
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Call of the Herd
Torment-Odyssey Rare
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 4.85
(9 Reviews)
Limited: 4.71 (8 Reviews)
Reviewed April 8, 2002
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

of the Herd is easily one of the greatest card
advantage cards ever printed. Easily splashable,
Elephants are taking the field all over the
country. Two 3/3 creatures by turn 4 for one card
investment is almost at the point of too good.
This is a first pick, and there are few uncommons
I'd take over it, Overrun and Shower of Coals come
to mind, but that's about it.
A 4.5 in Limited, a 5 in
constructed. |

Peatross |
of the Herd is one of the best green cards ever
printed. Two 3/3s for the price of one card is
VERY solid, and honestly, this card may be TOO
good. Anything that dominates Extended may just
be too good.
rating: Dumbolicious!
Rating: 5
Rating: 5

This card is just
plain good. You pay 2G for a 3/3 and then get
another 3/3 for 4 so it is mana efficient. Add
to the fact that it can often be done on turns 2
and 3 and you are well on your way to doing a
lot of damage to your opponent. Plus it has a
cool elephant picture. Obviously this card is
good in any format and if you draft it you can
usually sell it and pay for another draft.
In short, it's mana
efficient, damage efficient, card efficient and
puts cash in your pocket that equals a 5
Constructed 5
Limited 5
National Qualifier
Tip of The Day :
Bathe, shower and
put on deodorant before you go. This tournament
is long and crowded. The rooms will probably be
warm. If you need to borrow some cologne,
deodorant or lysol ask your friends they will be
glad for you not to stink. People who smell like
a pile of dung never make T8 at the tourney and
face it, maybe the reason you are playing MTG
every Saturday night instead of having a date
with Jennifer Lopez is hygiene related. Try
washing and you might spend the next weekend
somewhere you've never been before.

This is another good
card. It's VERY versatile. I honestly
don't know what Ic an say here that others already
The only one iffy spot is draft. how early
do you pick it. Also, it could come down to
what else is in the pack as green has some good
stuf for limited play. However, if you are
getting to keep your rares, just draft it and then
sell it.
Overall, I still don't think this card is as
insane as Rancor. I mean, after, rancor ws
an error :) So I will adjust my rating
accordingly :)
Transaction: Call of the Herd, meet Mr. Jackson.
Constructed: 4.2
Limited: 4.2

An expensive card,
and rightfully so ... If Call didn't have
flashback, it'd still be pretty good, as it
would be a 3/3 for 3 mana, and getting power and
toughness equal to the casting costs is becoming
increasingly rarer and rarer. Add on the fact
that it has flashback, and you've got 2 3/3s for
only one card slot. One of the two best cards in
Odyssey, and the only one not designed by an
Invitational winner.
Constructed: 5
Limited: 5
Limited: 5 Stars
Constructed: 5 Stars
How could you not think Call
is a 5 Star card? You get two 3/3's out of 1 card
that is easily splashable into other colors. This
kind of quality is devastating in Limited and just
as deadly in Constructed.

Who'd think that
elephants, after all this time would be such a
great force. If your deck is aggressive much at
all and it has green in it, this card deserves
four slots in it.
In Limited, this is as solid
a card as you'll find. Take it if you are playing
green or intend to play green. It isn't a HUGE
gamebreaker, so don't be afraid to pass it up if
you aren't playing green.
Constructed: 5
Limited: 4

John B
A perfect fit for
creature decks, it does exactly what they want it
to do. 4.5
One word:
That about sums up this card
in one word for both formats. It's a 3/3 for 3
mana, and another next turn for 4. What's not to
love. I think the card is self-explanatory. A 5 in
both formats.

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