
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
5th Edition
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 3.34
(8 Reviews)
Limited: 1.86 (7 Reviews)
Reviewed April 22, 2002
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

original goofy card art, this artist was never
asked to do another piece
if I remember correctly. The card itself is
amazing, can totally dominate a
game, and can almost win all by itself. It
does have to have support, but I
don't see a card with this power level getting
printed again. In limited,
it is a permanent 'trick' that can catch your
opponent in a really bad
place. I'd probably draft it and play it,
but not too highly. Constructed
4.5, Limited 3.5 |

Peatross |
artist never got to do another card. I wonder
why? If this isn't
hands down the worst card art on a Magic Card,
I'll swallow my shorts. Well,
I'll chew them first. Maybe a little
bouilliabaise on it. On the other hand,
Stasis is a VERY powerful card, and when it's
legal, you can always expect
someone to be trying to ruin their chances at
Regionals with it.
Art Rating: Worst ever, hands down.
Constructed Rating: 4
Limited Rating: 2

Ok, some people like
this card, but I personally do not. I think
it does something to the game of MAgic that
doesn't really need to be done. However, I
am guilty of playing it in a deck a long time ago.
Anyway, it seems to only have any real use in
constructed. In limited, you'd be hard
pressed to find cards that were good enough to
play along with it.
constructed: 1.5
Limited: 1.0

In my
opinion, the best deck in extended no one is
playing. I actually ran across one at
GP-Vegas in day 2. I might have lost to it
if he hadn't been at one, dropped Back to Basics,
and then "paid" for the enchantment (one
blue - he had just let Stasis go) and mana
burned. I have a high opinion of this card,
because I think it can just catch people sleeping,
and you can win.
limited, it's a decent stall tactic if you're
losing - maybe get a turn or 2 to rebuild and keep
the guys off you, though it can be very
problematic if they get to untap first, which
usually happens.
art....pure crap. Sorry Ms. Jones, but thank
goodness this was your only contribution to the
game. Could you imagine something like this
on Morphling? *shudder*
- 4
Limited - 2
Current Price - $3.00

I've had a friend say
that if someone really wants to learn how to play
this game, they should play a Stasis deck. I would
happen to agree, with all the complexities a
Stasis deck has (in whatever form).
Just don't play it in
Constructed: 3.2
Limited: 1 (lower if I
You should only look at Ersatz Gnomes if you're
playing mono-colour and
you're expecting MAJOR worries with protection
from your colour. Otherwise
you've got a little 1/1 for 3 mana.
In constructed, you just about might sideboard a
few if you know that the
environment is built to hose your colour. As for
limited, he will have very
few uses, but perhaps as flimsy insurance if you
draft mono-colour. In both
formats, he's still pretty bad.
Constructed - 1.5
Limited - 1.5
A very narrow card,
you won't see Stasis played in many decks that
aren't specifically designed to abuse it.
Those decks, however, are pretty good.

Old Magic cards don't
die.... they just untap less
often! Seriously though, this is just a
great old
card that refuses to die. All of its good
counterparts came several sets later in Masques
and now it has a full arsenal of great cards.
In Limited this card just doesn't have the tools
needed to take advantage f it, and it winds up
being a
way to stall the game, and that's about it.
Constructed: 3.5
Limited: 2

Well the original Stasis
card had some goofy cartoon art for sure. It
looked like 2 cartoon Egyptians gods standing
around to me. This card made up part of one
the most annoying decks of all time. In
various orientations it combined with bounce
spells, Kismet, and mana acceleration to kill
its opponent with either 1 creature or by
decking them with Howling Mine. It was a
troublesome deck to play against and won some
tournaments but it was never quite good enough
for the big time.
In Limited the card is
useless as it requires to many specific types
of spells to make it useful.
Constructed 2
Limited 1 cus I can't give