
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Soulcatcher's Aerie
Judgement - Uncommon
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 2.65
(10 Reviews)
Limited: 1.28 (10 Reviews)
Reviewed August 6, 2002
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Week's Card Selector
constructed ***
Combined with Battle Screech, Soulcatcher's Aerie
can generate a bunch of nasty fliers. Having
three 1/1 flying tokens on your side of the board
is one thing... having three 3/3 flying tokens on
your side is something entirely different.
While I don't like that I have to use bird
creatures (what the hell is fun about playing with
Birds?) Soulcatcher's Aerie could really become
powerful if they continue to print playable Birds
in upcoming sets.

Welcome to the wonderful world of OBC, where we
cards that can only be good in OBC. I mean
really, a
bird pumper shouldn't be seeing constructed play,
should it? Kangee pumped up birds and she
horrible, and that was in a block which had
Migration (the ultimate bird generator). Oh
this just goes to show you how weak Odyssey block
really is.
In Limited this card is utter crap, as you should
have 1 or 2 birds at most, if you are lucky.
Constructed: 2 (3 in OBC)
Limited: 1
Tuesday - I really do like the Aerie on so many
levels. It's your classic
card which specializes in one creature type, but
it is aggressively costed
in a set where the corresponding creatures are
likewise aggressively costed.
It is good enough to see play in
block, and I wouldn't be surprised if a
Type Two tournament or two doesn't see the Aerie
placing rather highly. In
limited in merely depends on the number of birds
in your deck. You'll need
a lot to be able to run this. It would never
see play in Five Color, simply
because there are so many better winning
conditions than birds.
Constructed - 3
Limited - 1.5

This review is why I should not be allowed to
build my own decks.
I see this card,
and sick enough, see potential. First of
all, there are some solid enough birds in the
environment right now, with Battle Screech coming
to mind very quickly. Let's face it - birds
die. Use something to sac off birds and you
make the flock bigger. Do the math right,
and you can get quite the fast kill. I don't
have a deck yet, but I think I'll build one for
That was OBC. In T2, I, scary enough, see a
fun little deck involving this an Unnatural
Selection. Why limit yourselves to
birds. Let's make other critters
birds. Flametongue Bird? There
are all sorts of possibilities with this.
Mind you, I think they mostly suck, but man it
could get close to godly in multiplayer. ;)
In limited, it
sucks. Not gonna have birds and this at the
same time. I did get hit with a 2/2 Suntail
Hawk once, but that was quite the fluke.
- 3
Limited - 1
Current Price - $.95 |
Good luck trying to make a bird deck in limited.
if you did get enough birds, they aren't exactly
most threatening creatures. This gets a 1 in
Themed creature decks just seem wrong to me. Yeah,
Slivers were great but that was because they all
shared abilities; they didn't need some lame
enchantment. Birds do not help each other out in
way slivers, rebels or even goblins do. In short,
don't like this card so it gets a 2, although that
probably means someone is going to win a
with the soulcatcher's aerie deck.

If you read my article last week,
you'll know that I'm not sold on this
card. In Limited its just plain horrible,
chances are you'll never have
more than 2-3 birds in your entire deck. In
Constructed you can build a
deck around it, but I never want to build a deck
around the concept of
LOSING my creatures just to make the ones I might
draw bigger. Constructed
a 2, Limited a .5. |

Soulcatchers' Aerie
Card Color: W
Mana Cost: 1W
Type & Class: Enchantment
Pow/Tou: n/a
Card Text: Whenever a Bird is put into your
graveyard from play,
put a feather counter on Soulcatchers' Aerie. All
Birds get +1/+1 for each feather counter on
Soulcatchers' Aerie.
For some reason this card seems odd to me. I guess
it's the fact that your
birds get stronger when other birds die instead of
the old Coat of Arms
type where creatures got bonuses when there were
more of them in play. I am
a fan of this card and I believe that it will be
seen as an important card
(particularly in block constructed) before the
season is over. I have seen
a few decks already that use the card and while
most still need some work I
believe that the deck will prove solid with this
card as a linchpin. In
limited I don't see much use for it because you
need lots of birds to make
it viable although if you are drafting and can get
birds it might be a fun

Lesse ... an enchantment that makes all birds
bigger when a bird dies.
Insanely powerful in the right deck, but is the
deck right? That is, can it
beat Tog? At this point, I would have to say no.
Between all of the bounce
spells and Counterspells Tog has, I don't think
this card will have much of
an impact. And if the Aerie gets too big, Tog will
either Wish for a Recoil,
or just heave and end the game. Maybe in November,
when Repulse and FtK
rotate out, but not now.
In causal play, a theme deck built around this
might work well, until the
group catches wind and starts packing Disenchant
In limited, there are often not enough birds to
justify playing this card.
Constructed: 3
Limited: 1.5

card has a lot of potential. Unfortunately I
don't think it will see a whole lot of play until
the Standard rotation in November. There are
a few decks that can utilize it right now, but
they are mainly Odyssey Block Constructed decks.
In limited, this card is not that great at all.
Unless you just happen to have drafted several
birds, I'd just let it go by.
Constructed: 2.5
Limited: 1.8

This will see some play in block play, some play
in casual, but it's not
active enough to work in Standard. I think it's a
mediocre card because you
have to lose card advantage for it to work (your
birds have to die for it to
get bigger).
Limited: 1
Constructed: 2