
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
1BB, Summon Atog 1/2, Weatherlight Uncommon
Remove the top creature card in your graveyard
from the game: +2/+2 until end of turn
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 2.56
Limited: 3.17
Reviewed Dec. 19, 2001
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating.

Here I was
saying that Chronotog was the best, but Necratog
had his time back in the day as well. I
won't give Necratog any really high marks, but he
is better than average as far as I can say. However,
in limited, I might possibly take this guy.
Constructed: 2.4
Limited: 2.4 |

A staple of Mi/Vi/Wl in the
multiple graveyard decks, this guy was
quite a beast. In Limited you're always
going to find dead creatures in your
graveyard usually. He's one of the better
Constructed - 3.5
Limited - 3.5

Limited **
Constructed **
While better than the original 'tog, Necratog
still is a poor card. The double black
requirement limits it's uses and the special
ability is nearly worthless in the early game.

Necratog was the first great
archetype to appear out of Mirage Block. The
ability to get a lot of creatures into the grave
fast, then eat them up for huge damage was
incredible. it was also the first Atog to eat
something that most players already thought of as
mostly worthless, thus not minding it at all. Used
in combination with several vicious cards like
Song of Blood, the 'tog would waste little time in
becoming a big threat.
In Type 2, it showed a little muscle, but was
alive in a Sligh heavy environment back then, and
did not completely show what ic could do. In
today's Extended environment, that card is
basically forgotten. The graveyard is a much
greater resource than it used to be, and feweer
players are finding a place for the Necratog.
In limited, it's great. Since creatures die
left and right, this guy can easily come in with a
kill blow if left alone. he's great, and a
veryearly pick.
New Constructed: n/a
Old Constructed: 3.0
Constructed Potential: 4.0
Overall Constructed: 3.5
Limited: 4.5
Hinton |
Necratog is a pretty decent
creature in Limited. It can easily finish a game
with all of the creatures that die in limited
games. Although your opponent could block it, he's
probably going to lose one of his creatures (at
least) in the process.
In Constructed it's not as good since many
decks that have enough creatures to make him
really good (Reanimator, etc.) need those
creatures to make the deck run, taking away its
synergy. It's still probably one of the best Atogs
Limited: ***^ (3 1/2 Stars)
Constructed: ** (2 Stars)

John B
Using cards in your graveyard as
fat is easy to swallow. Unfortunately, there's
rarely enough creatures in your graveyard for
this guy to make a difference. Rating - 2
Hornberg |
Review yet.