
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 1.42
(6 Reviews)
Limited: 2.23 (6 Reviews)
Reviewed April 30, 2002
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Quite a nice little dwarf for
limited play, basically worthless in
constructed. I have no idea what this card
even looks like as I was not
playing back then. Today it would be a
fairly decent card to take in draft.
3 in Limited, 1 in constructed. |

Peatross |
Dwarven Thaumaturgist has
horrible art. HORRIBLE. Like, I can't look at
card because the art is so bad. That's a
problem, because the card is pretty
playable in Limited. Maybe if i had a marker
with me.
Art Rating: Obnoxious.
Limited: 3
Constructed: 1

Why does the
art on this card suck so bad ? :(
This card does what several cards in Magic
apparently have come to do. It's only good
for decks based around "creature
In limited...well, I'd rip this card to shreds if
I got it passed to me as my last pick :(
Constructed: 1.0
Limited: 1.0

When I
first came up with the idea for "Goofy
Artwork Week", this was probably one of the
first cards that came to mind. Man...weird.
think of all the potential in constructed! I mean,
really. Against Sligh, they drop Ball
Lightning and serve. You just flip it, and
now they're beating you down with a 1/6
Trample....BEATING! Wait a minute - that guy
got shocked in the head.
limited, where shocks are in more short supply,
this guy does some weird, fun things, like kill
walls, and can play some neato post-combat tricks
against defensive creatures, and turn more
aggressive ones passive. I would definitely
pick this guy high simply because your opponent
will jump through their butt to kill it.
- 1
Limited - 3.5
Current Price - $1.75

Talk about goofy art.
This card art might be considered good ... if it
was drawn by a 4 year old.
Its effect is decent
enough to provide a finisher for a rogue extended
deck ... but being a creature itself really hurts
And limited ... well,
it's a warm body, I'll give it that much.
Constructed: 2
Limited: 1.4
Dwarven Thaumaturgist is very strictly average. It
allows you to pull off
some nice combat tricks, but your opponent will be
able to plan for them
when they see this guy sitting on the board.
There are some creatures that become a lot better
with Dwarven
Thaumatugist's help, so he's not altogether
dreadful in constructed. In
limited play, however, you can't predict who else
you're going to draw, so
he becomes just another 1/2 body.
Constructed - 2.5
Limited - 1.5