
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
1W, Summon Atog 1/2, Tempest
Sacrifice an enchantment: Auratog gets +2/+2 until
end of turn.
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 2.92
Limited: 1.41
Reviewed Dec. 20, 2001
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating.

I haven't ever been
a huge fan of this card, but recently he has
started to pop up again in Extended. If you
don't know, the deck he is played in is called
Elvis at the Buffet Line. Check out my
report from this past weekend on our site. It's
a fun deck, but I wouldn't recommend playing it.
In limited he isn't very good however.
Constructed: 2.5
Limited: 1 |

finds itself easily in combo with Rancor
as one of the easiest to build combos. As
you usually don't want to waste your
enchantments on this guy, the right kind
of card had to come out to make him really
good. So in the Enchantress type deck,
he's nuts. Otherwise he's fairly horrible.
In limited, he's a second to last pick.
Constructed - 4
(Enchantress build only)
Limited - 1

Limited **
Constructed ***
Auratog would be another unmentionable 'tog if it
wasn't for a previous PoJo's card of the day,
Rancor. Attacking with a HUGE trampling
Auratog is quite a sight to see. Besides
this one combo deck, this 'tog offers little else.

Auratog has been
a dark horse favorite ever since Urza Saga and
Urza's Legacy gave us Argothian Enchantress and
Rancor. The ability to recur enchantments while
drawing cards, and then serve with a mighty fat
Auratog has always been nice. Unfortunately, when
the combo was Type 2 legal, we were in the middle
of Combo Hell, so nothing like this would ever had
been played. It's not until today's extended
environment where we are seeing the Auratog pop-up
in mass. "Elvis At The Buffet Line" is a
great example of how Auratog is being abused in
In limited, like most of the
other atogs, this one is just not strong enough as
without the ability to combo recur, it's not that
great a card.
New Constructed: n/a
Old Constructed: 4.0
Constructed Potential: 4.0
Limited: 1.5
Hinton |
Limited: ** (2
Constructed: **^ (2 1/2 Stars)
Auratog is another of the
Atogs that has to have a deck built around it to
be effective. The one deck I can remember it being
used in was some sort of Enchantress deck that was
ok but not the best. Auratog gets even worse in
Limited where you want to use the enchantments you
picked throughout the game (usually) instead of
ditching them for a few extra damage.

John B
Due to Auratog's
uses in enchantress decks, it'll get decent
marks. 3.5, to be exact. Only 1 more atog to go,
Hornberg |
I'll go ahead
and give Auratog a 2 right now, then tell you why.
This guy is better than Atog for one simple reason
- he's combo worthy. He has the potential to be
broken with Rancor. He also beats out Atog because
enchantments are a little less, well, crucial. You
can let go of them easier. Unfortunately, none of
the above applies in limited. Most creature
enchantments stink, and are sac worthy, if they
ever get played. He gets a 1, and I'd give him a 0
if I could in limited.