
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Morality Shift
Judgment -
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 1.28
(7 Reviews)
Limited: 1.33 (7 Reviews)
Reviewed June 17, 2002
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

this could target a player, it would be pretty
naughty. Instead its combolicious and will most
likely never see any limited play and only
moderate constructed play. Limited a .5,
Constructed a 1. |

An interesting
effect. You either want this to put a bunch of
flashback cards in your graveyard, or as a
Feldon's Cane type effect. Either way, it costs
too much mana. If there is a combo deck out
there, someone will use this in it. I doubt
there is though.
In limited, this
could be the Feldon's Cane in a time of great
need. I wouldn't play it though.
Constructed: 1.5
Limited: 1.75
John Hornberg
Mortality Shift
is an extremely funky card. It's effect is cool,
and always benefitial, especially with decks like
Rice Snax that can cycle incredibly fast.
Unfortunately, in constructed, I don't see it
being great, because it does cost 5BB. You'll be
dead or won't have control of the board before it
can be used in any useful fashion. In constructed,
a 2.
In limited, I don't know, I
have never actually seen this card in action. It
looks like it could be ignored in limited, because
it costs 7 mana, which is still a lot. Since it's
not a creature of ungodly size, or mass removal,
it can be passed on. I give it a 2, teetering on
It will be a rare situation
that it will see a great amount of play in this


This card
reminds me of Doomsday, if you play it right, you
can really make a good combo out of it. It does
cost a lot to cast, though. Using spells like
Intuition and Quiet Speculation, you can fill your
graveyard with all goodies.
Limited: 1
Constructed: 1
Casual Fun: 3

Constructed *
Lets face it, WOTC is due to ban this card any day
now. As soon as the killer combo of Morality
Shift and Sutured Ghoul is discovered by the pro's
it'll be all over folks.
(note: for all you poor bastards out there
who think I'm being serious and actually beleive
that two 7cc spells make a good combo... I truly
pity you and hope to get matched up against you at
my next constructed tourney.)

John B


My Morality is
just fine, but this card is not. Leave it in your
trade binders, or better yet, pass it off to the
next person.
Constructed: 1
Limited: 1
Morality Shift
7 mana to exchange the
graveyard and library? Morality Shift is
prohibitively costed, and almost unplayable as a
result. If I pay 5BB I want to win the game with
that card, not faff about and get Threshold at a
time when I probably already had it. Doubtless
someone will find a great use for this, but I'm
not touching Morality Shift until that day.
In constructed, there are a
few nice little tricks you can play with this, but
ultimately you can only play them too late. It's
more playable in limited, but Morality Shift still
doesn't do anything unless you find something cool
to combine it with.
Constructed - 1.5
Limited - 1.5