
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Ember Shot
Judgment -
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 1.28
(8 Reviews)
Limited: 1.81 (8 Reviews)
Reviewed June 20, 2002
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Lawing's rule, if it costs 7 mana, it better win
you the game. This can't even kill an Erhnam Djinn,
and most likely couldn't even kill a Wild Mongrel.
Compare this to Wildfire, or Obliterate, or other
stupidly expensive stuff, compare what it does,
and then don't play it. Cantrips matter early on,
later they are just nice. 1 in Constructed, 1.5 in
Limited. |

Let's see ... is it
really worth making a card a cantrip if it costs
you 4-5 mana to make it a cantrip? Not in
constructed, that's for sure. Play Volcanic
Hammer, Shock, and Fiery Temper, but _never_
play this in constructed. I don't care if it's
Judgment only constructed... you still shouldn't
touch this.
In limited, however,
this card does have a slight bit of hope going
for it. I'd only want to have to play one of
these, but removal is removal. Still, this is
pretty crappy.
Constructed: 1
Limited: 1.5
John Hornberg
Hmmm.... nice
thought, but Wizards truly missed the target on
this one no doubt about it. Cantrip burn would be
the best thing since sliced bread if its casting
cost was bearable. Unfortunately, no burn spell
that cantrips (and I don't count Browbeat) has
ever been truly worth playing.
Zap was a 3cc for 1 damage
and one card. Okay for limited, but definitly not
in constructed.
Wizards decided to try again
with Ember Shot, a 7cc for 3 damage and a card.
Basically, this card is 4 more mana for 2 more
damage when compared to Zap. First of all, red
needs nothing like this. It's sitting fine with
Fiery Temper, Volcanic Hammer, Violent Eruption,
Firebolt, and Shock for burn. This card gets the
last place in line, even behind Zap!
In constructed 0, because
Burn + Cantrip = Fun - 7cc = Crap on a Stick. This
card deserves no better a rating, and no breaks.
It is quite possibly the worst card for the
constructed format in Judgment.
Perhaps if it cost 3R or 4R
for the same effect. As it stands, though, your
opponent should be dead by turn 7 with any mono
red or Green/Red Beats deck.
In limited, it's not a high
pick. It is, however, a playable card. This card
will be your 21, 22, or 23 card in your deck. It
will help, but not enough to make a major
difference. In limited, a 2.

No review submitted

For some reason,
I can't ever bring myself to play this card. I
keep thinking it does good things, but honestly -
it doesn't do them FAST enough. I've died many a
time thinking that I wish I had more than 5 mana
on the table. I can see this working in a certain
style of deck, but I don't know that I want to pay
that style. I prefer the quick beats. There are
better finishers in the environment than this -
and a whole hell of a lot of ways to do 3 damage.
Limited 2
Constructed 0 (Pojo would
like to remind Mason the lowest rating is
"1", but we know what you mean).

limited **
constructed *
The 7cc is just too
restrictive for even a control deck... slapping
"draw a card" onto it doesn't make it
any better.

In case you had hope
for Red after Breaking Point along comes another
card to continue WOTC's screw red campaign (Cut
it out Randy !). This 7 mana instant (is it
really an instant if it costs 7 ?) which gives
you an effect that used to cost R or 1R plus
lets you draw a card (an effect that adds only 1
or 2 mana to the cost of spells in most other
colors) makes this card simply the most grossly
overcosted instant of Magic history.

Who thought of
this card?! A cantrip effect used to add 2
colorless mana to a pre-existing spell.
Lightning Blast costs 4 and
does 4 mana. So this costs 3 mana more and only
does 3, just to draw a card? On top of that,
when's the last time you saw Lightning Blast see
much play?
In Limited, it does have a
couple things going for it. It can take out a
creature, take out your opponent, its easily
splashable, and it draws you a card. Even
considering all that, I'd be hard pressed to play
this card.
Constructed: 2
Limited: 2
Doc Mackerel
Ember Shot
Red wants to play very
quickly, but Ember Shot makes you play very slowly
even to have the mana to afford it. Even if you do
get to 7 mana, the effect of 3 damage and a draw
is far overcosted. For that, I'd expect to pay
about 1RR or 3R. 6R is for game winners only.
In constructed play, you're
unlikely to have the resources to play Ember Shot.
However, that extra card will frequently be
crucial, and the 2 for 1 nature of Ember Shot is a
factor worth considering. The card is about as
good in limited, as it's more likely to be
affordable, but the cantrip is less vital.
Constructed - 2
Limited - 2.5