
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Nantuko Shade
Torment - Rare
BB - Creature Insect Shade - 2/1B:
Nantuko Shade gets +1/+1 until end of turn.
Pojo's Average
Rating -
3.52 (9 Ratings)
Limited: 3.53
(9 Ratings)
Reviewed January 21, 2002
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating.

Limited ***
Constructed ****
It's been a long time since Black has had a good
constructed weenie. This card could
definitely be the Black Knight replacement we've
all been waiting for, 2 mana for a 2 offense
creature is always a good thing. While
expensive, the Shade's pump ability is fantastic
for a deck commiting heavy to Black.
In constructed I gave the Shade a slightly lower
rating only because of the heavy requirement to
black mana. Most good limited decks require
2-3 colors to be good so coming up with all the
needed black mana could be difficult in that
environment.. Having said that, Torment is
the "Black" set so it may be feasible to
play decks that are very black mana orientated.
Even then, not exactly a "bomb"
rare by any means.

Gerhardt |
In limited, this card isn't bad at all. If
you can go black-heavy, it's a low casting cost
win condition. Even if it doesn't slap for a
lot every turn, people have to respect it's
pumping ability. Doing an easy 2 a turn and
being able to take out a fattie if blocked is not
Constructed might be where this guy shines,
though. People are going to try mono-black
after torment. This guy will be there in
quantity four. He's a vicious bear that will
go in for the kill on more than one
occasion. Look for him to be the shining
star in multiple decks.
Constructed: 4.0
Hornberg |
I like this card a lot. It will be a
good creature for black decks to play,
even though pumpers have never really been popular
in any format. Still,
the fact that this guy is a rare is kind of hard
to stomach for me, because
he looks like many common creatures do.
Still, I see him getting a decent
amount of play, and being a decent creature for
many black decks. I give
him a 3.5.
In limited, he's an awesome creature. Good
numbers, with a great ability,
and for a decent cost. But yet again black
gets outmanuveured in Torment by
everything else - the removal is still weak, and a
lot of the creatures are
still kind of blah at best. Everything else,
with the exception of green,
got a lot of great anti black stuff, not to
mention Hypochondria (Compulsion
for white with prevent 3 instead of draw a card).
So, because of the anti
black bias, I say this card can go early, but not
too early because of the
odds of something better being in the pack, and
there is a lot of better
things. He's still a force if he hits the
board, and for that, he gets a
4.25 in limited.

god this card isn't a common, cause it's dumb
good. This will definitely make constructed
black playable again, as it's got what black
needs - a very solid 2 drop. It's awesome in
limited too, since you can pump it to get over
the hump that is the blocker.
Rating: Better than Chopshop
Rating: 4
Rating: 4
Limited: ***^ (3 1/2 Stars)
Constructed: **** (4 Stars)
The Shade looks to be one of those cards that you
to open just for the sheer fact that it's probably
going to be one of those big chase rares.
Also, it
can definitely beat someone's face in without too
of a hassle. The fun only gets better in
since it's pretty ease to get a lot of black mana
pump him with, especially with some of the cards
coming in Torment. Another bonus is that he
easily turn away those annoying Finkels people
are so good.

guy looks pretty average to me. A 2/1 for BB that
can pump for B is not particularly different from
a long list of creatures that have had similar
abilities. But since this is the "Black"
set he may see more use than would be expected.
Additionally since the other colors creatures in
torment seem pretty lame, he may be very good in
the all Torment drafts at the pre-release and
after. BTW-Having read the unofficial spoiler it
is my opinion that all Torment draft will be worse
than Fallen Empires draft.
-Constructed 3 Block drafting-3 All Torment
Chapman |
Shade should one of the defining cards of the
set. Of the cards I've seen, this may be the
solid card of the list. Imagine for a
moment... Play
this bad boy on turn 2. Turn three, you
could be
swinging for 4 or 5 WITHOUT discarding anything
your hand. If mono-black becomes an
archetype, expect
this bad boy at the heart of it.
This should be a fine card in limited as well, but
quite as good due to the obvious presence of other
colors that will have to be played.
Constructed Rating: 4
Limited Rating : 3

In constructed this guy is poop.
In limited this guy is decent.
That's really all there is to say. Nothing
spectacular, pretty vanilla. he doesn't even
use the new mechanics.
Constructed Rating : 2.2
Limited Rating 3.5

is obviously the best Shade ever printed. I
think its actually
constructed quality, and will most likely see the
return of more
black-centric magic. In Limited, this guy is
nuts in a black/x deck and
would easily be a first pick. In Limited 4,
in Constructed a 3.