
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Tradewind Rider
Tempest - Rare
3U - Creature Spirit - 1/4Flying
Tap, Tap two creatures you control: Return
target permanent to owner's hand
Pojo's Average
Rating -
4.33 (8 Reviews)
Limited: 4.69 (7 Reviews)
Reviewed February 15, 2002
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating.

A great card from what
many believe was the best major expansion ever
issued by WOTC. Back when Tempest was T2 legal the
Rider was a staple card in a number of decks
including Aluren, Blue Beats, Living Death, and a
few more I am too old to think of right now. He
still appears frequently in Extended primarily due
to his ability to bounce any permanent. He is also
the grandfather of creatures with bouncing abilities
like Waterfront Bouncer. He was likewise a great
card in limited and just thinking about it makes me
want to play a Tempest block draft...ah the
memories. While I'm on memory lane I believe a
Canadian once won a GP in Texas based on this card.
Props to you Mr. Krakower, wherever you are !
Rating (Note these
are based on old school formats)
Constructed 4.5
Limited 4.5
Chapman |
Tradewind Rider saw play in a few decks a while
ago in
extended, but its use has been rare as of late
not non existant). It requires a good few
in play to be truly effective, and it's uses are
fairly one-sided. Meaning, this only goes in
made to abuse it.
In limited, if one were to draft sets that far
Tradewind Rider should be huge, and a major reason
play blue.
Constructed: 3.5
Limited: 5

I love this
card :)
Too bad I can't find many ways to use him :(
He's even got amazing art. In constructed he
only seems to be good for a few days out of the
year. Hard to find space for him and make
him work all the time.
In limited though, I would love to open this bomb
rare. It could definitely be good for
turning the tide of a match. Lots of neat
combats tricks you could do to break stalemates.
Old School Rating: 4.3
Constructed: 2.6
Limited: 4.3

Way back during Grand Prix Austin I
busted Tradewind Rider in my first pack.
John Matson was sitting up at the front
tables signing cards and I called
a judge up to take it up to him and have it
signed. I then played with it
and he was a bomb. The question is, do you
take a Rolling Thunder or this
guy? Money or no? Top 8 or no?
In Limited, an obvious 5. In Constructed,
more decks than I'd like to talk about have this
guy in them,
Tradewind-Prison, Tradewind-Awakening, etc.
Also a 5. I hate playing
against it though. |

Rider is one of my all time favorite cards, from
probably the best set ever released - Tempest.
So much variety, so much fun for everyone - and
the chase rares were worth chasing! In one
qualifier in Nawlins, I opened up 2 of these bad
boys, while the person next to me opened 2
Cursed Scrolls. We did the Beatdown Dance
together and both made the top 8. I got Jeff
Taylor in Tradewind Lock, he discarded a
Rootbreaker Wurm, and I Reanimated it. He died
shortly thereafter. I had 4 signed, doodled on
by the artist Asian Tradewinds back when I
collected, and I used those puppies in just
about every deck I played.
Rating: "I'll tap my ophidian, my wall of
roots, and my Tradewind and return that"
Rating: 5
Rating: 5

Limited ****
Constructed *****
God this card was a blast! At only 3U, a
vanila 1/4 flier isn't bad at
all. The Rider really shines tho' due to his
fantastic special ability.
With all the 187 effects out there Tradewind is
one of the few cards EVER
to encourage a blue mage to play loads of
creatures! Bouncing your Uktabi
Orangutan turn after turn to blow up opposing
Cursed Scrolls is the nuts.
Tradewind even works wonders bouncing your
opponents permanents...
Armaggedon with an active Tradewind is one heckuva
soft lock! =)

Gerhardt |
helped give mono-blue one of it's first great
non-Stasis archetypes. In addition, it fit
in so many other decks, that it became one of the
most abused creatures of it's time. It seems
many people have forgotten it's greatness at this
point, but don't think for a second that he
couldn't still be dominant even in today's
Extended environment.
Limited: 5.0
Hornberg |
Review Today

John B
Unbelievably great. This guy can slow almost
any kind of deck, and do it during the opponent's
end phase so that he's open for blocking.
Blocking fliers as well as non-, and with a
respectable toughness of four, that is.
Entire decks have been built around him, and for
good reason, but he fits into other decks as well.
Review Today