructed Rating: 4.5
Potential Constructed Rating: 5.0
Overall Constructed Rating: 4.5
Limited Rating: 1.5

John B
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