
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
(Urza's Destiny)
False Prophet
2WW, Creature — Cleric
2/2, Urza’s Destiny Rare
When False Prophet
is put into a graveyard from play, remove
all creatures from the game.
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Limited: 4.28
Reviewed Dec. 31, 2001
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating.

Constructed **
Limited ****
Virtually any sweeper is
gonna be played in Limited. With such a heavy
focus on creatures in Limited there's never a time
where you'll wish you didn't have removal.
Constructed is a whole other
story since you could run into a deck playing no
creatures. Also, there are much better sweeper
options than the Prophet in constructed like Wrath
of God, Rout, etc. |

False prophet is a
neat card. It does have some decent uses.
I personally was never a fan of it. Most
of the time, I just wanted a Wrath of God :)
The artwork is neat though. Honestly, I
think the card is great in limited. It's
almost like have a creature with some sort of
evasion ability, because many times they won't
block it. Unless they are willing tot ake
the trade of course (which should be fine for
Constructed Rating: 3
Limited Rating: 3.5
Prophet Rating: This guy probably talks to Elvis
next to the bright light. |

I used
this guy in my PT Draft deck at my first
Pro Tour, 3-0 at my second table. He has a
place in some decks, but his scope is very
limited. In limited he's a Wrath-effect
and this makes him an amazing card.
Constructed - 1.5
Limited - 4.5
Hinton |
Limited: *** (3
Constructed: ***^ (3 1/2 Stars)
False Prophet is one card
that I might not mind opening in draft. It is a
creature that can make the game grind to a halt if
played right, or let you go on the offensive with
evasion critters instead of having them held back
to block. In constructed, it's not quite as good
with things like Wrath of God or Rout around, but
could be useful since Threshold might be
used a lot in your area. The only reason I rated
it this high is that I very much enjoy mass
destruction spells.

False Prophet is
scary. He's white, which is appropriate since he's
the town leper once on the board - no one wants to
even touch him. In my opinion, he's a lot better
than the amount of play he got when he was
legal. Especially with a multitude of ways
of sacrificing creatures at instant speed, what
you have here is a way of going one step better
than a Wrath of God at instant speed. Great to
counter the re-animators as well since it removes
the creatures from the game. It's not that poorly
cost, and can even swing for a few if it needs to.
I could see it coming in out of boards in extended
as well to fight several deck type with
reanimating creatures, or even Morphling and stuff
like that which is hard to handle.
In limited, he's crazy. Play
him right and you're almost sure to win. A
definite high choice.
New Constructed: n/a
Old Constructed: 3.5
Constructed Potential: 4.0
Overall Constructed: 3.75
Limited: 5.0
Hornberg |
I am very very
bias to this card because it is my favorite card
over all. To see why, you need not look farther
than my screen name on the board - The Happy
Heretic. 'Nuf Said on that.
Still, this card is actually
a pretty decent card. In constructed, it has the
potential to ruin an opponents offensive build up
of creatures, simply by chump blocking. I see this
card being used more in control as an extra board
clearer, and not in beat down because you lose
about as much as your opponent. So, in
constructed, with my bias rating, and everything
weighed, he gets a 4.5 (really a 3 if you leave
off my love of the card).
In limited, like all board
clearing cards (Wrath of God, Rout, Kirtar's
Wrath, Winds of Wrath, etc.), this guy is a first
pick. In draft, even if you're not playing white,
you have too much to lose from letting this go,
and someone will play it. This card will not come
back in draft, it should go between the first two
picks, because it is a "Wrath of God."
In sealed, he has the potential to change the
game, and should be in most decks. In limited, an
out and out 5, no questions asked.

False Prophet
basically says "attack at your own
risk". I've seen him just shut the game down
for awhile... to a slow crawl. Nobody wants to
sweep the board until they're ready to replace
everything lost, or until they can attack for the
kill. Of course any way to sacrifice the Prophet
makes things even worse, because they don't have
to take any damage - just wait for you to send it,
then sacrifice making you out to be the fool. As
for constructed, he's got his place in a few
decks, filling a very interesting specialized
role. I like him in Prison style decks, where he
can not only attack once you've locked them down,
but he also serves an additional Wrath of God to
keep things under control.
Constructed Rating - 3
Limited Rating - 5
Prophet Rating - not quite Moses

John B
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