
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Judgment - Uncommon
Pojo's Average
Rating -
Constructed: 3.36
(8 Reviews)
Limited: 3.28 (7 Reviews)
Reviewed June 28, 2002
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

Week's Card Selector
Although it is not as powerful as it's
gamebreaking cousins Glory and Wonder, Anger
seems to be a solid card in both constructed and
limited. I think this card will see at least
some play in both R/G and Mono red constructed
decks. It is particularly strong in the R/G
beats decks as cards like Mongrel make it easy
to get him into the yard and with the creature
dominance of OBC green Anger's ability to give
haste is extremely valuable.He fills essentially
the same role in both Limited and Constructed
formats. i think this is another solid card, not
a bomb but useful and playable.

1, Forest, Llanowar Elf/Basking Rootwalla/other 1
casting cost dude.
Turn 2, Mountain, Wild Mongrel, discard Anger,
attack for 4 (opponent at 16)
Turn 3, Forest, discard Arrogant Wurm, attack for
8 (opponent at 8)
Turn 4, Mountain, discard Roar of the Wurm, attack
for 14. (opponent dies
at -6)
Why yes, Anger is a fair
card. 4.5 in both limited and constructed. |

Ah yes, the Hasty
Incarnation. In a quick red/green deck, it can
be pitched to a Mongrel to allow it to swing
second turn. Fires of Yavimaya was played long
ago, but you have to compare this to Fervor
instead, since it can't give a bonus if need
be. Fervor hasn't been played much. I see this
getting more play than Fervor but much less
than Fires.
In limited, haste
isn't an ability you really need, so most of
the time, I would pass on this card.
Constructed: 2.6
Limited: 2

Haste can be brutal,
though often though of as a "Scrub"
ability. Anger I think has a place in a G/R
deck with Mongrels. Being able to pump your
mongrel, drop an Arrogant Wurm, and then
immediately serve with it is kinda ugly.
Grim Lavamancers work on the spot, as do Looters
when the deck hybrids with blue. Roar tokens
ATTACKING on turn 4 is ugly too.
In limited, it's good too. Everything
having haste forces defense, which is good in
limited. If an aggro deck gets put on the
defense, you probably win.
- 3
Limited - 4
Current Price - $1.00
John Hornberg
Anger has the potential to make for a good card,
especially in the right
Turn 2, Mongrel, discard Anger, swing for 3.
Follow that up by Arrogant
Wurm next turn, and you win rather fast.
Still, it can be a bad card if it gets stuck in
your hand, because a 2/2
haste for 4 is pretty crappy. This is the
major disadvantage to all the
incarnations, because the only decks that can
effectively put them in
the graveyard without having to play them is U/G
Madness or U/G
Threshold, because it can discard to either
Aquamoeba or Wild Mongrel.
So, Anger, unless your draw is really damn good,
it kind of crappy. He
still gets a 3 in constructed, but he can be held
back from being useful
if you don't get him into the graveyard early.
Many of the same conditions apply to Anger in
limited as well. The only
difference is that there are more creatures to
discard to in draft.
Therefore, he'll get to the graveyard
faster, and be more effective.
Problem: You won't get 4 Angers.
You'll get 1 occasionally, 2 if your
incredibly lucky. So, he's less effective
because you don't have the
numbers. He gets a 3 in limited as well.

future has a lot of Angry creatures! I love
this guy in constructed for aggressive decks.
I do have to say I would pass on this guy in
limited. Unless I was drafting a heavy
Red/Green deck, I think I would let him rolls on
Constructed: 4
Limited: 2.7

Anger is one of
my favorite new cards in the set. I'm a lifelong
red mage.
Like to burn things up, you
know. Anyway, Anger is part of the G/R deck that
can kill you on turn 4 with no problem, with an
average draw. Turn 2 Mongrel, discard anger,
attack for 3. Turn 3 discard Arrogant Wurm, attack
for 7. Turn 4, discard Roar of the Wurm, attack
for 13.
Limited 3
Constructed 3

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John B
Anger can't be used in all aggressive decks, but
make no mistake, it will be used. The
problem with Fervor was always that you had to
stop and pay mana for it BEFORE you played the
creatures, and that just makes it no longer
worthwhile, when inconsistencies are taken into
account. Anger, however, takes no mana to
discard most of the time, and so it fits in
perfectly with the strategy of a beatdown deck.
Sure, you have to have a mountain, so it's not
disgustingly powerful, but that's OK with me.
And if you get multiple copies, unlike Fervor, the
later ones can be overcosted creatures, so that
they aren't wasted.

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