
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Tainted AEther
7th Edition
Braids wasn't in Type II, you might be seeing a
lot more of this card.'"
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 2.08
(6 Reviews)
Limited: 1.17 (6 Reviews)
Reviewed April 18, 2002
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

When you have to go look up a card
before rating it, its never very good. I
have never actually seen Tainted Aether in play,
ever. In limited, its only
good if you're already winning. I can
imagine in constructed its alright,
but again still only good if you're already
winning. A 1.5 in both.

Honest truth
here...I never played a SINGLE game with Tainted
Aether. Not in limited nor Constructed.
That tells you how I feel about it.
Constructed: 1
Limited: 1

If it
just weren't 4CC. Maybe at 2 it would be
playable, possibly even at 3. At 4, you're
getting your dome smacked hard by the time it
comes down; your opponents don't even need to cast
anything else. I could see decks built
around this concept, but I don't see them being
great decks.
In limited, it's total trash. End of Story Constructed
- 2.5
Limited - 1
Current Price - $2.25
If Braids wasn't in Type II, you might be seeing a
lot more of this card.
It's your typical Black combo card, affecting both
players equally, so you
have to build your deck to optimise its uses.
In constructed, there are more efficient options.
Still, it'd be a nice dark
horse, and quite tricky to deal with compared to
Braids. In limited play you
just won't be able to make Tainted Aether help
rather than hinder.
Constructed - 3
Limited - 1.5

The funny thing is that I used this card not very
ago. It can prove to be very hindering
certain creature oriented decks when you are
playing a
deck that has very few, if any. Meaning?
this for a sideboard card for mono-black control.
might be surprised to find what you see.
In Limited, this strategy just wouldn't work,
you have managed to draft a lot of burn or other
of winning besides turning critters sideways.
Constructed: 3 (it shows sideboard potential)
Limited: 1 (it shows no potential)

Let me say right up front I have never used
this card. It doesn't much fit my style and I
have never been a big believer in enchantments
that cost 4 and hurt you as bad as your
opponent. I know this was in a few sideboards
at Regionals, but I never saw one actually in
play. I won't say it sucks because I am sure
somewhere in the teeming millions I am sure
someone has a deck that makes this card really
good. If you do send it to me and I'll write
about it. Otherwise I'll say it is a very
narrow constructed card and I can think of no
good use for it in limited.
Constructed-1.5 (It's good for someone's deck)
Limited 1 (cus zero is not allowed)