
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Dwarven Scorcher
Judgment - Common
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 2.72
(7 Reviews)
Limited: 1.92 (7 Reviews)
Reviewed June 26, 2002
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Week's Card Selector
I selected this card for COTD because I am very
curious as to what my fellow writers and our
readers think of this card. I recognize that it
is not a powerhouse but I believe that it is a
very useful card in the right deck. Many times
we review cards that are the big hammers and
sometimes we review cards that are real dogs but
I feel sometimes we don't review enough of the
average useful cards.
The Scorcher is another "Punisher"
card. A 1/1 for R that can be saced a la Mogg
Fantastic to do 1 damage to a creature unless
it's controller takes 2 damage. I see this card
as a solid choice in red sligh type decks or
pure weenie decks as a way to soften up the
opponents board and help make way for your
higher casting cost creatures like Skizzik,
Fledgling Dragon, and Firecat Blitz are all good
examples. He also can sneak through some early
damage which is always important for red decks.
He is somewhat weaker in limited due to the fact
that you are less likely to see as many of the
bigger threats and also because red is generally
a second or even a third color in the current
block for limited play.
Constructed- 3
Limited- 2

I'm not as good as Mogg Fanatic, but I still turn
90 degrees and do 1 point of a damage at least.
But, I'm still no Fanatic. 1.5 in Constructed, 1
in Limited. |

One of the cycle of
cards in Judgment (in Odyssey block really, but
most of them are in Judgment) that is referred
to as a "punisher" card. Not one of
the ones people usually think of, but I think
it's pretty good nonetheless. It's a one-drop to
start your sligh curve, and has an ability
eerily familiar to one of the greatest Sligh
creatures of all time (Mogg Fanatic). However,
the opponent can take 2 to counter the ability.
That makes it not quite as good, yet it'll
either most likely kill a creature or act as a Shock
to the opponent. Time will tell whether this
takes hold in constructed.
In limited, I don't
like this card as much. Yes, it can screw up the
math, but most of the time I see myself just
taking 2.
Constructed: 3
Limited: 2

a hiatus of too long, I'm back. :)
This is an obvious
one-drop for Sligh in OBC. He will come down
and dish some death early. When he's gonna
go, it's either a Mogg Fanatic, or 2 to the
dome. Very constructed worthy.
Kinda poopy in
limited. Where you don't have the arsenal
like you do in constructed, it's an unreliable 1/1
that might get to do 2 to the dome on the way
out. Not great.
- 3.25
Limited - 2
Current Price - $0.25

"fixed" Mogg Fanatic. As in
"neutered". This guy sucks. Mogg Fanatic
was playable in all formats. This guy is playable
in... none.
Limited 1
Constructed 1

Limited ***
Constructed ****
One of the few 1 drops worth
playing in Odyssey limited... just barely tho' as
the 2 damage the opponent can opt to take isn't
nearly as "punishing" as other punisher
In constructed there is
always room for an efficient one drop for Sligh
builds... Scorcher is no Jackal Pup or Mogg
Fanatic but pickers can't be choosers.

actually like this guy. In some ways he is
both better and worse than the infamous Mogg
Fanatic. This card does add an interesting
dynamic to the board when it is in play though.
It is definitely playable in constructed.
In limited, the card can be used and is a DECENT
one drop. I wouldn't take it early, but if I
got him with a mid to late pick he would most
likely make the cut.
Constructed: 3
Limited: 3