
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Thriss, Nantuko
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Limited: 3.60
(7 Reviews)
Constructed: 1.66 (5 Reviews)
Reviewed June 24, 2002
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

in limited obviously, but totally overcosted and
not worth a dime in constructed. A little kid card
at best. 3.5 in Limited, 1 in constructed. |

A nice fat creature,
but more often than not, I've seen him play more
defense with his ability than offense. In
constructed, once green hits this point, they've
typically got the game won. So I wouldn't
recommend this.
In limited, however,
he's all business. Changes the landscape of the
board dramatically. Again, I've seen his ability
used more for defense than offense, but it's
still not bad, not by a long shot.
Constructed: 2
Limited: 4.5

a while since we've had a fun green card to
review. This card is great fun. his
high casting cost is the only thing that
hamstrings him from making it into a lot of
constructed decks. If you can find a way to
get him out quickly, I'm sure he is almighty
On the flip side though, he is a great bomb to
open in limited. I almost got thrashed by
this guy on Saturday. I also found myself
wishing I had one in my deck Saturday! :)
Constructed: 2.8
Limited: 4.1

This guy is an
odd fish. Like, you want him to use his ability...
but he's a 5/5, so you want him in combat mucking
things up! So many options... I guess he's good
because he makes all your creatures better, and
hurst your opponent's ability to deal with them.
Not constructed playable, but pretty cool in
Limited: 3.5
Constructed: 1

This legend is
somewhat overcosted at 5GG so it is in the
highly suspect 7 mana category and it's value in
constructed is minimal due to the high cost.
Limited is a different story. I have seen many
limited games in the current block where once
this guy was out it was game over. The
difference seems to be the fact that in the
current block green has so many weapons that by
the time Thriss hits the board either the
opponent's life total is low enough or he has
used most of the type of removal needed for
Thriss on other threats. This last weekend in
team sealed one of my teammates used Thriss in
the main deck of a green/white build and lost
only 1 game when Thriss hit the board and helped
us go 5-0-1 to win a GP trial.