
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Serra Angel
3WW, Summon Angel 4/4,
Attacking does not cause Serra
Angel to tap
Pojo's Average
Rating: 3.80
Reviewed Nov. 28, 2001
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating.

Gerhardt |
Serra Angel.
At one point, this creature was a mainstay in
virtually every kill-based Control deck.
At a 5CC 4/4 flier, it's a bargain all by
itself. Add
in the ability that it does not tap to attack,
you have an incredible powerhouse that was able
to stay away from most burn based spells, while
being both an offensive and defensive threat at
the same time. Many people still
feel Serra to be an incredible kill card in
mono-white aggro decks, or even some blue/white
control versions. Unfortunately, the field
has changed somewhat
in today's environment. Serra has been
replaced by Morphling in extended,
t1.5, and t1 control, and by either Mahamotti
Djinn or Amugaba in t2 control. Even the
archetype of U/W control is not as
powerful as it once
was. In aggro decks, small and pumpable
seems to be the wave in virtually
every environment, using small creatres and
enhancements like Crusade, Glorious Anthem, and
Divine Sacrament. This, unfortunately,
leaves Serra
mostly out of the picture, with the 5CC being a
little too steep and unstable for those decks.
Add into the equation the existence of Flametongue
Kavu, who can not only take down the Serra Angel
at a 4CC, but also be there as a 4/2, it makes
the card just too unstable to play in the
environment today. I think with the
rotation out of Flametongue Kavu in about
a year, Serra may make a resurgence, since it is
cheaper than both of the other two Monsters used
in t2 play today, but, for now, they're great
trade bait for the kiddies.
Old Constructed
(t1 - t1.x) Environmental Rating: 3.5
New Constructed (t2) Environmental Rating: 3.0
Limited Rating: 4.5
Overall non-environmental strength: 4.0
Final Card Rating:

I would
give Serra Angel a 3. Had you asked me this
question about 2 or 3 years ago, I would
definitely have givin' it a 4, possibly even a 5.
Serra Angel is a solid creature, but right
now, there are a solid amount of good fliers.
Also, the removal spells are much stronger
now than when the Serra Angel was in its prime.
Another factor that contributes to the Serra
Angel not being played is the existence of
Flametongue Kavu. It hurts to pay five mana
and then have it just stopped cold by one
creature. However, as far as cost
efficiency, the Serra Angel definitely rates high
on the list. For five mana, you get a 4/4
creature with flying. On top of that, it
doesn't have to tap to attack. This is huge
considering you can serve and block with it in a
lot of cases. Also, when you take the
flametongue kavu out of the equation, Serra Angel
is still a very strong creature. |

Serra Angel is a
good start to Card of the Day. Its classic
Magic, and synonymous with the game. For
reputation sake, and for the old school, its a
5. In today's environment, its a 3 in
Constructed, and 5 in limited. Many cards
have surpassed the quality of the most beautiful
lady in Magic, but I'll always place bets on her
causing your opponent to be a bit worried.

Rating: ****
Undercosted big
fliers in the new standard environment are good.
The 4 defense is especially significant with all
the removal cards like Urza's Rage and Volcanic
Hammer dealing only 3 damage.
The only reason
Serra doesn't get 5 stars is because of the 5
mana casting cost. Constructed play seems
to be still leaning towards aggressive 2-3 mana
drops. Serra is best suited as a road to
victory in a control deck.

John B
A staple of old, I
unfortunately must admit Serra Angel is
outdated. In type 2 a white/blue control
deck could play Iridescent Angel or Voice of All
instead, and probably be better for it. In
other formats it could use Morphling or even
Blinding Angel. Still, there's nothing
really wrong with her, so if you don't have
access to the superior cards she's still a solid
choice. She definitely has a home in the
White Noise deck. Just remember to sing to
her when you play her.
Angel, Serra Angel men have named you..."
- 4
Chapman |
Serra Angel -
Rating 4
She definitely
gets points for being a classic (and cute). Not
to mention that for 5 mana a 4 power flyer
is a good deal. Add the fact that she doesn't
tap to attack and she is an offensive and
defensive weapon. That's enough for a rating of
at least 3 but the 4 toughness also puts her out
of range for most burn spells and mana of the
John Hornberg |
Serra Angel (Rating
- 4 out of 5)
Serra Angel is a
respectable card. Being a 4/4 Flyer for
five, she has a place in any deck that runs
white, and has the potential to end games.
She has no relative drawbacks, and is a modest
card. She has a place in every format,
even Type 1, despite her limits there.
Her problem is that
the “Kill it! Kill it!” Theorem
applies especially to her. Once she hits
the board, your opponent 90% of the time will go
into “kill Serra” mode, and will try to pull
a burn spell out of a solid green deck just to
kill it.
That’s why I give
this card a rating of 4. She’s good, but
she’s definitely not god. There are
better cards, but she is certainly a respectable