
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Cabal Therapy
Judgment -
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 2.50
(8 Reviews)
Limited: 1.17 (8 Reviews)
Reviewed June 11, 2002
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

think this card is as good as Duress in the right
hands, and could be even more powerful. The power
to make your opponent discard 1 card, maybe 2,
maybe 3 or 4, I think this could be one of the
undiscovered gems. A 4.5 in Constructed, a 2.5 in
Limited. |
Cabal Therapy is
a great new innovation on discard. While this card
probably won't see much play in Constructed due to
the more consistent effect of Duress, Therapy will
indeed be a powerful block card, and will see play
in the Psychatog decks of that format. In Limited,
this card loses power due to the unpredictable
nature of your opponent's deck. Still, when played
with skill, it can be a powerful tool.
Constructed: 3 (4 in block)
Limited: 2
John Hornberg
It's not Duress, that's for damn
I don't like this card, not even supplemented
with other discard. It's more of a card for the
sideboard as a sort of combo buster.
Other than that, I don't see it being played
much, if at all outside of block. In block, it's
kind of blah, but it has possiblities. In
constructed, a 1.5. It again can be better than
that, but I don't see it being better than that
In limited, bleh. I wouldn't play it. It's a
very late pick, probably between 12th and last
pick. I give it a 1 in limited, less if I wanted
to at the moment.

This card is
interesting. it's not quite a Duress. However,
it's also not quite and Addle. It's
definitely unique. In the first game of a
match it's probably not that useful on in the
early stages of the game. Later in the match
though it might have some uses. In
constructed, I see a few people utilizing this
In limited, I'd probably just pass this along.
I might bring it in, if my opponent has an
expensive bomb (Cabal Patriarch or Ashen Firebeast)
that I am worried about. Even then, that
might be a stretch.
Constructed: 1.5
Limited: 1.2

Cabal Therapy
I think this is an
interesting card that works in combination with
other effects - like, Duress + this card are
pretty solid, but to make it worth playing, you
need to know more than one copy of the card you're
looking for is in their hand - which makes it nigh
unplayable in Limited.
Limited: 1
Constructed: 1
Gross picture rating: like a
Tool video

Constructed ****
In a well defined environment this card is a
savage assassin, stripping opposition of not only
key cards... but ALL of that key card!
Nothing is worse than Duressing away a ForF when
your opponent has another in hand.
Not only can Therapy take out multiples the first
time... it comes back for more! Flashing
Cabal Therapy after an innocent bounce spell or
even a lowly Peek can really ruin your
competitions day.

John B
Being able to
name a card correctly seems like it would be less
likely to hit than a Duress would, no matter how
in-tune to the metagame you are. Granted, when you
do hit it will be important. Still, how well do
you know your opponent's deck on the first turn?
The value of its 1 mana casting cost is
dramatically diminished by the fact that its usefulness
actually goes up during the first several turns.
Its other main advantage is that it can be flashed
back, and that upon an immediate flashback you'll
know the exact contents of their hand, but that
still involves using 2 cards to usually hit 1, and
one of those cards is an in-play creature,
representing an additional mana investment lost to
this "therapy". It would be more
powerful in a deck with Duresses and Mesmeric
Fiends, but will the metagame be control-oriented
enough to justify that much discard? I think not.
Even in block, where black control must make do
without Duress, you still have Skull Fracture
which I typically favor over this, especially
since black control isn't going to be flashing
this back often. Braids could flash it back, but
it doesn't need it as much. Skull Fracture may hit
a Madness spell on occasion while this will not,
but the rarity that that will happen when they can
pay the cost is easily worth the guaranteed card
parity, in my humble opinion.

Worthless in limited. This card could see play
in Black constructed decks as a follow up to
Duress or some other way to see what is in your
opponents hand, but I don't think it should see
much play apart from that.
Limited- 1
Constructed 2
