
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Cephalid Snitch
Pojo's Average
Rating -
1.00 (8 Reviews)
Limited: 1.10 (7 Reviews)
Reviewed April 5, 2002
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

the Snitch, is he the worst? I don't really think
so. I'd have to say the worst is Cephalid Vandal.
I'd add a 5th color before I played either of
these cards most likely. Obviously a .5 in
constructed and limited. Barely worth the paper
its printed on. |

Peatross |
are worse cards than the Snitch. At least it's a
creature. You could put a Psionic Gift on it.
You could discard it to compulsion. You could do
worse. If you do, you suck.
Rating: *slurp*
Rating: 0
Rating: 0

This is fun. It's
like a new game has been invented called
"Am I the worst card in this set ?"
There is no doubt that Snitch is a terrible,
terrible card. Not the worst of all time but
truly horrible. I have looked over the whole set
and it is a strong set with few truly bad cards.
Bad meaning virtually unplayable period. In that
evaluation I think I have found that Blue was
blessed with the 2 worst cards they are The
Snitch and his buddy the Cephalid Vandal. The
Cephalid Vandal just mills you death and so you
effectively play 2 opponents. The Snitch can
take pro-black away when sacked another useless
ability. So to settle which was worse I asked
the grand poobah of horrible cards, Robbie
Howell of Cedar Hill, Texas, which was worse. He
said Snitch because it has no potential for use
at all and that a Vandal could be used in a 200+
card traumatize deck. So while it is worse in a
pack to get Vandal because he is in the rare
slot, Snitch is the worst card in the set.
0 in any format

Limited: 1
If you want to know why, try playing it.

From the
best cards in the set to what they list as the
worst. However, I can think of others that are at
least as bad.
Having said that though,
this _is_ a bad card. People are trying to use
this with Thran Lens to get rid of Iridescent
Angels (via Terror and cards like that). Just
throw another fat blocker out instead. The blocker
will be colorless. A necessary effect in the black
set, but a bad card.
Constructed: 1
Limited: 1.1
Cephalid Snitch
Let's see... there are a
total of 10 creatures in Type II with protection
from Black. That's out of 662. Highly unlikely
that you'll get to use the ability, and even then
it only lasts for one turn.
The bottom line is that if
you're including Blue then you have better ways of
removing pro Black guys, eg Bounce. It's just a
1/1 for 1U in constructed. In limited it's
slightly better, because if your opponent finds a
Mystic Enforcer and you're drafting Black you're
pretty much screwed.
Still dreadful though.
Constructed - 1
Limited - 1.5
aka Doctor Mackerel

No Review Yet.
Limited: 1/2
Constructed: 0 Stars
I really, really hate this
card. A 1/1 for two mana could be good (Fireslinger
wasn't bad), but not with a crappy ability like
this. Who's worried about dropping pro: black from
a creature when you, playing blue, should be able
to bounce, counter, or out-race their creature. If
you come up against someone using these, you've
probably got yourself a bye.

Cephalid Snitch.
I'm not sure why they consider this the WORST card
in the set. It is far from being good, but let's
face it.... A 1/1 with a special ability for 2
mana is quite common. Unfortunately for the
snitch, its ability just isn't all that helpful.
Still, there has to be worse cards than this.
Constructed: 1.5
Limited: 2 (currently there
are more cards revolving around black, so I give
it the benefit of the doubt)

John B
A 1/1 for 2 with
a marginal (at best) ability. I can't imagine
myself choosing to put Cephalid Snitch in my deck.
Maybe for comic value, but that's all. 1