
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Last Laugh
Last Laugh
Torment - Rare
2BB - EnchantmentWhenever
a permanent other than Last Laugh is put into a
graveyard from play, Last Laugh deals 1 damage to
each creature and each player.
When no creatures are in play, sacrifice Last
Pojo's Average
Rating -
(7 Reviews)
Limited: 2.58 (7 Reviews)
Reviewed January 25, 2002
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating.

Limited ****
Constructed ***
Last Laugh definitely qualifies as a bomb for
Limited. Keep your fingers crossed for this
bad boy while opening your packs this pre-release
weekend! =)
Once again, this card proves my point that Torment
is all about finding ways to put cards into the
graveyard. Time to start doing your homework
looking for existing cards that have synergy with
this mechanic!

Gerhardt |
Review yet
Hornberg |
is an unworthy Pestilence. It has little
play value when compared to
the many other black cards in Torment that are
just better than this. Heck,
many Odyssey black cards are better than this.
Still, it can be mass board
clearing, and like many rares, this will be
broken, most likely by me. I
give Last Laugh brownie points for having a cool
name though, so it gets a
3. Actually, it's deserving of it, because i
can for see this card just
being rude, but more often stupid.
Breakable with Ichorid, now that I think about it
(Ichorid attacks for 3,
and sacs for 1 to everything because of Last
Laugh). Stupid, but
In limited, there's a saying that applies to this
card - "Board clearer's
are good." Yes, this ranks up there in
the first pick column, but
unfortunately, I don't think it will go any later
than 4th, because it is
mass removal, but the problem with it is that a
perminant has to hit the
graveyard first, and unless you have a way to sac
lands every turn, or have
lots of non 1/1 or 2/1 creatures. So, since
it is questionable mass
removal, I give it a 4.5, it gets docked an extra
.5 of a point because you
need to lose perminants for it to be any good.
One last comment about this card: "Don't
accept cheap knock offs, ask for
the real thing."

sure there are combos to make this work - and I
definitely see chain events happening - but
because of the pestilence effect (you and your
creatures) this makes this a little too
dangerous for anything but fun decks.
Game Rating: You're now "IT"
Rating: 1
Rating: 1

John B
No Review Yet
Review Yet

card appears interesting when you first look at
it. However, I have really not thought of a viable
deck idea featuring this card. It's casting cost
is to high to fit into a speedy creature rush deck
and the fact that both people get damaged make it
bad in slower control type decks. I guess it's
just a very poor version of pestilence.
best thing about this card is that it has a cool
1.5 Limited-1.5
batting average for the week-2 hits/5 at bats=.400
Overall a decent week.
Chapman |
Last Laugh? What's funny about it?
Maybe the limited
uses for this card, but that's about it. The
best use
I can find for it in standard is to change your
into a pinging nightmare, dealing a point of
during each player's upkeep.
I'm not sure this card has a very big influence in
limited, either. My advice, trade these to
people who
play in group games.
Constructed Rating: 1
Limited Rating: 1 (possibly with potential)

Ya know. Sometimes there are just some cards
you look at and know there has to be a way to make
them work. This is one of those cards.
The problem with it though, is that it
doesn't seem to work well as an additive to a
deck. It looks as though it will have to be
an important part to a deck that it is played in.
In limited I think this card has potential. It's
not huge, but can be good enough to a few
creatures out the way, depending on what your
opponent has, to come over for the win.
Nevertheless, this card is intriguing.
Constructed: 3.1
Limited: 3

Last Laugh is funny. Not
funny hah-hah but funny stupid. In group
this is very good. In normal Constructed and
in Limited, I don't see it
being very good. It MIGHT be good, but I
doubt it. 2's for both.