
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Torment - Uncommon
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.00 (7 Reviews)
Limited: 2.20 (7 Reviews)
Reviewed February 25, 2002
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating.

am still not sure how this card fits into the Red
players arsenal. It seems to be too slow to fit in
the Sligh or Sligh/Burn archetypes and one of the
long time issues for these decks has always been
drawing enough quality cards to maintain the heat.
I just see too many better red cards which cost
the same or less to believe this card fits in any
red deck.
is a different story. In the current limited block
there are so many 1 toughness creatures and so
many games that stall for lots of turns that I can
see this as a decent card even if red is only a
splash color for you.
old school view of this card says "I want my
Cursed Scroll back."
2 (Playable but not near optimal)
School- (-5) And the old school is always right
Chapman |
Pyromania is definately not the
worst of the set of enchantments. While the
continuous cost of 2 mana and a card hardly seems
worth it, it may see some play at some point. I
don't think it will see lots. but some people will
play around with it.
In limited, I see this as much better. You can
kill off creatures that wouldn't normally die, and
slowly kill your opponent. It seems like a solid
pick, especially if your lacking in other burn
Constructed: 3
Limited: 4

I bet some
people are probably going to dog this card today.
I think it's not all that bad. It's
one more way for fast sligh type decks to deal
extra damage. Couple it with the madness
cards and it can't be terrible. Now
admittedly, I have to say that discarded at random
is not good, but I guess you take what you can
In limited I think it is very playable. It
gives you a way to spend those extra lands or mana
fixers late when they come up. It doubles as
creature removal and can be a finisher. I
think it's a decent pick. Maybe not an early
pick, but a decent mid pick in a draft.
Constructed: 2.8
Limited: 3.0

is such a horrible card in my opinion, and this is
coming from a man that LOVES removal. Essentially
you have a 1 point piece of damage, otherwise you
have serious card loss. I think this is the
weakest of the mania's, and I'd almost never play
it. If this was the 23rd card, I might consider
putting in an 18th land instead. |

everyone. This is my first time at SCA (Sucky
Cards Anonymous). My name is Pyromania, and I
suck. I do the same thing that other cards did
far better than me in the past, at about the
same cost. Doesn't that make me suck? I'm so
sucky that on the way over here, Mons Gobin
Raiders kicked a kobold in my face. I guess bad
players might slide me into a deck, or if you
really had cards you needed in your graveyard,
or you could get back, like Squee. Oh, who am I
kidding? I suck.
suck rating: Sucktastic
Rating: 1
Rating: 1

Limited **
Constructed *
WOTC finally learned that direct damage is flat
our better than life gain. It took them
nearly 10 years... but they're catching on!
Pitching one card for a mere one damage isn't
nearly as efficient as other cards from Torment
like Narcissism and Compulsion. Pyromania
may be worthwhile in Limited to take out annoying
1/1's but that's about all Pyromania is good for.
Scratch that, Pyromania feeds Threshold if you
need it to. Too bad its random discard or it
might even work with Madness. =(

Gerhardt |
They took a card with great potential and turned it into something that will never be used in limited or constructed....
Limited: 1
Constructed: 1

John B
Hornberg |
Pyromania is a
terrible card, but not the worst of the 5 cards
like it, no, that title belongs to the black
version, who's name escapes me at the moment.
Still, Pyromania is an awful card, and will see no
play. I give it a 1 in constructed, an awful card,
and that's all that needs to be said.
In limited, it's damage, but
it's still bad. It'll go 12th to 15th, and will
not make many decks, only limited deck with red desperate
for removal... and they must be extremely desperate
too. In limited, a 1.5, because it's bad, but it
could be worse.