
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Invasion - Common
2G - InstantAs
an additional cost to play Harrow, sacrifice a
Search your library for up to two basic land cards
and put them into play. Then shuffle your
Pojo's Average
Rating -
(9 Reviews)
Limited: 3.19 (8 Reviews)
Reviewed February 5, 2002
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating.

biggest distinction about Harrow is that it's
pretty much Leland Simmon's favorite card, which
makes me very happy about reviewing it. I think
that Harrow is great in sealed and limited,
smoothing out your mana and improving your
draws, and that's rarely bad. It can also find a
home in Domain based decks, but it's still not a
game breaker.
response to that, I'll Harrow.

John B
A tad bit of mana acceleration with a hefty amount
of color fixing, Harrow is a quality card for
almost any multicolor deck based in green that has
a couple basic lands in its alternate colors.
I'd have a hard time not putting 4 in a type 2
domain deck. In extended it has to compete
with Land Granting duel lands and Yavimaya Elder,
among other cards, but in type 2 it's peachy king.

is a fine utility card in lots of decks
particularly in Invasion block and will see a
surge into the new type 2 as a mana and color
accelerator in some of the new (stupid) combo
decks. It's ability to give players 2 different
color of mana made it a key card in Invasion block
because Invasion finally made 3 and 4 color
constructed decks a common sight in both block and
type 2 play. It is as strong or stronger in
limited where the ability to have 3 or 4 colors
can be a tremendous asset. Which brings me to an
Event Horizon Invitational story. Last year one of
the EHI formats was a draft of all of the Invasion
cards. It was done like the NFL draft where
everyone got to pick a card at a time but only 1
copy of each was available. I was playing Rick
Burton in a Sideboard/WOTC feature match being
covered by Alex Shvartsman and my opening hand was
crazy with 3 lands, Crosis, Dromar, Harrow and
some other mana accelerator. I play turn 3 harrow
and Burton counters it not only was I surprised he
used his only decent counter, I also thought
"OK...It's your funeral buddy". I then
proceeded to draw no more land for several turns
and thus not only lost but also got to read about
it on the Sideboard. So the moral of the story
is... Harrow is good, countered Harrow is bad, and
getting your face smashed in front of Shvartsman
who is writing about your match for millions of
readers sucks like suckerson sucks.
Chapman |
Harrow saw a lot of play in IBC, as Domain was
a very
dominant deck type within that format. In
type 2, it
still sees play in Domain decks and hardly
In limited, it is quite useful as it diversifies
mana available and thins out your library.
Constructed: 3
Limited: 3

Harrow is
decent all around. I don't mind ever drawing
this up in limited. As a matter of fact, it
helps smooth out my colors. It's not a top
pick, but not one you are afraid to have late.
It's got some uses in constructed, but only
in some specific decks. It's a generally
good card, but doesn't have a ton of uses, so I
will give it a mediocre rating.
Constructed: 2.3
Limited: 2.6

Who would have thought a green
instant that gets you land would be a first
pick in draft? Harrow became one of the best
cards in Invasion block
multi-color builds do to its instant mana
smoothing ability. Its a staple
in the Domain decks and possibly the best basic
land searcher available. In
Limited, in a deck that needs more than one or two
colors, its easily a 4.
In Constructed, it only sees play in one deck, so
only gets a 2. |

Limited ***
Constructed **
NOT fast mana by any means, Harrow is an ideal
mana fixer and deck thinner. Being an
instant is very cool as you can respond to your
opponents targeted land destruction! Harrow
was a great way to fizzle Capsize back in Tempest
block. Harrow became much more valuable when
it was reprinted in Invasion due to the high
number of Gold cards printed. Constructed
"Domain" decks owe most of their success
to this COTD!

Gerhardt |
I have
always been a fan of running 3 or more colors in a
deck. I love Harrow. :) Things that
fix my mana and accelerates it as well is good in
my book. It has it's constructed niche,
though mostly in domain.
In limited, pick it fast in the multi-color heavy
Invasion Block environment. It's a great way
to thin out land and make sure you get the colors
you need when you need it.
Limited: 4.25
Hornberg |
is a good card for a lot of decks. It makes
domain a deck to reckon
with, and it helps as a land retriever for many
three and four color decks.
Unfortunately, Harrow is past it's prime in
standard. Much of the format
has reverted back to two colors, thus making the
card a waste of space.
Still, I give it a respectable 4, because it is
seeing play in the few
Domain and Rice Snax decks out there, and it saw
play in most decks during
the IBC season in '01.
In limited, it was okay, but it wouildn't win
games. I give it only a 2,
because it was a card anyone could afford to not
draft, because it got land.
I'd still, though, say it would go between
7th and 11th pick.
Limited:***^(3 1/2 Stars)
Constructed:***(3 Stars)
In Limited, I can remember first-picking a few of
these in Invasion. Harrow is so good because
it lets
you get a land-drop ahead of your opponent and
you splash only a few lands in for an extra color
since the Harrow can go get it. In
Constructed, it's
still pretty good since you can build a good
deck around it and make your opponent actually
about countering it.