
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Pojo's Average
Rating -
1.69 (8 Reviews)
Limited: 1.51 (7 Reviews)
Reviewed March 28, 2002
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

flavor text should say, "Break me, I dare
you." Its definately a combo card waiting to
happen. Until that point, it has a very narrow
scope. Because it doesn't say, "When
Transcendence leaves play, you lose the
game," its much better than the Lichs. But
its still not that playable. Broken rating?
Unknown. Limited 2. Constructed, 1. |

Peatross |
MANY WORDS. Essentially this card is... poop? If
you take 10 damage (and were at zero life) then
you lose. The only way to make this work is with
another card that you can use to lose life,
but then you gain it back... AUGH.
Rating: -43
Rating: 1
Rating: 0

First my apologizes
to my readers for not submitting yesterday.
Suffice to say that collecting unemployment in
Texas is worse than getting a job. Now on to
today's card, Transcendence.
First, I don't have
a great understanding of this card. So at least
today I have an excuse for being dumb instead of
just my lack of skills. But I do have a crazy T2
idea in my head about playing white weenie with
this at Regionals. I'm sure the other Texas
Guildmages will talk me out of it but...who
knows. Under a very specific set of deck build
rules this card can be good in constructed. BUT
the cost is huge and it is virtually unplayable
unless you know those rules. I asked my friend
Bil Payne to write those up for me but he hasn't
gotten around to it yet so you probably should
just ignore it altogether.
In limited it is
just to expensive and very much too limiting.
Constructed 1.5
Limited 1
US Nationals
Qualifier Tip for Today- Build your own deck. I
have missed one regionals since 1996 and I can
tell you that if you want to go to Disney in
July and you aren't already invited then ignore
net decks, Not the ideas behind the deck but the
card for card duplication of them. I have seen
tons of people get down to the last few rounds
and lose because they didn't understand how to
sideboard the latest net craze. Although there
are a few exceptions you should always build
what you understand.

I can't even give an
honest review of this card. It has so much
potential, but hasn't been used and abused yet.
In limited, you definitely take it. Maybe
you take it with a 4th or 5th pick.
Constructed: 2.8
Limited: 2.6
I completely
think this card will be broken at some point, but
I thought that of Delaying Shield, too. It's
easily based on combo, but what will it work with?
In Limited, it just doesn't
work. Trust me, I tried. Constructed: 3 (with
Limited: 1 (with no further

John B
None of the
combos with Transcendance are realistic in a
format they are legal in. As far as I can see, the
only practical way to use this card is as a
freakish lifegain spell, much like Crumbling
Sanctuary. 2

Limited *
Constructed *
Some joker will try to
figure out some way to turn this card into a
killer combo. Some joker will waste a bunch of
time and eventually fail.

this card reads, "Your life is now 20-x,
where x is your previous life total." It may
have its combo uses, and yes, you can again
reverse its effect again by
bouncing/Disenchanting/etc. it, but that would be
another 4 slots dedicated to a nearly useless
In limited, it gives you the
same lifegain trick. However, the potential 15-19
life swing this card would give you is a little
better here than in constructed.
Constructed: 1.25
Limited: 2