
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Firecat Blitz
Judgment - Uncommon
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 2.71
(7 Reviews)
Limited: 3.42 (7 Reviews)
Reviewed June 27, 2002
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

Week's Card Selector
I am intrigued by Firecat Blitz (FCZ) and
anticipate trying it in some constructed decks
to see what the fit is like. In theory this card
should be good in the Red Mage's mono-red deck
because it provides with a way to deal some
quick damage but seems even better as a
finisher. It's flashback cost at RR + Sacking
mountains seems a little high but generally any
mountains after the third or fourth are
extraneous (see, Fireblast). In limited the card
has proven to be a solid choice for decks
featuring red as a primary color (B/R, G/R) but
the RR casting cost keeps it from being viable
when red is just a splash color. Overall I see
FCZ as a decent choice but not really a game

= Firecat Blitz? No. Fireblast < Firecat Blitz?
No. Firecat Blitz still fairly cool? Yes. I'd definitely
draft, it, play it in a constructed
sligh type deck as a nice finisher. Turn 4 kills
are nice in any environment. 2.5 in Limited, 3 in
Constructed. |

A good card in
limited, but not in constructed.
In constructed,
there are too many ways to stop the tokens. And
the fact that they only live for the one turn
makes it worse. If they lived longer, maybe, but
not in its current form.
In limited, on the
other hand, I've seen this win many a game. I'd
pick this one pretty highly if I was playing red
in draft.
Constructed: 1.8
Limited: 4.3

In limited, it's a
blatant powerhouse. It's a X Burn Spell that
can get thrown down a couple times in one turn for
the kill. It's nasty, and it will force an
opponent within death range to play an
ultra-defensive game, fearing it.
In constructed, it's super combolicious with
Rites of Initiation, but in my opinion, kinda weak
when used in that regard. It does, however,
still present the "Burn Out" threat, and
I think might see some play in some Sligh-style
OBC decks.
- 3.5
Limited - 4.5
Current Price - $1.25

card is... Offense?
Firecat Blitz has nothing to do with defense at
all. It's all offense. In a time with
few worthy X spells, this is the next best thing.
Unfortunately, I have yet to see someone
effectively make use of the flashback.
In limited, you would think this is a great card.
It's a solid finisher, or you can use it as a
threat to put your opponent in danger range and
put them on the defensive. The flashback
might pay more of a roll in this format. I
let it go a few picks even when I know I'm playing
red, but I might take it on the second pass.
Constructed: 2.7
Limited: 2.9

A lot of players
are going to have to lose to this card before it
gains the respect it deserves. Very playable,
though fairly situational. A good 23rd card. It's
also part of some interesting combo decks,
Limited 3
Constructed 2

Review Not Posted Yet

Firecat Blitz is
a new twist on an old card. Will this pack as much
punch as it s predecessor, Fireblast?
No. Will it still see some
play? Yes. Sligh has an interesting new weapon. Or
is this more of a combo piece? I don't care what
you call it, because it kills you when it works.
In Limited, this works more
like an X spell to the head than anything else.
That means you play it and pick it fairly high, of
Contructed: 3.5
Limited: 4