
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Wormfang Manta
Judgment -
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 1.70
(7 Reviews)
Limited:1.87 (7 Reviews)
Reviewed June 4, 2002
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

flyer with this much power is going to see -some-
play. Especially since you get to control the
negative impact it has on the game. It allows your
opponent to get two turns in a row when it enters
play, and you to get two turns in a row when it
leaves play. Smacking your opponent to death in
possibly 4 turns is rather nice possibility. Now
combine this with Vanishing in Extended and you
have as many turns as you want. Will this be
played? Yes. Will it be good? Maybe. Blue does
have a ton of free countermagic to protect it.
Maybe Grim Monolith might add for a turn 4 or 5
kill? Constructed a 2, Limited a 3.5 |

Another, more minor player in
the time that may become known as "combo
summer" in extended. This+(Vanishing or
Vodalian Illusionist)=One more turn for your
opponent this game. (The first extra turn that
you get is offset by the turn you lose when he
comes into play.) This is possible because
Phasing does not trigger comes into play
effects, but Phasing does trigger leaves play
After November, this combo
also leaves for the format that is type 1.
In limited, you get a large
power, but only one toughness. And allowing your
opponent to take an extra turn is almost never a
good thing.
Constructed: 2
Limited: 1
Wormfang Manta
Blech. Yes, there
will certainly be a great combo in the future
involving Wormfang Manta, but until then he's
pants. 5UU will mean you tapping all your mana to
play him, leaving your offensively-minded opponent
2 turns >without fear of counterspells to do as
they choose.
For the moment, it
doesn't go well with any constructed deck. In
limited, leaving your opponent 2 turns in a row to
attack is generally known as 'suicide'.
>Constructed - 2
>Limited - 2
John Hornberg
Wormfang Manta
Blech. Yes, there will
certainly be a great combo in the future involving
Wormfang Manta, but until then he's pants. 5UU
will mean you tapping all your mana to play him,
leaving your offensively-minded opponent 2 turns
without fear of counterspells to do as they
For the moment, it doesn't
go well with any constructed deck. In limited,
leaving your opponent 2 turns in a row to attack
is generally known as 'suicide'.
Constructed - 2
Limited - 2

Wormfang Manta
Let's see, a 6/1
flyer for 5BB that makes you skip a late game
turn (turn 7 or later generally) but you get an
extra turn when he leaves play. Lets see how
many things are bad about this card: 1) A blue
mage has to basically tap out to play him...bad
idea for the blue mage, particularly in the
current environment (R/G aggro, upheaval/tog,
speed black etc) 2) You give up a turn now (this
is bad for so many reasons it boggles the mind)
3) It is enormously overcosted (1 toughness for
7) and 4) there are many better ways for a blue
mage to wreck things for less cost (see
Spelljack, Aboshan, Laquatus blah, blah, blah).
So I guess this card goes into my suck rare
Constructed 1
Limited 1.5 (Maybe 2
with some ungodly sort of backup which I haven't
thought of yet.)

Until further notice
anything with the word "Wormfang" in the
title is only good for funky combo tricks and
trick decks.
Constructed: 1.9
Limited: 2.1

Wormfang Manta
I hear Manta, I think of the
old Aquaman cartoon and the Black Manta. He
sucked. He had to wear a helmet underwater to
breathe, which put him at a big disadvantage over
Aquaman. This card is at a big disadvantage
because of it's toughness and huge casting cost. I
do think that it'll be involved in some sort of
dumb combo deck to get infinite turns or
something. It's really not playable otherwise.
Limited: 1
Constructed: 1
Media tie in: Aquaman!


John B